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The moment Kaya sprung at Toutelé, the spirit disappeared into thin air, then reappeared behind her. Kaya didn't let that deter her and charged again. The spirit dodged this time and summoned a gust to blow the Elementida back.

When Kaya tried to sit back up, her arms were stuck to the ground by rock shackles. Kaya cursed and struggled to get free, but to no avail.

'Are you done?'

Kaya leered at the irritated spirit. She tried to control her shaky breaths; Toutelé still fully resembled the Leere that haunted her dreams. She knew they were different people, but the spirits were to blame for the rules that had ruined Kaya's childhood. She wasn't going to let that slide.

'You know, I thought now that you were actually back, you'd be, you know, normal. Now I almost miss your old version.'

'It's all your fault,' Kaya spat out.

'I'm not Sorita or De— Gadeden, you're going to have to be a lot more specific. Urgh, mortal languages are so irritating.'

'If you spirits really created the universe, then you must be responsible for giving us powers, so why then steal them away?'

'We didn't choose to, it just kind of happened. All of a sudden, people just sort of latched onto our magic and snatched it. So, we got the Leere to fix that.'

'To fix that?' cried out Kaya. 'Losing a power can destroy someone's life! It can break a person.'

'Then is the flaw with us or the frailty of one's character? Most powers are taken away at a young age or promptly after their appearance. There is not much time for attachment. That is, unless one broke the rules and dodged through the net. Then, I do believe, it is more their own fault.'

Kaya longed to shout at her, to argue further, but there was some truth in that. Kaya had avoided the rules for so long and the price had been great.

'Before you think of another injust accusation to throw at my feet, I want you to remain vigilant. You don't want the war, so keep your eyes peeled. It surprising what you can find within a person's soul.'

Kaya frowned in confusion, but before she could pose any questions, the bridge between realms collapsed. The rather simple room was replaced with Toutelé's room in the aedrum. It was bright and colourful, painted in stark colours. The walls showed her myths and the display pieces represented the elements. While most of them were rather plain, the centerpiece couldn't help but amaze. It was an ornate carving of a tree out of polished wood, bearing fruits embellished with the elements' symbols in escript, the alphabet of the spirits.

Tiredly, she stood up and left. She wasn't planning on falling asleep again, but such things were easier said than done and she feared she'd meet Toutelé again if she remained there. Carefully, she crept out of the room. To her surprise, the Chèr was still there and awake.

'Is this where you sleep?' Kaya wondered out loud.

'I need to lock the aedrum when you're all done,' explained the Chèr.

Kaya bade him goodnight and exited the aedrum. Eight guards were stationed outside and two offered to accompany her back to the palace. She sharply declined. She wasn't taking self-defence classes for no reason.

Back in her room, she sat in the chair with a book about alligators. This was her fourth time reading it, but she still found it interesting enough to keep her awake. At least, it had succeeded the last three nights. That and an unhealthy amount of caffeine.

♤ ♤ ♤

A thousand flowers bloomed and trees grew new leaves. The last patches of snow were no longer welcome. What good was a small heap for playing in? The local children longed for endless green fields. Shula Aysun Kaya obliged them. She placed her small patterned hand into the snow and summoned fire. When it vanished, the other kids cheered.

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