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The clattering sound of their utensils and their voices from when they spoke from time to time was the only thing heard as the royal family ate their dinner in peace. It was mostly the king and queen who spoke, but Seonghwa would sometimes join the conversation. They would talk about different things, from how was their day to problems in the kingdom that needed to be resolved. It wasn't until a certain topic came up, and it had something to do with the prince.

"I heard that you fired your personal servant, again" The queen looked up at her son, who was in the middle of lifting a piece of meat to his mouth.

"Yes, he wasn't really doing his job properly and it was so continuous" Seonghwa explained, his piece of meat would have to wait.

The king sighed. The amount of times he has heard that excuse was too much, he was starting to get sick and tired of such thing. He knew that as a king he shouldn't be handling the servants who serve his son, it was ridiculous. But that's where he finds himself now.

"Seonghwa, you can't keep firing your servant every week or so because of what happened years ago!" Being a bit mad, he let go his utensils more harshly than intended. His wife beside him, took his fist in her hand and gave him a knowing look, causing him to sigh.

"But fath-"

"No Seonghwa, I don't want to hear it. I will ask Maddox personally to assign you a new servant, and if you fire this one within the rest of the month you will be prohibited to have another until you find yourself a partner, do you understand?"

Still in shock of his father's words, Seonghwa looked back down to his plate and nodded. His face had a look of defeat and slight frustration as the family continued their dinner. Seonghwa didn't bother joining the rest of their conversation as well.


Now in his bedroom, Seonghwa sat on his desk trying to finish his homework for his classes tomorrow.

While writing he thought about what his father said during dinner. A new servant? Don't fire within a month? Seonghwa could just about laugh. The longest servant he had recently only lasted for two weeks, how does his father expect him to keep a servant for a month?

His mind suddenly wandered and showed him the blond servant from earlier. Hongjoong was him name, he seemed to be a decent servant. He might be an even better servant; with his handsome and cute face, his small hands when he clutched on the book at the library, his sparkling doe eyes that looked at Seonghwa.

"What am I thinking right now?"

The black haired questioned himself. He only met the boy today and he was already thinking so much about him. He rubbed his face and started to feel his body become more fatigue like. Weariness was evident in him.

Opting that he could finish his homework before his classes, Seonghwa dragged his tired self onto his bed-a good thing that he already got ready for bed- And blew out the candle on the bedside drawer. Letting sleep and darkness consume him whole.


Rustling, light, and birds were the things Seonghwa's senses picked up on. Things were being rustled and moved around his room, through his closed eyelids he could tell that there was more light in his room, and the birds? That he wasn't so sure about.

Rolling onto his back with a groan, Seonghwa opened one if his eyes to see what was happening in his room. Curtains and windows were opened to let the sunshine in and the birds playing their morning tune, the desk was neatly organized and was wiped down and had a tray of breakfast, lastly he heard someone in his walk-in closet going through his wardrobe.

Becoming more awake, the raven-head sat up from his bed looking disheveled. Seonghwa suddenly remembered about having a new servant assigned by his father. Whining internally, Seonghwa plopped back into his sheets to try and get more minutes of sleep.

"It's time to wake up your Highness, you have quite a schedule ahead of you" That voice, it was so familiar. Springing back up from his bed, Seonghwa saw the person he didn't expect to be his personal servant.

It was really Hongjoong.

"Good morning your Highness, I have your breakfast over there on your table and here is your outfit for today," He place the folded outfit on a chair. Would it be weird if Seonghwa told Hongjoong that the outfit he chose was a favorite of his?

"Your schedule for today your Highness, is that you have a meeting with the royal court in an hour, after that you have your routine of patrolling around the village, you'll also be having lunch with-"

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there" Seonghwa interrupted. He still needed to process the fact that Hongjoong was going to be his personal servant for the whole month.

"Is there anything wrong your Highness?"

Hongjoong's face dropped. He started to think if he came off on the wrong foot. Was he too forward? Was he talking to much? Whatever it was, the prince sensed his distress and wanted nothing more than to wipe the pout on the blond's lips and replace it with something else. Shaking his head to get rid of such thoughts, Seonghwa looked around his surroundings and his eyes landed back to his new servant.

"Look Hongjoong there nothing wrong, everything's fine, it's just that... Are you really my new servant?"

"Well, Uhm yes, yes I am your servant your Highness. Why? Is there something wrong? I could ask Maddox hyung to change-"

"NO! I-I mean, no that's not necessary, you can stay..." Seonghwa was not about to embarrass himself in front of his new servant. He needed to change the subject, and he needs to do it now."So what's for breakfast? I'm starving"

As he ate his breakfast, Seonghwa kept quiet than usual, only speaking when he would ask Hongjoong something while he continued to explain the prince's schedule.

'This is going to be a long day' Both thought.

I forgot to put this on the first chapters but please don't mind the double chapters, I don't know why but my other book and this one shows me that the chapters are doubled. Please don't mind it if it's the same for any of you who reads this.

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