"I understand, Captain. It won't happen again."
He let him go, and sat back in his chair, checking over the papers.
"God fucking.." He cursed quietly, picking out a couple more shards, wincing at the pain it caused, while looking for a pen.

Eunwoo passed him a pen, Myungjun snatching it off of him and using it to write something on the papers.

There was a long silence between the two, as both were focused on finishing a task they were assigned to.
The silent stretched as long as 15 minutes, before Myungjun let out a moan of pain, putting his pen down.

"Yes, Captain?"

The omega hesitated a little.
"I.. Uh.. I just wanna say. That uhm. I'm sor- uh.."
The Alpha listened, awaiting the sentence that he was about to say.

"I. Uhm-"
He gave up and gave a heavy huff.
"Can you just. Take me home?"
"Of course, Captain. Are you in pain?"

"Yeah. I wanna go to sleep"

Eunwoo nodded and got up, going over to him and helping him up.
Myungjun held onto him, swaying a little and groaning.
"I will attempt to move as carefully as possible, Captain. If you feel any sort of discomfort during mobility, inform me right away." The android stated, and Myungjun simply nodded.

They moved at a slow pace, finally emerging into the cold street.
It was drizzling slightly, and there was puddles everywhere.
The whole street looked murky and unpleasant, but the small lights made it look a bit more habited.

"I will continue to monitor your blood levels and temperature status if you do not mind, Captain?"
"Yeah.. whatever. But don't fucking stick your fingers into my mouth without warning, got it?"

"Got it."

They walked for 10 minutes, before Eunwoo noticed the drop in temperature in the omegas body.
He seemed to be getting weaker with each step too. The alcohol was finally setting in, and the pain mended in with it.

"I want to die."
"I am afraid you cannot accomplish that want, Mr.Kim."

"Now, that's not up to you to decide.."
His legs weakened for a second, but Eunwoo held him firmly, helping him up again.

"You are tired, Captain. Would you like me to call a taxi?"
"No. We're gonna be.. home.. in. 5 minutes. Just keep walking."
"If that's what you wish."

His temperature seemed to drop even more, and he could feel his body starting to shiver from the cold. Senses weakened because of the pain being experienced.
Eunwoo spotted a bench, and he managed to lead him over to it, sitting him down on it.

"Hey.. hey- what? Why are we stopping? What's goin' on?" Myungjun suddenly piped up, annoyance lacing his already acidic tone.
"You are cold. Allow me."

He watched the android take off his uniform jacket, casting it over his shoulders.
"Wh- I don't need it. You'll just get soaked, you only have your button up- wait, can you get cold?-"

"No, Captain. I cannot feel coldness. I can, however, cool and heat my system if necessary."

Myungjun mumbled something about 'Androids being so fuckin' perfect' before he got up, Eunwoo offering his shoulder again.
"I will raise the temperature of my body now, Captain. You should heat up in a couple of minutes."
He didn't even say anything by this point, instead he relished in the warmth being provided.
This was so unnecessary, but honestly. It was nice.

"Won't you overheat?" He asked, words slurred a bit now that the alcohol was spreading throughout his entire body.
"No. The temperature outside is cool enough for me to stay at a certain level. And anyways, my system doesn't overheat that easily."

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