🥴 Grocery Store 💗

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It was 3 am in the morning and Naruto and Sasuke felt that this was a great time to head to the grocery store. For some odd reason.

"Hurry up Sasuke we need to go the grocery store and buy some ramen where running low!" Naruto hurried his boyfriend as he stood at the front door waiting. "Relax dobe I just need to find some shoes, I wanna get stuff to ya know your not the only eager one for once!" Sasuke shouted back from the room.

It really wasnt necessary for the two boys to yell since their shared apartment was small enough that they could hear each other no matter where they stood in the apartment. But they just felt the need to.

The couple was college students who were soon to graduate and just recently started sharing an apartment. They decided to keep there living space small for now, once they were settled into there adult lives, then they would start looking into buying there own house.

Sasuke was finally done putting on his shoes and met his lover by the door. "Alright let's go-" Sasuke didn't have to tell the blonde twice. Naruto grabbed and held Sasukes hand as he dragged the raven out of the apartment and out of the building.

The two exited the apartment building and made there way down the city's sidewalk. The grocery store was pretty close so they hadn't needed to call a car down to get there. Walking was just fine.

Sasuke noticed that some homeless looking people were eyeing down his boyfriend. So on instinct he wrapped an arm around Narutos waist and pulled him close.

"Eh Sasuke what's wrong?" Naruto questioned.

"What do I seriously need a reason to wanna hold my boyfriend close?" Sasuke made a fair point but that of course wasn't the reason he suddenly pulled his boyfriend close. If he had told the blonde the truth, he would probably start making fun of him for being protective. And Sasuke wasn't in the mood for that.

"Hm whatever you say," Naruto responded obviously not believing the raven would just hold him for the sake of it. But he let it go not wanting to annoy the Uchiha at the moment.

The two continued to walk down the streets of the city at night till they finally arrived at the grocery store.

"Woah theres like nobody hear it's almost completely empty!" Naruto said.

"No duh dumbass its 3:45 in the fucking moring," Sasuke retorted.

"Oh my god is it seriously that late?!"

"I knew you were that dumb dobe but I didn't realize it was this bad- Like seriously wouldn't the darkness outside explain how late it is?!" Naruto pouted from his mean boyfriends words.

"Hey I'm your boyfriend ya know maybe be nice to me for once!"

Sasuke smirked, "I've always been mean to you dobe, you seriously thought that would just because you became my boyfriend?" Naruto continued to pout.

The raven sighed, "Cmon let's just go buy your instant ramen," Naruto lightened up and ran towards the instant meal section.

Sasuke laughed at his blondes stupidness, he grabbed the shopping cart and quickly followed his fast boyfriend.


"Cmon Sasuke just let me sit in the cart and you can push me arounddddd" Naruto begged for the millionth time.

"The answer hasn't changed Naruto, No."

"But why nottttt?" Naruto questioned as he pouted some more.



"Still no."

"Pretty Pleaseeee"

"No Naruto-"

"Daddy please let me sit in the cart I'll be good I promise, and then when we get back home you can do whatever you please with me~"

Sasuke nearly passed out. That damn dobe really had to pull out the Daddy kink card on him. Sadly it worked and Sasuke finally let Naruto sit in the cart. The blonde was pretty desperate since he called Sasuke by that name.

Sasuke only heard Naruto call him that during heated sex, or when Naruto really, really, really wanted something.

"Yay your the best thanks Sasuke!" Naruto said as he hoped into the cart.

"I hate you."

"I love you to Daddy!"

Sasuke almost died.

"Damnit lower your voice!"

"Sorry Dad-" Naruto cut himself off as he all of sudden felt the cart being pushed roughly and him going full speed ahead in the aisle.

"Tch.." Sasuke was flushed red from Naruto just calling him that one word.


"Ew why do you even like tomatoes Sasuke?!" Naruto asked with a face of disgust as the raven handed him a bag of tomatoes as he sat in the cart.

"There good"

"Yeah the whole world would say other wise tomato boy!" Sasukes eyebrow twitched at the blondes comment.

"Whatever dobe, let's just go check out," Sasuke said as he started pushing the cart along with Naruto.

"Aw c'mon cant we just go around the store some more?" The blonde whined.

"No it's already close to 5 am and we need to get back home."

"Well bastard if you hadn't spent so long in the adult section getting honry as you looked around all the stuff in the section and thought of the things you could do to me, then maybe it wouldn't have been so late!"

Sasuke stayed silent relazing Naruto caught him there so long, he had thought the blonde was looking for places to hide in the grocery store-

But turns out he was being spied on.

"Well I was promised I could do whatever I wanted to you when we get back, so let's get going shall we?" Sasuke smirked.

Naruto wished he had actually went to find places to hide in the grocery store. So that way he could've camped out in the store for awhile.

But no he ended up going home with his horny boyfriend, leaving him in a wheel chair for a month after Sasuke was done with him...

-The end

I rlly enjoyed making this oneshot I had this idea for a while now anyways hope you guys liked this oneshot!

Published- 7/13/21
Word Count- 1007

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