~Training and A Farewell Feast~

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Marsh Hather - District One

There are two people from my district who made it to the big Games: Cami and Calvin. When I first arrive at our floor they're right there. "Hi," they both say. Cami is short and thin; she has long dirty blonde hair and freckles. Calvin is tall and he has mud-coloured brown hair and blue eyes. I say hi back and then the escort Aviana comes over and shakes my hand excitedly. There are also our two mentors, they introduce themselves as Liam and Bree.

It's a little weird to be here. I mean, they just add a twist and expect us to be at the square right away for the reaping? And I was the lucky winner. Now I'm here. I was not expecting to be in the Games. But we have to.

After I get settled in and eat, Aviana and I take the elevator down to the training rooms to do one day of training. One day! It's not really fair, the twelve survivors get opening ceremonies and three days of training and interviews, but all we get is one day of training. How do they think that's fair?!

I step off the elevator and walk inside. Surprisingly, most of the tributes aren't there. I mean it is only 9:54. The tributes that are here are by themselves and nobody is talking. We don't know anyone! The rest of the tributes arrive and the head trainer says a few things to us.

The first station I head to when she lets us go is knives. A knife is my weapon of choice. As I'm throwing knives at different targets, I'm joined by Dove from District Six. "Hi," I say as she grabs her knife. "Hey," she says back. She stands beside me and starts throwing hers. After we're done she suggests we go to knot-tying. I agree and we walk over there.

The leader of the station demonstrates a simple knot and then Dove and I get to try. "Are you ready for the Games?" Dove asks me. "Well I mean not really," I say. "Yeah me either. Who is?" She asks. "True," I agree with a laugh. "Why don't we be allies? It'll up our chances of making it," suggests Dove. "Sure." I smile. Dove smiles back. I'm glad a found an ally.

West Kiels - District Eight

At training, I form an alliance with Marcus from District Five and Brooklyn from District Three. Marcus could've had a day off but I guess he decided to get some extra training in. Brooklyn's really strong and brave, and you don't wanna cross her. Marcus is annoying and full of himself. And now I'm in an alliance with them.

After training I take the elevator back to my floor. The escort Daisy, the mentor Clyde, and the tribute who made it into the big Games, Ashton, are in the living room. "Hi, West," they all say. "Hi," I say back, sitting down next to Ashton. "So, all of the tributes have been invited to a farewell feast at six o' clock," Daisy tells me and I nod. Cool!

In about an hour, we get ready to go down. At 5:55 we take the elevator down. There are six tables with four chairs at each set up in the room. Brooklyn, Marcus, and I meet up and take three seats at one table. Holly, Sky, Jordan, and Calvin sit at one, so do Cami, Jacklyn, North, and Cove. Ashton, Trevor, and Hudson sit at another. Ariel, Noa, and Willow take three seats at a table. Drake sits at the table with Ariel, Noa, and Willow. Dove, Marsh, Griffin, and William take one table. Tate joins Ashton, Trevor, and Hudson so that leaves Coast with us.

The first course is warm bread glistening with butter and a salad. My table doesn't talk as we eat. Beside us, the table with Holly, Jordan, Sky, and Calvin, they're talking about how much fun they had today. Of course they are. They got to shop and visit the Capitol stores and stuff while we had to train. Anyways, most tables are chatting and laughing with each other, while my table is just silent.

When our second course comes, I decide someone needs to say something.

"So, who's excited for the Games?" I ask cheerily. Everyone stares at me blankly. Crap. Wrong thing to say, West. Could I possibly be more stupid? Marcus is looking at me like, Why did you say that? I glare at him and mouth, Well nobody was talking! Coast is looking at us like we're the weirdest people ever. I shrug and take a bite out of the second course, pigs in a blanket.

Finally, when the third course comes (which is steak), Brooklyn starts up a conversation about our weapons and strengths. "I can do wrestling, archery, knives, spears, and knot-tying," boasts Marcus. Coast snorts quietly. Marcus glares at him. "Coast what's your weapon?" I ask to stop an argument. "An axe," he replies. "Cool, mine's a spear," I say. Coast nods and then asks Brooklyn her strengths.

"Knives and climbing trees," Brooklyn answers. "Oh, I didn't expect that," says Coast. "What do you mean by that?" Asks Brooklyn. "Girls don't usually do that kind of stuff is all," Coast says. But what makes it even worse is Coast said that loudly, so everyone heard. And the girls look angry. Some look like they want to get out of their chair and slap Coast. Girls can be scary. I calm Brooklyn down but it doesn't really help. She stays mad at Coast for the rest of dinner.

After we're done, Ashton and I take the elevator back up to our floor. "How was it?" Asks Daisy. "Good," we reply. After a few more questions, we all head down to our rooms. I lie in the darkness, thinking about what is to come tomorrow.

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