💗 Rogue 🥀

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This is probably my favorite oneshot I've made for this book so far and I hope you guys enjoy it as well<3

Naruto laid in his bed, attempting to fall asleep but failed miserably. His thoughts were racing like crazy and all those thoughts were filled with none other than Sasugay- I mean Sasuke Uchiha. 

'That damn teme what's up with him recently? He's been acting so weird?' Naruto wondered to himself. Ever since Sasuke got the curse mark in the chunin exam Naruto hadn't failed to notice how over time Sasuke has been acting differently. Naruto hated how all he seemed to think about lately was Sasuke. It made him realize how much he cared for the duckbutt haired boy. 

As Naruto continued to worry about Sasuke in his thoughts, he heard a knock on his window. He jumped slightly, who the hell was knocking on his window at 1 am in the morning? Naruto turned his head to see who sat at the window and it was none other than the boy he was just thinking about. 

Surprised that the raven sat at his window this late at night, Naruto got up quickly and approached the window. He opened it up, letting Sasuke come inside. "What the hell are you doing here Sasuke-Teme its 1 in the morning!?" Naruto questioned as he shoved  his finger into Sasuke's face after he closed the window. Sasuke grabbed the finger and moved it away from his face. 

"What I'm wondering is why you were even up dobe?" Sasuke shot back. Naruto lowers his head embarrassed by the reason why he wasn't sleeping. "I'm just having trouble sleeping is all.." Naruto told Sasuke not telling the full truth. The blonde then took notice that Sasuke was fully dressed and had a bookbag with him that seemed pretty full. 

"And why is that?" Sasuke asked wondering what was keeping the boy up. 

"Its nothing," was all Naruto said as he started to overthink as to why Sasuke seemed like he was about to go on a mission. 

The raven faced Naruto and walked close in front of him and stared at Naruto. The blonde wouldn't meet his gaze. "Don't lie to me dobe I've noticed how you always look like a dead corpse everytime we meet up in the morning for missions!" Naruto had finally met Sasuke's gaze.

"It's because of you damnit! I've been worried about you, you've always been quiet but now it's like you're not even in my life anymore! Ever since you got that damn curse mark you haven't been the same and I care about you Sasuke and I lose sleep over that fact!" Naruto finally told Sasuke the truth and tears started to stream down his face.
Some would say he's being dramatic. But Sasuke meant alot to Naruto and the blonde could be clingy to the raven. So when Sasuke pushed him away, it scared Naruto. Sasuke was the only person who didn't call Naruto a monster and treated him like an actual person. 

Sasuke pulled Naruto into a hug and calmed the blonde down. Once Naruto's cries turned into whimpers Sasuke started talking. "I'm sorry I worried you and I wish I would've noticed but I've been too caught up in my stuff Naruto," Sasuke continued, "I'm planning on leaving the village." 

Naruto's closed eyes shot open and he pulled apart from the hug to look at Sasuke in the eyes. "What why you can't I-" tears threatened to escape from Naruto's eyes once again. And Sasuke cut the blonde off. "Naruto I cant keep playing these ninja games or else I'll never be strong enough to take down Itachi," Sasuke explained. 

"You can't leave Sasuke, I need you! You're the only person in this whole village who doesn't see me as a monster and-" Once again Sasuke cut off the blonde. "So come with me Naruto that's the whole reason I came here! You can help me take my brother down and then afterwards we can destroy this shitty village!" Naruto's eyes widened as he saw pure madness was displayed in Sasuke's eyes as he talked. The raven may or may not have gone crazy. 

"We can get revenge on this village and for the way they treat you, show them this so-called 'monster' they see you as. Have all of them coward in fear and bow down to you," Naruto loved every word that came out of Sasuke's mouth. Naruto's eyes slowly started to turn red as he smirked loving the image in his head of slaughtering everybody who's ever hurt him. 

"So what do you say? Will you come with me, Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he smirked and held out his hand. Naruto grabbed his hand. "For once I like your plan." The two smirked at each other's complete craziness displayed in their eyes. 

Naruto packed up his things and the two took off. They ran and they ran far, together and with each other the whole way. 


"Aw who's the weak and useless one now, Sakura-chan~?" Naruto cooed as he stood tall a foot on top of a pinkett's chest. Sakura coughed up some blood and couldn't even utter another word before she died. 

"Ah so you saved the best for last huh babe~?" Sasuke asked as he came from the shadows. "You don't understand how hard it was to contain myself from killing her sooner," Naruto laughed darkly. "I was hoping she would put up more of a fight but in the end I got to see her surfer, so I'm happy either way," Naruto said as he smirked, looking around at all the destruction that was caused. 

"Who would've thought that taking down the hidden leaf would be this easy," Sasuke said as there wasn't a single scratch on either of them. "I got all worked up for nothing," Naruto sighed. The pair ran off together to a hill and stood tall on it as they looked down at what once was the hidden leaf.

Just the two of them alone were able to take out the whole village and everybody in it, in less than 6 hours. A noise was heard from Naruto. It was deep, dark, and crazy laughter. His eyes were wide and displayed pure madness. Sasuke loved whenever his boyfriend laughed like this, it was just so hot. 

The raven soon laughed with his lover. 

Sasuke did not regret convincing Naruto to go rogue with him. 

It truly was quite fun being evil. 

I literally love this oneshot and let me know if you guys want me to make this into an actual story, I think it would've been so cool to see Naruto go rogue with Sasuke in the anime

Published- 7/3/21
Word Count- 1137

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