A/N - Info

46 5 17

So, uh, deadline was today (except for Ploot who gets special privileges because she's helping me out) and basically everyone's accepted. There's one person where I haven't commented on the form yet because I'm currently toying with an idea for her so... Yeah.

I'm considering not doing a connections chapter for sides, but I probably will. Either way, it'll be optional whether you do connections for sides. I'm more likely to just do what I want for the plot there. Idk, if you guys want connections for sides, could people send summarised personalities. I legit cannot believe how much effort you put into forms. It's amazing.

I may get in touch with people asking them about certain characters in people's backstories/family. You can just hand me messing around rights or give me a short summary of their personality. Don't worry, it won't be everyone.

I will not be tagging everybody on every chapter because characters won't show up in every chapter. I am currently writing chapters in first person and always specific to one mainie. I'm considering having some characters have their chapters in third person... Would that be too jarring?

This may be a trilogy. I know that's bold of me when I struggle to finish one book, but I have ideas. Admittedly, they're vague ideas, but they feel cool and like they'll hurt readers, so that's good.

Unless people specifically want them, I might leave the upsetting content warnings. Idk, it feels stupid when I'm putting it on every chapter because I accidentally go angsty. If people would appreciate them or want trigger warnings for specific things, then let me know and don't feel bad about it. You are not a burden. Either way, I can warn people now that there will be toxic (emotionally abusive and manipulative) relationships as well as people not being true to their romantic and sexual orientation (no sexy stuff though, most will be kissing). There will be some traumatic events and PTSD (that's partly you guys' fault). I'm not sure about anything else yet.

We have Pinterest! Yeah. That's it.

I may change minor details. That's usually because I felt uncomfortable writing it or because plot.

There will be no romance between the Eseterrians. We need more platonic relationships in media. So yeah.

I'm probably forgetting something, I had a lot of internal notes. If I update this chapter, that's probably why.

Expect the first chapter sometime soon, but I want to prioritise Heroism (even though I'm currently freaking out about not having planned character arcs for that). Also, could Arti and Millie do their connections please.









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