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Hongjoong was still thinking about what happened last night. When he got out of the prince's room that night he really pinched himself to see if he was dreaming or not, he did that again this morning but lightly slapped himself instead-which Maddix saw- And the other thing was that when the raven-head fixed his hair, it felt so calming and Hongjoong could feel his stomach do things. Hongjoong felt so confused, yet he wishes to experience it again. There was just something about what happened last night made Hongjoong see Seonghwa in a new light.

Coming back to reality that he was standing in front of the prince's room, Hongjoong got rid of those thoughts for a while and walked in the room with the peince's breakfast. But what he saw inside baffled him. The prince was awake and dressed and was fixing his hair. Hongjoong stood there not knowing what in the world is happening right now, trying to wrap his head around everything that just happened since last night.

Seonghwa, who finished fixing his black locks, saw his servant's figure in the mirror. Turning around, he stared at the blond for a moment, he looked so confused and loss and... Cute. Noticing the platter was about to fall in the younger's hands, the prince quickly got a hold of it before it got a chance to hit the ground.

Hongjoong body's jolted from the movement and his instinct kicked in, balancing the tray. When he was sure that he has a good grip on it, he felt his hands were wrapped in something, he saw another pair of hands that were bigger than his but just as soft. There, he eyes trailed from the hands to the arms and to the face of the prince. It was happening again, the warm feeling in his stomach and his heart, it was like his insides were getting tickled. Oh how it felt so nice to him and the prince as well.

Awkwardly coughing to the side, Seonghwa broke the tension between them and stole the tray from the blond.

"Your Highness-"

"Ah ah, you are not calling me that. I told you you can call me Seonghwa, no titles or anything, just my name" He said munching on a piece of toast that had jelly on it.

"But your High-"

"I'm not doing anything until you say my name"

Hongjoong couldn't believe that this is what his life has become. He could be doing other task around the castle but no, he's stuck with this prince who is persistent in getting him to say his name. He sighed.

"S-Seonghwa...? Seonghwa"

Seonghwa heard the most beautiful sound he has ever heard in his entire life. The way his name left the other's mouth, it was like a lullaby or the crashing of waves; he loved it. He got so engrossed to hearing it, he choked on the toast that he forgot that he was eating. Hongjoong went over to the coughing prince gave him the glass of water while patting the older's back.

"Are you alright Seonghwa?"
Coughing out the last bits of toast that got stuck, Seonghwa nodded his head as his answer. Clearing his throat, the raven-head closed his eyes and sighed. His servant would be the death of him someday.

"What are my task for today, I want to finish them as soon as possible"

Hongjoong then started explaining every task that Seonghwa would be doing for that day.


They were now on the last schedule for today which was the prince's sword practice.

The younger princes and the two personal guards offered to join Seonghwa with his sword practice while the two servants stood off to the side, but they were fine where they were. They watched as the others clashed their swords with each others.

Hongjoong and Wooyoung knew that this was all for practice but it was starting to become more like an actual battle that they were having, particularly with how Seonghwa and San were fighting. They weren't just countering and parrying, they were giving full blown attacks. The other four had by now stopped what they were doing and watched the exchanges of strikes the two prince's did.

Seonghwa did a swing from above on the right side but San blocked it, using the momentum he pushed the other's sword back giving him an open spot. As the dark-haired prince was about to strike Seonghwa ducked just in time, swinging his leg to throw the younger off balance. Standing back up, the raven-head placed his foot on the younger's chest lightly.

"I win" Seonghwa smirked. He gave San a hand to grab on but he slapped it away with no effort at all.

"That was amazing!" Mingi cheered.

"Who knew you two could fight like that" Jongho commented.

"San, are you alright?"

Wooyoung with Hongjoong right behind him, made their way to the others. The younger going straight towards the defeated prince to see if he was fine, and Hongjoong gave the black-haired prince a towel to wipe his sweat covered face.

"No I'm not fine, I lost to hyung... Again" He pouted and whined like a toddler whose parents didn't allow him to get candy.

"Yeah he's fine" Yeosang said. Chuckling softly, causing the others to join him.

Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong next to him. He thought that it was adorable when he heard the younger giggle and smile.

"C'mon, give me your hand"

Wooyoung offered his hand and San took it, but instead of pulling himself up he pulled his servant down to him. So Wooyoung was now on top of the prince.


San then wrapped his arms around the younger where it trapped his arms. He then rolled over so Wooyoung was the one touching the ground and San on top.

"Okay you two, not out here" Yunho stated.

"Someone help me! I'm suffocating"

Wooyoung thrashed around the prince's hold but stopped when he knew San wasn't going to let go anytime soon. That made all of them laughed.

Hongjoong who slowed down to a giggle, he noticed something on the corner of his eye. He turned his head but saw nothing, just trees. He felt someone tapping his shoulder, he saw Seonghwa's face laced with concerned.

"Are you okay?"

Hongjoong nodded."Yeah, I'm fine" His eyes went back to the trees.

He could have sworn he saw a figure.

The Star of My WishesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