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"Come on Joong, we don't want be late for your first day!" Maddox yelled from the front door. "Coming!" Hongjoong replied as he met up with the older outside, not forgetting to close and lock their home.

Years passed since the two first met and things couldn't have been better. On the day that Maddox allowed the boy to live with him, he also explained what he does for a living. The man was not just a servant from a castle, he was the HEAD of the castle servants for the Park family, THE royal Park family. Hongjoong would be lying if he said wasn't shocked by the news. Now since the blond lived in a small village that was outside the walls of the kingdom, he only knew little things about the family. About how the king and queen only had one son... And that was about it. But from what his Maddox hyung told him, they seem nice and great rulers especially the prince.

According to Maddox, the prince's name was Seonghwa and that he is a hard-working, kind, and handsome prince. Hongjoong also got told that he and the prince were about the same age, and that they were both stubborn when it comes to work. Which is the reason why Hongjoong and Maddox were headed to the castle that moment.

Maddox felt a bit guilty by leaving the blond at home most of the time when he was younger, but that changed when Hongjoong turned eighteen. The elder surprised the blond with a trip and tour of the castle. And from then on, the blond frequently visited the palace and got know some of the staff and learned how things worked there, and so now Hongjoong was going to be working there.

Maddox did worry a bit because of the younger's past, but to Hongjoong, he thought it was a wish come true of his.

"Now since it's your first day and that I may have played favorite, I have three task that you get to pick from" Maddox said as they greeted other servants that were early, and that they made their way to the older's small study.

"Hyung, I told you not to play favorites just because I live with you and you're basically my guardian" The blond stated, placing his bag of things in a cabinet in the room.

"Well too bad, so you want to work or not?" He shot back, while grabbing a scroll that contained all of the task that needed to be done today.

"Fine, let's hear them"

"Right. First, you could help out by changing the flower vases of this and the upper floor. Second, you could go to the library and sort out the books for the librarian, and lastly..."

Maddox paused for a moment, and looked at the younger with a not so sure look on his face, to which Hongjoong got curious about and was expecting for his hyung to continue with his list.

"And lastly what? Come on hyung, spit it out"

"You could become the prince's personal servant since he's been firing almost every single one he has, but it's your choice so..."

Becoming the prince's personal servant? Hongjoong wasn't all so sure about that one. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind being the prince's servant at all. It's just that he has heard the rumors about the prince and his relationship with his past personal servants; some say he's so uptight on how the servants do their job or how others just use the opportunity to get close to him, to which it will soon lead to them getting fired by the prince himself. So maybe the last task was not the way to go.

"I'll take the first two. I don't think I could handle the last one hyung" He said in a sorry tone.

Maddox looked at the blond and smiled softly. "Don't worry Hongjoong, I get it. I'm not pressuring you on anything, I was just asking since I'm just having trouble with assigning his Highness a new servant every time he gets rid of the old one " Hongjoong only nodded at his hyung's reason.

"Oh! look at the time. You could start with any of the two, I'll just see you some time later, alright?"

Before Hongjoong could reply, the elder already left the room in a rush, leaving Hongjoong alone to decide which task he will tackle first.

"Flowers it is then"


Arranging the flowers back to its new vase, Hongjoong hummed in satisfaction as he pushed a cart to move on to the next vase.

There weren't many servants nor maids around, the guards that he would pass were doing there job of standing like a statue, and Hongjoong hasn't broken any vases. It was a rather peaceful day to be working. Well, it was a peaceful until Hongjoong started to hear voices coming from the door up ahead. Knowing full well that he shouldn't listen to the conversation and that he should mind his business, he went against those thoughts and listened in just to satisfy his curiosity.

"I thought I told you clean my desk?" The man's voice was deep and dominating, and that it had a slight tone of anger as it rose a tone higher with each word. Probably trying not to combust and snap at the other person they were talking to.

"I did clean it" It was another man's voice. His was a bit younger and confused, and it sounded a bit annoyed.

"This is not clean; you just shoved the things to the side or stuffed them in the drawer, you didn't even dusted or wiped the desk down!" The man was close to losing it.

"Hey! I at least did it, your Highness" The servant sasssed.

'Your Highness?' Hongjoong thought.

"Yes, but your job is to do things properly" His Highness stretched the last word, trying to get his point across to the other as he sighed. "You know what, this has gone far enough. You are fired!" The man yelled.

"Fine! I was starting to get irritated by you anyways"

Hongjoong then heard footsteps getting closer, so he quickly went back to 'pretend' being busy with the vase he was originally fixing. Which it work since the servant that got fired passed him. Thinking that that was enough eavesdropping for today, Hongjoong turned to the other direction to finish the vases that were at the end of the hall. But he bumped into something, more like someone.

"P-Prince S-Seonghwa"

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