Lesson 34 - New Plans and Info

Start from the beginning

Lakyus cleared her throat, gaining the table's attention. "(Y/n), we were thinking of what to do with you- since, clearly we aren't going to just let you go out on the streets. We decided--if it's alright with you--that you could join us, in Blue Rose."

(Y/n) stared in surprise as Lakyus continued. "We would bring you on missions, but you'd be in the back where it'd be safe while using your magic to support us in combat, meaning you'd have a purpose. We'll all take care of you, don't worry--"

"--yes." (Y/n) cut off, smiling. "Yes! I'd be happy to join!" She grinned, hopping over and giving Lakyus a big hug. Lakyus laughed and accepted it, standing.

Gagaran stood as well and took (Y/n) from Lakyus and held her in the air. "Alright! We're celebrating!- To our new member! (Y/n)!" She cheered, tossing her up in the air before catching her with a hearty laugh.

"Be careful!" Evileye worried, sounding like a mom. "You sound like an overprotective mother." Tina points it out, causing Tia to snort under her breath.

(Y/n) laughs as Evileye, Tina, and Tia start to bicker. Gagaran sets (Y/n) down on the chair, making the girl see an opportunity. "Can I go to the restroom really quick?" She asks Lakyus. Lakyus nods. "Bathroom is right over there." She points, causing (Y/n) to smile and walk off in that direction.

Once (Y/n) is in the bathroom and has locked the door behind her, she quickly messages Sebas, putting her fingers to the side of her head.

'Sebas?' She waits a moment.

'Yes, Lady (Y/n)?'

(Y/n) lets out a small sigh of relief before continuing. 'I won't be coming home for awhile, relay this to Ainz. I've been taken in by a adamantite adventurers group called, Blue Rose. They're apparently a big deal.'

'Are you sure you'll be safe? Are there any foreseeable threats with your plan to become a member of this, Blue Rose?'

(Y/n) shakes her head, only remembering that Sebas couldn't see it. 'Yes, I'll be fine. I'll attempt to sneak out when I know they won't notice, but, until then I'll remain with them.'

Sebas is silent for a second. 'Alright, I shall notify Lord Ainz immediately.'

She smiled. 'Thank you, Sebas.' With that, she ended the message and walked back out.

"Welcome back." Lakyus greets as (Y/n) takes a seat next to her at the table. (Y/n) simply smiled and watched as Gagaran got in the way of the other three's arguing.

"Later today, we have to go see the princess at the castle--" Lakyus explained, only to be cut off by (Y/n). "Can I come?"

Lakyus stared in surprise before frowning and thinking. "I--"

"I'll be good! I promise- just.. I.. don't want you to leave." She mumbled, playing one of her clingy cards.

Lakyus sighed before placing (Y/n) on her lap with a defeated smile. "Okay, you can come."

(Y/n) smiled happily and gave her a hug before facing the table once again, remaining on Lakyus's lap.

Fast Forward

Renner turns to Climb with a smile while Tina takes a sip of tea.

"Climb, why don't you have a seat before we start talking?" She offers.

"But I am your bodyguard, so..." He states.

"It makes no difference to me." Lakyus/Aindra cuts in.

Climb still looks hesitant. "Yes, but.. Lady Aindra."

She moves (Y/n) to the seat next to her as she sets her elbow on the table and putting her chin on her wrist. "I told you before, call my Lakyus. Because you're so special, Climb." She says with a smirk.

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