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Waking up always happened too soon. Arcane turned sideways in her bed, groaning and pulling the cover higher. She could feel cool air on her toes. Clearly she'd tugged a little too hard.

She was confused for a moment. Hadn't she fallen asleep in the aedrum? But then she remembered her awkward hello-nice-to-finally-meet-you with Gadeden and the tired walk back in the pitch black night. When she'd collapsed in her soft bed, she'd fallen asleep within minutes.

Arcane opened the deep blue and ornately carved wardrobe. She pulled out a puffy shirt and some dark brown trousers of the kind she wore everyday they didn't have any plans that included a crowd. The general court dress code still meant dresses or at least frills and skirts, but Arcane often pulled out the exotic card.

Her father would have loved to have left his children in a little boarding school far away or with a governess, but it had often proved cheaper to bring them on business trips. So Arcane had seen the wider world, travelling from country to country. She'd been to Caelos where she had tried the local sport of cloud hopping. She'd been to Soustren where she had snacked on local sweet treats and had explored the forests. She'd been in Clamintos where she had learnt how to scare off beasts and combat bloodsucking insects. Pants had been accepted, even encouraged there. She'd been the foreigner in court, a normal girl, the rich traveller all the kids hated. She hadn't minded. It had felt like a game, slipping into a new role each month. Besides, it had been a break from Cines.

Something caught her eye, like light catching on glass. In fact, it was precisely that. She stared at the little bottle of green liquid and lifted it so that the light shone on it. There was a small tag.

To stay hidden.

Arcane froze. Her first instinct had been right. She knew precisely what this brew was. Of course there was a possibility that it was poisonous, but she took a sip nonetheless. Her power was worth the risk.

Eager to get away from the palace, Arcane headed out of her room. Upon seeing a pair of antlers, she froze in her tracks. 'Hello?'

A girl spun around, her skirt that barely stayed on twirling around. 'Oh, hello! You must be Arcane? Merari told me all about you.'

Arcane paled a little, shocked by the empty eye socket. She tried to ignore it, but suspected the stranger was used to it. Between that and her antlers, she was bound to draw unwanted attention.

'I'm sorry, who are you?'

'Sabrina Edris. I came in yesterday. I'm, uh, new.' She waved shyly. 'This is going to sound really weird, but are you okay? You look like something's bothering you.'

Arcane frowned. Had she been visibly worrying? She'd thought she'd had her best courtier's face on.

'Thanks for letting me know I come across that way.'

'Oh, you don't. I mean, it wasn't super visible. It was just the way you were slightly slouched and kept slightly sucking in your lower lip.'

Arcane couldn't help but be a bit impressed. 'Are you into that Eastern trend... psychology?'

'Not really. I guess I'm just good at reading people...' Sabrina shrugged indifferently, then smiled. 'Well, don't worry, I don't expect you to spill your heart out to a stranger. Though, if you ever want to talk, I am here of course.'

That was both unexpected and slightly appreciated. She wasn't pushing Arcane to confide in her or anything, which was a welcome change from most people she grimaced in the presence of. Then again, they weren't already Eseterrians, they simply hoped a close friendship with one would rise them up in the world.

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