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The sunrise was on it's way to the sky, a big ball of dazzling light that signaled for a new day, the cool crisp air that infiltrated every nook and cranny that it could it hit, and the warmth that Hongjoong could feel as he slowly started to wake up.

He feels the soft blanket around him, the coziness of the bed, and the tender hold of an arm around him.

'Wait, an arm!?' He thought.

Blinking his eyes open, he ubruptly sat up from the bed that he was in and couldn't believe what he woke up to. Hongjoong was in Seonghwa's room, in his bed, and in his arms? He can't possibly fathom how he got in this place nor this situation. Before he could continue questioning everything, he hears the blankets shuffle and move. Seonghwa, who felt the sudden movement next to him, started opening his eyes. Only to see the younger staring at him, he was about to go back to his slumber but remembered every single thing that happened yesterday and shot up from where he laid.

“Hongjoong, oh thank god you're awake. Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you need something?” He bombarded the blond with questions that he desperately needed answers from. He still feels guilt bubbling inside him, and in order to at least get rid half of it, he needs to apologize to his servant.

“Slow down your High-” The older gave him a look because of the name, and the younger sighed. “I mean Seonghwa, please slow down... Yes I'm fine, a little tired but fine nevertheless”

The raven-head felt relieved hearing the blond say that he was fine, he didn't know what he would do if the other said that he wasn't fine.

“That's good... So do you remember what happened yesterday?”

Hongjoong tried recalling the events that took place yesterday, and to his luck, he remembered it all. The prince taking him to the cliff, him walking closer to the edge, and him feeling like he was falling.

“Did I really fell from the cliff?” The thought alone gave him a shiver that ran down his spine. If he really fell, then how was he still alive?

“You did. I thought that you were going to swim back up, but when you didn't I went after you, you were nearing the bottom of the lake so I got a hold on your wrist then brought you back up. You were breathing when I placed you on shore but you were shivering so I-”

Seonghwa stopped his rambling when he felt smaller arms around him. Hongjoong was hugging him and he slowly returned it. The two felt safe in the other's arms, it had the emotions mixing within them, and Seonghwa wanted it to last forever but Hongjoong pulled back.

“Thank you, Seonghwa you saved my life and I could only imagine what you had to went through, so to pay you back, is there anything that I could do for you? You know, as friends”

Friends. The word didn't quite sit well with Seonghwa. You could say that he was a bit bother by it, he wanted to change it. Thinking back to what his mother said, Hongjoong did made him change. It wasn't much and that it was only the beginning, but he was learning.

'One day at a time' He thought to himself. Sure it could take time, but for what it's worth he was willing to take on the journey. And he wants Hongjoong to be there and help him, but more than just a friends.

“Seonghwa? I must have pressured you. You don't have to say it now if you want, if you need to think about it then it's fine. This is a one time thing so, well it could happen again depend-”

Pressure on his lips, hand around his nape, and the butterflies that were dancing wildly in him. Hongjoong must have hit his head on a rock or something in the lake and that he was still asleep because this feels like a dream or an illusion, a really gorgeous, excellent, unbelievable, amazing illusion.

Seonghwa was kissing him.

The Prince Seonghwa was really kissing him and he was kissing him back. Hongjoong feels the emotions that were in the kiss and he himself was trying to reciprocate it because he feels the same for the older, and that the prince was deepening the kiss, releasing his dominant side that Hongjoong knew and love.

Before they knew it, both pulled back after the literal breathtaking moment they just had. They inspected the other's face to see his reaction, but only saw the plump lips and the sense of wanting it to happen again. Yet Seonghwa spoke up.

“Be mine Hongjoong, that's what you can do for me, be mine” The blond stared at the prince with shock all over his face. Having a different kind of relationship with Seonghwa could lead to challenges. Not only for them but with the people around them. Hongjoong started feeling so insecure about it, and Seonghwa senses it.

“Hongjoong you're really special to me and I couldn't bare the fact that I almost lost you yesterday, but please know that I love you. And I know what you're probably thinking, it's about our contract and how will the people around us will think about us. Well, I don't care about them, I only care about you. I need you to be with me to work things out.”

The servant sat there thinking about it. His feelings for the prince were strong but were they enough? Though it has been a wish of his to experience love, a romantic kind of love. And if that kind of love involves Seonghwa then he'll surely be there with him.

So instead of giving the prince a verbal answer to his request, Hongjoong went forward and kiss the raven-head. Albeit it did took Seonghwa by surprise, he happily kissed back. The servant's fist squeezing the older's clothing, the prince's bigger hands on the younger's waist.

This was one way to spend their morning.

Seonghwa did the honour of pushing Hongjoong back onto the sheets, laying him down but not separate their lips. The older then lift the younger's shirt, feeling the soft skin. The contact got Hongjoong to gasp at the ticklish touch while Seonghwa took it as an advantage to slip his tongue. Both explored the other's body as much as they could without going to far as both were not ready.

When Seonghwa was about to dip his head into Hongjoong's neck and give the skin attention. Both heard a knock and voice on the door.

“Your Highness, It's Maddox, I'm here to get you ready as well as check on Hongjoong”

The new lovers looked at each other and kissed one more time before they opened the door and pretended like nothing happened.

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