Moving day

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I was driving with Tony to the 'cabin' he said Nat and I could use to raise the baby. " here we are" he said as we pulled up to a building. I got out of the car. " Wow. You weren't kidding' I said looking at the cabin. He scoffed. It was an actual cabin. I looked around the property. There was a small pool surrounded by grass. Lots of it. There was no one else around. " How do you know about this place?" I asked as we walked toward the cabin. I entered after Tony. " Wow," I said looking around at the place. There was a huge T.V with a couch surrounding it. Living room. I looked to my right. I walked over to the kitchen area. There was a large countertop. It was wood. I drug my hand along it as I walked. There were full kitchen utensils. " Axel! Come on!" Tony shouted. I looked to where his voice was coming from. He was upstairs. I followed the stairs. They led me to a hallway that split into three rooms. " There you are," He said. I looked over at him. He was looking at me through a doorway. " Come on. The baby's room is right here" He said. I followed him. " I hope you don't mind. Pepper made me put everything you guys need in here. Well actually mark 93 did but... she doesn't know that and doesn't need to" He said smiling. I laughed. " Of course you have to set up everything. Now let's go look at your room" He said leaving the room. I followed behind him. He led me into a room across from the baby room. " Of course a queen-sized bed for you and Natasha. A 60-inch flat-screen T.V. A walk-in closet. And a bathroom." He said walking around the room. I nodded. " You don't seem very excited," He said. I looked at him. " Sorry, Tony. I have a lot on my mind" I said touching the mattress. He put his hand on my shoulder. " You're gonna have a kid soon." He said smiling. I scoffed. " That's very apparent Tony," I said sitting down on the mattress. Tony sat down next to me. " My suits are already on their way bringing everything. The larger things are getting transported by truck." He said. I sighed. " Thank you for this Tony," I said to him. He nodded. My phone rang. I picked it up. It was no caller Id. " Hello?" I said as I answered it. " Hello, Axel," A familiar voice said. " Jeremy," I said. " Ding, ding, ding. We've got a winner" He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " What do you want?" I asked standing up. Tony looked at me worried. "It's fine" I mouthed. " I'm calling to ask if there is anything you need me to do?" He asked. I sighed. " No. I'll let you know if I do," I said. " Alright, well just let me know... If there is anything I can do." He said awkwardly. " Yeah, Bye Jermey," I said. " B-Bye, Axel," He said. I hung up. " That's your brother with cancer right?" He said. I nodded. " oh, okay. Well, Pepper wants to talk to me. So... I will be in contact. Let me know if you need anything" He said patting my back. I sighed. " See you," I said sitting back down on the mattress and putting my head in my hands. " Yeah," Tony said then left.

I put down the dining table. I looked around the house. I think that was everything I could do without consulting Nat. I looked toward the stairs. I smiled. " I think I've earned a nap," I said as I made my way toward the stairs. I walked up them quickly. I made my way into the bedroom.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I opened my eyes. I looked down. A familiar arm was there. I put my hand on it. " hey" Nat said. " Mmm, Hey," I said while smiling. She moved her head on top of mine and kissed me on the cheek. " Nice work with Harlow's room," She said. I turned over and faced her. " You went with Harlow," I said smiling. She smiled and nodded. " It's got a nice ring to it," She said. I smiled and kissed her. " I decided to wait until you got back to do the painting," I said. " So you wanted me to do the work?" She asked. " no." I said. I looked her over. Something was wrong. I put my hand upon her cheek. " What's wrong?" She asked. I examined her. She had a cut on her neck. " You got hurt," I said looking at the cut. " I'm fine." She said reassuring me. I bit my lip. "Let's get to work on painting that room." She said getting up. I groaned. " Oh, come on. Aren't you a super-soldier? Who would have guessed with all the things you can do you don't want to paint" She said throwing a pillow at me. I scoffed and threw the pillow back. She laughed and put it back. " Come on, I need your help," She said pulling on my arm. I groaned and got up.

Nat decided to go with a light red color. I was painting when I heard something. I looked behind me. " What is it?" I asked Nat. She was standing at the door smiling. " You're so... perfect," She said walking toward me. I scoffed. " Thank you for the offer but... I'm far from perfect" I said turning around and continuing painting. " oh but you're not... You're perfect in your own way. You're perfect... for me" She said as she got closer. I stopped painting. I looked at her. " I'm lucky to have you," She said. I scoffed. " I think you have everything backward," I said. " I'm lucky to have you, Natasha," I said walking toward her. She smiled. She grabbed my hands and brought them up to her mouth. She kissed my hands. She looked like she was thinking. " What is it?" I asked. " I would ask you to marry me but... I don't really believe in marriage" She said raising an eyebrow. I sighed. I smiled. " How about... a promise," I said. " That's so cliche," She said while laughing. I smiled. " It's a cliche for a reason... So, what do you say?" I said. She thought about it. " What do you want to promise?" She asked. I thought about it. " Promise that... we will never leave each other's sides. That we will never leave each other to be alone during rough times... That we will love each other until the end of times." I said. She smiled. " What is it that we should do to conceal this promise?" She said getting closer to me. " How about a kiss?" I said nearing her face. She smiled. " That doesn't sound so bad." She said leaning in. Our lips met. I moved my hands to her cheek. She put her hands on my waist. We kissed for a while until she pulled away. " We need to get back to the compound. Harlow could be born any time now" She said patting my chest. I smiled. " Of course, darling," I said. She bit her lip. " And I thought I was a tease," She said. I laughed and touched our foreheads together. " I love you," I said. " I love you too" She responded. I smiled.

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