◇ VIII ◇

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Jisung was on his way home from a long day at the studio when he noticed his leader trending on Twitter. He was worried about what could have happened.

'Did he get hurt? Or is it hate' Jisung thought worrying himself more.

His worry soon turned into anger as he clicked on the tag and saw why Bang Chan was trending.

'That hypocritical bitch'

Jisung rushed home bursting into the shared house. He went straight toward the leader who was working silently on his laptop while Changbin lay beside him dosing off while watching some random movie playing on the TV.

"YOU'RE SO HYPOCRITICAL," Jisung shouted waking up the almost asleep Changbin.

Chan took off his headphones and turned toward the youngest "What are you even talking about Jisung"

"You bitched at me for liking some kid's posts and causing "Controversies" and yet here you are commenting on his post and shit." Jisung was fuming.

"Damn Chan, you did that?" Changbin lazily added.

"I was just thanking him for saying such nice things about me I didn't do anything wrong" Chan tried to defend himself though he knew he was in the wrong this time.

"Yes, you did Chan you were the one saying we shouldn't talk to fans and that you were just going to apologize to him and that was it" Jisung continued to shout."So explain how it got this far"

"You did say that" Changbin stated. "You haven't been talking to him right?"

Chan was silent for just a moment but it was enough for Jisung.

"You have! Oh my god, you've been talking to him still." Jisung screamed while pointing at the boy who was now looking down at his lap.

"Listen it won't happen again alright? He just opened up to me about his feelings and personal issues and I didn't feel right leaving him hanging like that when he was so upset" Chan explained himself.

"Oh" Jisung didn't know what to say to Chan.

"I swear it won't happen again okay Jisung?" Chan tilted his head while looking at the other.

"Fine whatever just keep your promise" Jisung huffed before walking to his room.

Once Jisung was gone Chan let out a sigh of relief while Changbin loudly laughed.

"Why are you laughing," Chan asked.

"Jisung has no right to call you a hypocrite since he's been talking to that kid's older brother" Changbin shrugged.

"He's been doing what" Now it was Chan's turn to get upset.

"Leave him alone" Changbin stopped the older from storming into Jisung's room "He's happy why should you dictate what he does with his life"

"A scandal can ruin him," Chan said calmly.

"Why would our fans stop supporting him 'cause he likes someone? In all honesty, it seems like you and JYP are the only ones who care if Jisung is in a relationship" Changbin glared now upset.

"Im just worried for him" Chan sighed.

"He's an adult and knows what he wants in his life unlike you" Changbin walked off into his room not wanting to talk to the elder any longer.

Chan could only think about what Changbin said 'He's right'

"Forget it" Chan sighed once again deciding to ignore all the thoughts running through his head. "He's just another distraction"

𝔹𝕃𝕀ℕ𝔻 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝕐𝕆𝕌ℝ 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼 ◇ ℂℍ𝔸ℕ𝕃𝕀𝕏 ◇Where stories live. Discover now