Ms. Moretti, lovely meet you with a fake smile just like mine she greets me shaking my hand in a professional way.

Wonderful meeting you Gabrielle oh now she is playing huh!

Please have a seat and we can discuss some ideas i simply couldn't put the fake smile of hers away when she said she have some wonderful ideas of how to renovate Emiliano's house like she has known him for years.

Emiliano got busy with his work going to his study leaving us both Ms. Moretti and me to discuss about the renovation after telling me that whatever i want i can get it done and that it will be my decision on what changes are to be done. He wants me happy and as his woman i have all the power to make decisions, that we are equal. I really respect him giving me the importance in his life and i intend to give him the same as his wife and his queen. But what i don't like is the scowl on Ms. Laila's face seeing the affection and attention Emiliano is giving me. She thinks she can seduce him but what she doesn't know is how much Emiliano treasures loyalty and respect. I don't doubt he will be faithful to me in every aspect and i truly trust him but who i don't trust women like Ms. Laila to not make a move at all and i found myself fuming with jealousy inside. After discussing  with her the ideas for almost 40 mins i came to a conclusion that she will try her best to push my ideas away and bring forth her ideas to the final draft...i decided that i have had enough of her disrespecting me and dismissing my ideas like its nothing but some cheap trash.

Gabrielle i think you need to reconsider your ideas, it will destroy the beauty of this house as soon as that left her mouth i was done with her and her lack of respect for me

Its Ms. Allard for you Ms. Moretti! I hiss at her having enough of her tramp character.

And please kindly see yourself out. We won't be needing your assistance further! I all but spat at her

How dare you disrespect me like that! She screams pointing her finger at me like she is some queen of England Emiliano will be happy to leave your cheap ass once he gets to know how much of a nonsense and cheap woman you are!  She kept screaming at me. Crossing my arms across my chest i wait for my sexy finance to come out of his office and i am sure he is after hearing her scream like that. Does she even know who i really am?!!

What happened love? He came taking his long strides pulling me to him holding me against his body but before i could open my mouth to speak...the tramp spoke.

Emiliano your finance keeps disrespecting me and calling me all names. How can you be with such woman like her. She is not worth your status or your taste she all but spat out touching his arm trying to convince him her lies and to throw me out. Now i want to see how Emiliano reacts and what will he do. Does he even believe her lies about what she just said i spoke of?!

Did i say you could touch me! And how dare you disrespect my woman! Even i find myself shivering with how cold and stern his voice became. The look on her face is like she has seen a ghost, the colors on her face drained like the life of hers is being sucked out with wide eyes trembling as she took her hands off his arm as if it burned her.

You think you can talk trash about my fiance and i will believe you! are you that dumb to even think like that! Do you think i give a fuck to what you say! Just because you know me during the college days you can disrespect my woman! Now he is really scary with his face void of all emotions except anger

He took out his phone and called Nickolas, i see her trembling out of fear and i don't blame her at all. If i didn't know his softer side for me i would be in the same predicament thinking he might snap my neck at any given moment just like that.

Nickolas come here and throw Ms Laila Moretti out and make sure she is blacklisted in the country! i do not want to see her face ever again!!! Now i really feel bad for her but i don't want to say anything to his decision right now infront of her out of respect. I don't want anyone to know i can counter Emiliano's decision, it is important that he stays the king he is....for his image.

She did not even protest or say anything after that. Nickolas came with 2 other men and they literally drag her out of the house.

I am so sorry baby, please forgive me. Saying he cups my face with his hands almost pleading to forgive him..but for what? that was not his fault and he does not need to lower himself for anyone 

Not your fault baby, she just couldn't accept the fact that you are engaged to me, but don't worry i can take care of myself.

I know you do love but i didn't know she will stoop so low just because she is jealous. But you know love there is no other woman for me but only you...right baby? see this is why he is the one! I love him and i intend to let him know this soon

Now now...since she is out, i guess i will have to take charge and look for another designer I wink at him to lighten the atmosphere

Anything you want baby he kisses me passionately and i smile satisfied like a stupid crazy person

I had planned for this book to complete on and around 40-50 chapters earlier before but as i started writing, i came to a conclusion that this will go further than 80 chapters if at all i can put all the draft contents in the story without missing any scenes. So sit back down and be ready for this to go on abit longer then intended...with new plots, new twists, actions scenes and more Smuts 😉 The story is going to proceed further to some intense scenes that i will try my best to do justice of how i imagined the story should be in my head how to hold your attention to the story and continue to captivate all of you my lovely readers so that you don't go bored.

Do not forget to VOTE and give more love to this book.
Much love and kisses 😘  --Jh❤️

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