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Hongjoong tries remembering if he has met Claudia before, but this was really their first encounter, to him at least.

“I'll give you a hint. I can see you but you can't see me” Something clicks in Hongjoong's brain.

“You're the one whose been spying on me these past days” He stares at her in disbelief. That explains why he felt like someone was staring at him, but when he looked around no one was there.

“That's right, but it wasn't just you who I've been spying on”

Claudia turns her eyes to look at Seonghwa. She uses her sword to lift the prince's chin, forcing him to look at her. A smirk spreads on her face.

“Have you ever stopped and thinked on what was the real reason on why did Seonghwa here wanted to reveal your guys relationship to his parents?” She glances at Hongjoong who was looking straight at her.

“It's because he had already revealed your little secret to others”

The blond's eyes go wide. He looks at his lover to see if what she was saying was all just lies. But he sees his face look so defeated, tired, and regret.

“Seonghwa? Is it true?”

“Eden hyung and Aunt Sooyoung knew- I swear I didn't tell them! They just found out! Hongjoong please you need to trust me!”

“That was also what he did when you two went to the lake, but look what happened, he fell off the cliff. He almost drowned and died” Hongjoong wishes it wasn't true, Hongjoong wishes to believe that this was all just a set up, He wishes for all of it to just stop.

He looks down to the floor. Suddenly he feels his body become heavy and his mind just goes blank. He felt so tired of everything for some reason. Claudia sees this and orders her men to drop him. From what she knew, the servant couldn't even hurt a plant.

“Isn't this just horrible, but don't worry, I could just end all of this with one pull of a trigger” As she aims the gun in the direction of Hongjoong, ready to shoot. An arrow flies past her face, missing her by a few inches.

“Damn it, I missed!”

At the ballroom entrance, there stood the couple's friends. The one who shot the arrow? It was Yeosang who had a quiver wrapped around him and his bow in hand. They make their way towards them with the determination of saving the prince and servant from getting killed.

“Hyungs! Don't worry! We'll save you! We also brought more reinforcements!” Yunho yells. And then they see more guards come into the room, but the thing is. They weren't the guards from the Park Kingdom. Their uniforms were different to others, meaning they came from different kingdoms.

“I'm afraid that won't be necessary, because it's time for your friends to die!” Claudia looks back to the couple, but sees no one aside from her men that laid lifeless on the flood in their own blood slowly pooling around them.

“Looking for us?” Behind her was the couple. Seonghwa with a sword in his hold and Hongjoong held a dagger. Good thing the blond did picked up a few things from watching his lover's sword practice. Claudia's face had a shocked look at first, but it was immediately replaced with anger.

“Just because it's an uneven fight doesn't mean you'll ultimately win” She growled.

“I don't know about that, let's find out shall we?”

The couple ran to her with their weapons ready to attack, and Claudia doing the same. All three had nothing else in mind but just wanting to finish all of this once and for all. Seonghwa took the right side while Hongjoong took the left side of the woman. Claudia blocks the prince's sword from hitting her and knocks it back, giving her time to switch to the servant and block his attack. Yunho, the others, and the guards on the other hand, went ahead and finished off the remaining enemies.

Just as the couple thought that they finally wore Claudia out, she exchanges her gun that she held with her left hand for a round potion bottle with a familiar looking blue liquid in it.

“You two may fight fine, but let's try something different shall we?”

Claudia manages to kicks the couple's weapon away from their hands, and smashes the bottle near her feet. They watch as the liquid quickly turn into a blue fog that covers about half of the room. Things escalate quickly as the couple loose sight of the woman and worse yet, each other. Nothing else can be seen except for the thick blue fog around them. Seonghwa squints his eyes and fans the smoke away to have better vision of what could be in front of him. It wasn't long before he sees a dark figure coming closer to him. He doesn't move incase it could be either Hongjoong or Claudia that was coming close, but he hopes for it to be Hongjoong.

It wasn't Hongjoong.

Now standing in front of him with a gun pointing at his forehead, Claudia smirks at the prince's defenseless self.

“I'm done with the games Seonghwa! You're at the end of the line now”

Before she pulls the trigger, Hongjoong comes up from behind her. He wrestles her for the gun, trying to get it out from her hands. At that point Seonghwa joins them at the tug of war. The more they struggle the more the fog starts to fan out, making it turn more mist-like. After a minute of pulling with the revolver, Hongjoong's hands slip off of the gun while Claudia just pulls the trigger hoping to hit someone.

Everything stops.

At the sound of the gun going off, a ringing sound follows not after. It rings in all of their ears, it becomes silent, and it felt so suffocating to be in. That is, till they hear a thud. All Seonghwa sees now was Hongjoong's body slowly fall to the ground with a gunshot wound to his shoulder as blood comes gushing out of it. Seonghwa snaps.

With Claudia still in his hold, he immediately steals the gun and just shoot her straight to the heart. He may feel the guilt later, but now he only feels the heaviness in his heart. As he sees the woman's body fall to the floor, and that when he knew that her eyes held no more life in them, he ran to Hongjoong.

With the mist that Claudia released gone, the prince could see the fresh wound clearly as he held his lover's body close to him. The iron bullet rested in his left shoulder, the blood fell painstakingly slow, and the servant's eyes were doing their best to stay awake.

“Joongie, don't close your eyes yet, love” He coaxed. With some leftover strength in him, the raven-head picked up the blond to get him treated. Hongjoong let out a small pained scoffed. “L-love? Tha-that's a f-first” His voice started becoming into a whisper as he was so close to blocking out the whole world for a moment.

“I like it though” As they entered the castle clinic, Seonghwa puts Hongjoong down on a bed.

“Seonghwa... I l-love... You” That was the last thing he said before his eyes gave up and closed. The prince brushes his thumb over the younger's cheek.

“I love you too, my personal servant”

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