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I sat up. I looked around. " Where am I?" I asked sitting up. " It's been four years. Thanos is back. We need to go now." Stephen said. I grabbed his hand. " What do you mean?" I asked. I stumbled backward. I fell back down. He looked at me. He sighed. " She is no shape to fight-" " I can fight," I said standing up. I stumbled. Peter caught me. I looked at him. " Peter?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. " What's going on?-" I coughed up blood before I could finish. " Oh, no. Um, Mr. Strange? What do I do?" Peter asked Stephen. I grabbed Peters face. " Where's Natasha?" I asked. He shook his head. " I don't- I don't know," He said. I looked around. People grabbed me. " What's going on?" I asked. They pushed me down onto a table of some sort. They strapped me down. I groaned. " You'll be fine just relax..." T'Challa said. I narrowed my eyes at him. I was going to say something else when a wave of drowsiness hit me. Everything started fading.

I opened my eyes. I looked around. I was in some sort of white room. It looked like a hospital. I moved my arms. My hand was gone. I sighed. My arms were strapped down. I looked over. There were two female children sleeping. I stared at one. " Harlow?" I asked. She woke up. She looked at me. She smiled. She wrapped her arms around. " Woah..." I said. The other woke up. She smiled. " Mommy!" She shouted. I looked around. The door opened. Pepper walked in. She smiled at me. " Axel. Hey," She said coming next to me. " What's... going on?" I asked. She smiled. I looked at the door. Natasha walked in. Her hair was back to its red color. I smiled. She looked older. So did Harlow. " Who's this?" I asked looking at the other girl. " Hi, I'm Morgan," She said. I smiled. " My dad told me a lot about you," She said. I looked at Pepper. She sighed. " Happy! Will you come get the kids please?" Peper said. Happy walked in. He smiled at me. It was a sad smile. Everyone seemed sad. " What's going on?" I asked looking at them. " It's Tony," Natasha said. I looked at Pepper. " What do you mean it's Tony?" I asked. Pepper and Natasha looked at each other. " he... Snapped" Pepper said. " What? Snapped like killed everyone?" I asked. Pepper shook her head. " He used all the infinity stones to bring everyone back," Natasha said. I looked at her. " That's great! Where is he?" I asked. Pepper had tears in her eyes. " He didn't make it, Axel," Natasha said. I looked at her. " What? No, he. He had to have. Is Morgan? Is Morgan his kid?" I asked. Pepper put her hands over her eyes. " Hey..." I tried to comfort her. My hands were still strapped down. " A little help?" I asked Natasha. She nodded and untied the straps. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Pepper. She cried into my shoulder. " I don't know what I'm going to do," She said. I looked over at Natasha. She sighed. Pepper wiped her eyes and backed up. " I should go check on Morgan and Harlow," She said. I nodded. She smiled then left. Natasha walked over to me. I looked at her. I looked down. " They're gone." She said. I looked up at her. " Who?" I asked. " Steve and Clint," She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " Clint?" I asked. She let out a shaky breath. " It was supposed to be me," She said. I grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug. I rubbed her back. I sighed into her neck. " You smell the same," I said. Tears filled my eyes. She laughed sadly. " Jeremy's gone too," She said. I tucked my face into her neck. " Today's just a great day," I said sarcastically. She nodded. " How's Harlow?" I asked. She smiled. " She's... good. It took a bit for me to get adjusted to her but she seemed to recognize me" She said smiling. I smiled. " Yeah... She's great" I said. She nodded. "She and Morgan seem pretty close," She said smiling. " Oh, god another lesbian," I said smiling. Natasha laughed. " No... I just think they have something in common" She said. I nodded. " What about Clint's kids?" I asked. She smiled. " I have been taking turns watching them with Laura. It hit her pretty hard but... We've been toughing it out" She said. I nodded. " You know... Clint asked me to train the kids?" I said. She nodded. " I think that would honor his memory," She said. I smiled. " We already had the funeral but you can visit the graves once they release you," She said. I nodded. " MY hand?" I asked showing her the nub. She laughed. " Yeah, T'Challa left you a box." She said. I nodded. " Did we win?" I asked. She smiled. She nodded. I sighed. " Steve?" I asked. She sighed. " He decided to go and live with Peggy. He's old and no one knows where he is. Pretty sure he's still alive though" She said. I laughed. " Of course he is," I said. " There's a rumor he's on the moon," She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " The moon?" I asked. She nodded. I laughed. " I bet he's enjoying the moon," I said. She smiled. I looked at my lap. " I wish I could've been there," I said. She sighed. " Well... You fought with everything you had the first time. That's what matters" She said. I sighed.

I stared down at Tony's grave. I leaned down to it. " I'll make sure Pepper is happy. I'll ensure a safe future for Morgan. I'll do everything I can to make sure you didn't die in vain" I said. I smiled. I looked over at Clint's grave. I limped over to it. I had a cane. " Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without her... I guess Tony left some stuff for me... I'm gonna make sure your kids are strong and can protect themselves. Just like you asked" I said to his grave. I sighed. I turned and looked at Natasha. She was reading to Harlow in the car. I smiled at them. " I owe you everything... Both of you" I said to Tony and Clint's graves. I sighed. I turned and walked toward the car. Natasha smiled at me. I smiled back. " Let's go home," I said. She nodded. I looked at Harlow. She hugged me. I smiled.

A/N-Okay so I might be able to write future stories about Harlow, Natasha, and Axel but right now I'm sort of focusing on finishing ones I might have been putting off... Anyways. IF anyone just asks I'll write imagines. I was also major shipping Harlow and Morgan in the future lol.

Drop-dead deadly- Natasha Romanoff x fem ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang