◇ XV ◇

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Chan was sitting in the cafe at his workplace alone with no one but a couple of workers. He was able to convince the CEO to close down the building so he and Felix could be alone without having to worry about fans and the paparazzi. He wanted to make Felix as comfortable as possible and if people were taking photos of them and starting rumors it'll completely ruin their time together.

Finally, Chan noticed a boy standing by the front door of the building with a large cane in his hand. He immediately knew it was Felix so he hurried toward the door and swung it open.

"Felix" He called out.

The other boy looked in the direction of the sudden voice "Channie?" He asked.

"Hey" He smiled at the cute boy "I'm right in front of you"

Felix moved his cane around trying to find his way to the door so he can get inside quickly. Noticing this Chan remembered the research he had done the prior night.

"Is it okay for me to lead you?" Chan asked.

Felix nodded a bright smile growing on his now blushing face. Chan gently grabbed Felix's hand and lead him into the cafe and to their seats.

"What do you want to get," Chan asked.

"Crepes!" Felix said excitedly "Strawberry Crepes. Oh and maybe a latte... Please"

Chan just giggled he couldn't help but think Felix was so cute "Yes sir"

Chan came back after a few minutes setting the food and drink down in front of the younger.

The boys started talking about a bunch of random things mostly getting to know one another. Asked what each other's favorite foods were or favorite tv series.

While Felix was talking about how he can't handle spicy food Chan spoke to himself.

"You're so pretty" He mumbled not expecting Felix to hear him since he seemed lost in his words. Instead, Felix got silent a blush spreading across his face.

"I would say the same about you but you know" Felix joked.

Chan let out a chuckle before smacking a hand over his mouth "Am I allowed to laugh?"

"I made the joke for a reason Channie" Felix giggled.

That giggle. That cute little laugh made Chan fall even farther for the Aussie. He couldn't help himself, Felix was absolutely beautiful in his eyes. He was perfect.

Because of Chans staring the room had gone silent, minus the sound of the workers chatting amongst themselves, which made Felix ask "Did you leave?"

Chan chuckled before replying "I'm still here just admiring the view"

"Ah, no stop it's making me feel weird" Felix covered his face.

Their conversation continued up until around 6 pm the boys were at the cafe for a good 3 hours before deciding they should leave.

As they left Chan offered to walk the boy home which Felix had agreed to since he wasn't r fan of walking home alone from an unknown location, especially at night.

During their walk, Chan decided to make some small talk.

"You know Felix I was wondering. Why don't you have a guide dog? You wouldn't be alone and since its job is to help you out maybe you wouldn't feel like you are burdening your family when they do help you out since they wouldn't need to help out as much" Chan suggested.

"Honestly I would love a guide dog but I don't have the money for one they cost a lot and my family doesn't have that type of money to just spend all at once" Felix just sighed. "For now I think I just need to work on my insecurities"

Chan nodded with a hum. He understood where Felix was coming from. He too was at a point in his life where he couldn't afford to get what he need to start up his music career. He used the bit of money he did have on the cheapest music supplies he could get just hoping he could make the money back with his music. Of course for Felix the situation was different. The dog could easily get sick or even die and that money would never come back to him. Plus Chan's money was for him to use on himself while Felix has his whole family he can't just use all their money and leave them broke.

Before they knew it they had made it to Felix's house.

"Thanks for today Chan. I had a lot of fun" Felix smiled.

Chan couldn't help but coo at the adorable boy in front of him who rocked back and forth on his feet.

"I enjoyed it too Lix" chan also smiled "You should go inside and get some rest it was a long walk"

Felix nodded turning to open the front door. Before he walked in he turned once again to face 3racha's leader. He placed his hand out in front of him feeling around Chan's body trying to find his face. Chan just chuckled moving Felix's hand up to his face. Once Felix found the older cheek he leaned in and left a quick peck before turning one more time and going inside.

Chan just stood frozen at the door. A smile slowly grew on his once shocked face.

'I think I'm in love'

𝔹𝕃𝕀ℕ𝔻 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕐𝕆𝕌ℝ 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼 ◇ ℂℍ𝔸ℕ𝕃𝕀𝕏 ◇Where stories live. Discover now