Spiderman: Homecoming pt.3

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I was running to the Washington monument when Peter dropped down beside me. " I thought you said you would stop him!" Peter said. " I tried!" I yelled as we ran side by side. I took off my jacket and put on my mask as we continued running. " Excuse me! Sorry!" I yelled as we ran by people. We stopped at the side of the monument. " no, no, no. Karen, what's going on up there?" Peter asked. " Karen?.. You didn't!" I said looking at him. " Nows not the time," He said. " That training wheels protocol was put on there for a reason!" I shouted. " Hey, Axel." A woman said. I turned around. " My friends are up there!" She shouted. I nodded. It was M.J. " Don't worry. We're going to get them!" I said. Peter started climbing up the wall. I looked around. " Alright! Everyone back up!" I shouted. I couldn't climb up walls. I didn't have my suit on either. Everyone started backing up. " Freda!" I shouted running around the monument getting everyone back. " Yes?" She asked. " I won't make it up there in time. If that thing falls. I'm going to need something to stop the rubble" I said looking up. Helicopters started surrounding Peter. " Get them off his back!" I yelled at Freda. " on it" She said. The helicopters didn't move. " WHat's going on?" I asked. I watched as Peter jumped over the helicopter and used it as a swing to get into the monument. " What's going on in there?" I asked Freda. " Peter has saved them." She said. I sighed. " And how's Peter?" I asked. " He's okay." She said. I sighed in relief.

I stepped out of my car. May was hugging Peter. I smiled. I'm glad he was okay. As well as everyone else. " Incoming call from Natasha. Beware." Freda said. " Answer," I said hesitantly. " ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Nat yelled. I sighed. I cringed at the loud volume. " I'm okay, Nat," I said getting back into my car. " Good. Because you're coming back right now." She said. " What? No. We haven't caught these guys. Nat-" " I don't care. You have too much to worry about right now. The baby is coming soon, and I... I need you right now." She said. I stayed quiet for a moment. " I'm on my way," I said. " See you then," Nat said. " I love you," I said. She was silent for a moment. " I love you too." She said. I smiled slightly. She hung up.

I was getting out of the car when someone engulfed me in a hug. I looked down. It was Nat. I smiled. I turned and wrapped my arms around her. I sighed into her shoulder. " I missed you," She said. I smiled. " I missed you too," I said. She pulled away from the hug. She grabbed my face and kissed me. I put my hands on her waist and melted into the kiss. She pulled away. I bit my lip and smiled. She smiled back. She slapped me. I looked to my right for a moment. " I deserved that," I said tilting my head. " You did," She said turning and walking away. I should say strut. I followed her.

