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As confident as she pretended to be, Arcane hadn't been to many balls. When she'd gone to one, she'd either been abroad or sneaked out with Merari's help. They'd always been small affairs to ensure word didn't get back to her father, even though he may not have cared, so this was unfamiliar territory. She felt pretty nervous, but she was going to make sure nobody else realised that.

She regretted approaching the Chèr though because he immediately used her to escape attention himself. 'Ah, may I present Arcane Astrae Bay and Emilee Sato? The latter's Ellux's representative.'

In no time, the swarm buzzed around the two girls, allowing the Chèr to run away. Since Emilee was rather modest and shy, it was down to Arcane to make a good impression for them both. She shook hands, curtsied, smiled, exchanged pleasantries and kept up appearances best she could. It was tiring and unpleasant, so she was glad when Merari came through.

'Can't you see you're overwhelming them? Give them some space! They deserve to enjoy the party too.'

People shot Merari downcast glances, but her statement had the desired effect. Slowly, the crowd dissolved and Arcane finally had room to breathe. Emilee was also relieved, but panicked that they'd offended them.

'Oh, relax a bit. They're more thick-skinned than that, especially if they're the type of people that bombard people that are clearly uncomfortable with so much attention - well, one at least. Either way, it's me they'll dislike for it, not you two.'

Arcane gave her best friend a gentle squeeze. 'You're a life saver, really.'

'I know, that's why I try to endanger enough lives to maintain the balance of the universe.' She paused, then added, 'Please don't feel under pressure to dance with my brothers.'

'Oh, I'd rather dance with someone like Isadore than have to waltz with some older man that's ogling at my underage body. Besides, I bet half the people who ask me to dance just want to boast that they danced with an Eseterrian.'

Merari raised an eyebrow. 'What makes you think my brothers are any different? They know you too well to want to court you, so they just want bragging rights.'

'Yes, but at least they're makeshift family, y'know. Oh, speak of the devil.'

Isadore gave a small, stiff bow. 'May I have this dance?'

Arcane faked offense. 'You just want to dance with me to impress girls.'

He stiffened up, blushing slightly. 'Well, not quite-'

'He's bi, Arcane. He's got a crush on this boy and is too scared to ask anybody who might think it's flirting.'

'I was going to let him dance with me anyway,' she sniffed, 'But I guess now I have even more reason to say yes. Let's make all the guys and gals fall for us.'

They took the floor, gracefully twirling round. Arcane enjoyed the formality in their dancing, she didn't like the idea of somebody making a pass at her while waltzing. After years of ballet, dancing was something where any flirtation should be an act in her opinion. She preferred focusing on the music to getting lost in a pair of handsome eyes. That way the dance itself got the appreciation it deserved.

It seemed Kaya was taking a similar approach. Crushing a prince's toes had clearly unlocked a certain appreciation of the art of the waltz in the tiny girl. Arcane couldn't help but smile to herself, they looked rather comical thanks to Kaya only being 4'7". Still, at least she was doing better than in lessons, though Arcane also got the impression Prince Sutoku was a better actor than Mattice.

The third waltz began and Arcane let Isadore escort her from the dance floor. She wasn't sure whether she'd dance again that evening, maybe she'd try with Merari. Regardless, it was time for Merari to be upgraded from tea buddy to champagne pal.

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