Zeke looks at me surprised, "Seriously?"

Rhea glances over at me as if I'm crazy (she still has trust issues with Zeke after two months of socializing with him), even though I've been living with him for seven months, "Yeah, seriously?"

I shrug, feeling myself blush a little, "Yeah, why not?"

Zeke stares at the wall wide eyed for a second before he looks back at me, "Alright, sure. Ummmmm..... I guess I'm going to Sidney's for Christmas."

Narcisuss and Shawn share a knowing look, while all of my girlfriends have a look somewhere between smugness and worry.

I swallow, "Awesome. We leave at seven tomorrow morning."

: : : : :

The next day, we reach my parents house at four o'clock. We walk up the stairs to reach their second story apartment. Percy got here with Thalia and Byron yesterday, so I have a lot of pestering to look forward to with my brother.

I haven't told them I was bringing Zeke. I figured it would just be a..... pleasant surprise for them. I knock on the front door, Zeke standing nervously behind me. The car ride here was awkwardly quiet. I mean, we're only friends, so it's a little weird that i'm bringing him home for Christmas.

I hear Percy call from inside the apartment, "No worries, Mom, I've got the door!"

The door is thrown open and I find my brother on the other side. His light green eyes looking amused and his brown hair fluffed up. He grins, and nearly starts to speak, but then he spots Zeke behind me and he looks surprised. But his surprise only lasts for a second and instead is replaced by a smug grin, "Well, alrighty then."

I smile, wrapping my arms around him in a hug, "Percy! Congratulations on the kid! I've missed you!"

He chuckles, "Missed you too, Sid."

I mutter under my breath so Zeke can't hear, "Don't you dare make him feel awkward."

"Wouldn't dream of it." But I can hear the mischief in his voice.

I pull away, looking back at Zeke, "Perc, this is Zeke Davies. We um, well, I live with him."

Percy looks really surprised at this, "You what now?"

I grunt, awkwardly, "Yeah, not just him though. I also live with a few other guys. I have been since school started, so yeah."

Percy raises an eyebrow, "Does Dad know?"

I shake my head, a little nervously, "That would be a negative. And you are not going to tell him, right?"

Percy grins, "Yeah, sure. You little skank, living with a bunch of men."

I roll my eyes, "It's not like that."

"Sure, sure."

I sigh, "You gonna help us with our luggage?"

He pauses, "I wish I could help, but I don't want to."

"Gee, thanks Percy."

I hear Thalia from inside, "Percy, help them!"

He calls back, "Yes, dear!" He looks back at us, "I guess I am helping."

As we bring our luggage in the house, with the help of Percy, we set it by the wall in the front hallway. My parents apartment is about medium sized. Three bedrooms, two bath, a laundry room. Plus, the living room, kitchen and dining room are all part of an open floor plan.

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