🥴 Tied up

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^This oneshot is based of the picture above and yes this is another crack oneshot

"Ugh how much longer is Kakashi-sensei gonna leave us tied up like this!?" Naruto complained as he and Sasuke were tied together around a tree. Their backs touching. "Tch just shut up dobe and maybe he will come back and untie us eventually!" Sasuke said as Naruto started to get on his last nerve with all the complaining. 

"Sasuke, what did you think Kakashi sensei meant when he said we need to talk things out and the tension going on between us?" Naruto asked suddenly. Kakashi had kidnapped both the boys and tied them around the tree and all he said before taking off was, 'You two should talk things out and all the tension going on between you too, and no I don't mean that kinda tension.'  

It's been about 30 minutes since then  and all that's happened is Naruto complaining, and Sasuke telling him to shut up. "You really are a dobe," Sasuke said, not answering Narutos question. 

"Ehh?!? How the hell am I dobe?! Do you know what Kakahsi sensei means?! Tell me!" Sasuke rolled his eyes. 

"Naruto I'm… gay for you," Sasuke said out of nowhere. Naruto was so confused on what the hell was going on. One minute he was eating ramen when he was all of a sudden he was kidnapped by his own sensei, and tied to a tree with his rival. Now 30 minutes later after lots of arguing it seems like Sasuke is confessing-?

"Eh?! Sasuke what do you mean, we were literally just talking about something else and-" Sasuke cut Naruto off. "I wish I could kiss you to shut your dumbass up dobe!" Naruto was more lost than ever. Seriously what the hell was going on? 

"Wait Sasuke… are you gay?" 

"Yeah I literally just said I'm gay for you a minute ago" 

"Well I'm uh gay for you to Sasuke," Naruto confessed. 

"Can I kiss you," Sasuke asked. 

"Well who's the dumbass now teme! You can't kiss me when were tied up like this!" 

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Alright Sensei, you can remove the ropes now the plan has worked!" Sasuke called out into the shadows. 

Kakashi appeared next to them out of thin air and removed the rope with his free hand. His other hand was holding his book. Once he untied them he winked at the boys and disappeared.

"Sasuke what the hell you planned all this-" 

"Just shut up, now let's go make out behind this tree." Before Naruto could get another word out Sasuke pulled the blonde boy into a kiss. 

Of course Narutos gay ass kissed back, he would just question Sasuke later. 

His gay dreams were coming true. 

And this was all a part of Sasuke's master plan to one day marry the blonde. Step 3 is complete. Yeah Sasuke's been planning this since he was 5. And Kakashi just sat in the trees watching the young boys make out. And Jiraiya was taking notes for a future book idea. 

-The end

I saw that picture on pinterest and I immediately pulled up wattpad and just started writing

Published- 7/5/21
Word Count- 539

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