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A week and a half. That's how long Seonghwa has had Hongjoong as his servant for. The two fell in a routine where they became more comfortable around each other, besides the time Hongjoong walked in on the prince changing his clothes—things got awkward— The blond got scarred that day. In a good way that is.

Today though, Hongjoong got told that the prince was expecting visitors. He doesn't know who they are nor what kind of relationship they have with the prince. He just knows that the raven-head has no other schedule and that Hongjoong being the 'lucky' servant that he is, has to stick next to his highness the whole time.

"Rise and shine your Highness"

Hongjoong placed the breakfast tray on the prince's desk then proceeded to part the curtains away, he checked on the prince and saw him roll over to the other side of the bed. Letting him have his few minutes of shut eye, the blond went and got the older his clothes from his wardrobe. A white button with a black ribbon, white blazer with black lining, and black slacks. A perfect outfit for today's festivities.

When the blond got back out from the closet, the prince was still asleep. Hongjoong must admit that yesterday's scheduled was tiring. Visiting the townspeople, running around the castle, speaking to various people. His Highness practically collapsed on the bed when they got back to his chambers. So Hongjoong could understand why the prince was refusing to wake up, but he needs to wake up now since the raven-head is needed to chose the food for his friends.

After placing the clothes next to the breakfast tray, Hongjoong approached the bed to try and get the prince out of bed again."Your Highness, it's time to wake up" No answer.

"Your Highness, you really must wake-"

When Seonghwa was rolling over, he was already on the edge of the bed, causing him to fall but he pulled Hongjoong along with him. So they were both now on the floor, laying side by side. Hongjoong's head buried in Seonghwa's chest and Seonghwa's arms around Hongjoong. The blond then lifted his head up.

Their eyes met each other's and both swore they could see the stars in them, their arms held each other close wanting to let go but they can't, and they could feel the warmth that emitted from their bodies around them. Their hearts told them to stay, but their minds told them to let go. And Hongjoong made the decision to listen to his mind instead.

He quickly yet clumsily got away from the prince and dusted himself before he could pull the prince to stand on his feet.

"A-Are you okay your Highness? I'm so so sorry about that" He apologize. When he got Seonghwa up, he didn't spare a glance at the prince, the atmosphere changing into a more awkward type.

"I-I'll comeback later when you're ready... E-excuse me your Highness"

Hongjoong left the room questioning his life. While Seonghwa was still in a daze from sleep and from what happened.


Everything was all set. The patio near the castle garden was decorated nicely by the maids, the weather was in a perfect condition to spend it outside, and the food looked and smelled scrumptious. All that's left is the guests that are going to arrive... Right now.

Hongjoong stood on the top of the stairs near the castle's entrance. There, he saw the carriages coming closer that had the said guests in them. Now having more information on who these guests were, Hongjoong would be putting his best foot forward.

Princes Yunho, Yeosang, and San. The three were the next heirs of the neighboring kingdoms and were Prince Seonghwa's childhood friends. So you could see why Hongjoong was getting a bit nervous. With the three prince's going up the stairs, Hongjoong took the few seconds to calm his nerves down by taking a breath and slowly releasing it back out. He was now standing in front of the three princes with what he could only guess their personal guards and servant behind them.

"Greetings your majesties." He did the honor of bowing a full ninety degrees, the princes only bowing slightly. "You may call me Hongjoong, Prince Seonghwa's personal servant. His Highness is already waiting for the three of you out back, please follow me"

Hongjoong then led them outside to the castle gardens. There, they came closer to the perfectly arranged patio where Seonghwa was already seated, who seemed to be in deep thought.

“Your Highness, your guests have arrived” Hongjoong said and moved to the side. He released a breath he didn't knew he was holding. Seonghwa, getting snapped from his thought, got up from his seat and greeted his long time friends.

“Nice to see you three again. Have a seat and help yourselves to the food” The four royals sat down and started to eat while catching up with each other.

“Really hyung? A new servant again? How long has he started?” Prince Yeosang asked.

“A week and a half” Seonghwa looked up to the blond for a brief moment, but he turned his eyes back to his friends.

“So he'll most likely get fired by the end of the week right?”

“Yeosang don't say that, he may stay longer than that, you never know” Yunho defended.

“But the question is, does he do his job properly?” San butted in.

The youngers looked at the oldest prince in anticipation. They know about the whole Seonghwa and the servants thing, so they weren't going to be surprised if they hear Seonghwa was gonna fire the new one some time this week.

“Actually, I'm not gonna fire him”

Now that surprised them for sure judging by their faces (San who was drinking, choked causing his personal servant to come running to him to help with wiping him down. San even gave him sorry look, to which his servant only nodded and said that it was fine before he went back to chat with Hongjoong) They were really not expecting that.

“Hold on, did we hear you right? Your not firing him? Why?” Yunho, whose eyes were wide. Asked to make sure his ears weren't deceiving him.

“My father told me to not fire him for the rest of the month or else I won't get another one until a have a partner. Besides he does his job properly, so I don't see what's so wrong”

The three were dumbfounded at how the older was so laid back about that. Nonetheless, they resumed eating and questioning.

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