" Ah, good to see you Axel" Vision said as I entered the compound. " It's nice to see you to Vision," I said. He nodded. I made my way into the incubation center. I sighed as I entered. Chasity was asleep in her chair. I smiled. " She's been working day and night. Watching over making sure the baby is alright. This is as important to her as it is to us" Nat said coming over to me. I smiled. I walked over to the box. " Woah," I said looking at it. You could see the shape of the baby. " I know right," Nat said smirking at me. I smiled. " Come take a look at the room," She said grabbing my arm. I turned and followed her. She led me to our room. I smiled as we entered it. " I thought about it for a while talked to Tony and... He said he knows a place we can stay while the baby's growing up" Nat said coming up behind me. I was staring at the huge board on the wall. She had written things and little notes about parenting and tacked them to a board. I smiled. She put their hands around my waist and hugged me from behind. She put her head on my shoulder. " You did all this by yourself?" I asked looking at the notes. " What? Were you supposed to help me?" She asked. I looked at her. I scoffed. " What can I do?" I asked putting my hands on hers. She smiled. " I have had the hardest time doing something and I think you can help me." She said letting go of my waist. I turned and looked at her. " What is it?" I asked. She walked over to the dresser and grabbed a notebook. She handed it to me. I looked at it. "Names?" I asked sitting on the bed. " I didn't want to choose without you. Plus... I couldn't think of any good ones honestly" She said smiling as she sat next to me. " Yeah. These are... nice but I don't think they'll work" I said. " That's exactly how I felt," She said. I smiled. " What do you think they're going to be like?" I asked flipping through the pages. Nat sighed. " Geez, who knows. I hope they have your good looks" She said twirling my hair in her finger. I smiled. I grabbed a pencil from the nightstand. " I don't mean that I mean... Do you they'll be... Heroic? Quiet? Loud? Energetic? Angry?" I asked looking at her. She put her head on my shoulder. " I think, we should lay down..." She said taking the notebook out of my hand and putting it on the ground. She walked over to me. She straddled my waist. She pushed hair out of my face. " And think about it. Lay on it you know? Maybe even lay on each other" She said smirking smugly. I scoffed. She had pushed me all the way down onto the bed. " I missed you so much," She said. I smiled. " As did I Natasha," I said putting my hands on her waist. She chuckled. She put her head on my chest. " I like the way you say my name," She said. I smiled. " Really?" I said. She looked up at me. " Yep," She said. I smiled. " I've been thinking and... what if we just..." She sighed. " What is it?" I asked. She looked me in the eyes. " What if we take the baby once's she's born and just run." She said. I sighed. " Do you wanna be on the run for the rest of our lives? Do you want our child to be on the run for their whole life?" I asked. She sighed. " What's to say we'd be on the run?" She asked. I shook my head. " There's still a lot of things wrong in this world. One of which is the government. They'll find some way to blame us for something. Send people after us. Chase us for years. Chase our daughter for years" I said tucking some hair behind Nat's ear. She looked sad. " We'll get our time Nat. I know it" I said smiling. She smiled sadly. " I know," She said shakily. " What about Dalit?" I asked looking at the ceiling. " What?" Nat asked. " Dalit. It means flowing water. For a name for the baby." I said looking back at her. She thought about it. She shook her head. " Michela? It means god" I said. Nat laughed then shook her head no. I sighed. " Harlow? It means army hill but it's a good way to example strength" I said. " Ooh. Yeah, that's a maybe" Nat said. I smiled. " Vera? It means faith." I said. " Maybe," Nat said. I nodded my head. " Um... Anya? It means grace" I said. Nat shook her head. " I like Harlow better," She said nodding. " I like Harlow as well," I said. She smiled. " I can't believe you Addison was one of your choices. That's the most basic name I have heard" I said smiling. She laughed. I heard a knock at the door. " Come in," I said. Nat rolled off of me. It was Tony. " Hey, Tony," I said. " Hey, I need you in the shop," He said. I sighed. " There's a mission briefing on the table for you Natasha," Tony said. I looked at her. " I'll watch the baby for a bit," I said. She smiled. " Thank you!" She said jumping up. " All right lovebirds that's enough. I need the robot" Tony said. I scoffed. " You can take her," Nat said. I scoffed. Tony grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

" As you may know. I am a very busy man" Tony said as we entered the shop. I scoffed. " Yep," I said looking around at the redesign. " Which means." He said stopping. I stopped next to him. " You're going to need... Drumroll please..." He said walking over to a cloth. He waited for me to drumroll. I sighed. I started patting on my legs with my hands. He smiled. He pulled down the cloth. There was a table. " A... table?" I said walking up to it. He smiled. " Anya?" he said. A red woman appeared. I jumped back. Tony laughed. " Anya. Say hello to Axel" Tony said. The woman shrunk down to normal size. She turned to me. I tilted my head. She did the same. " Of course it's just an AI. Anya doesn't do anything too special." He said with a sigh. " What's her purpose?" I asked. " Well, Anya. Answer the woman" Tony said. I sighed. " Hello, Axel. I am Anya. I have been made with all current knowledge on how to care for a baby." She said. I looked at Tony. I smiled. " You made Anya... for Nat and I?" I asked circling Anya. " Well, you know me, Wolfie. Always helping" He said. I smiled. " Alright, Anya. What is the proper way to 'burp' a baby?" I asked crossing my arms. A baby appeared in a woman's arms. " Lay a blanket on your shoulder. Put the baby on your shoulder. Pat the baby's back softly until the baby burps." She said. I nodded my head. " Huh?" Tony said smiling. I nodded. "There are still a few glitches in her software but she's alive," He said. I smiled. I heard something crash. I looked toward the exit. " The baby," I said. I ran toward the incubation center.

" What's going on!" I shouted as I entered the incubation center. Alarms were blaring. " It's the baby. Something. Somethings wrong." Chasity said as she typed on her computer. " God, can someone put a cap on those alarms?" Tony asked. " on it," Chasity said. The alarms shut off. " What's wrong with the baby?" I asked walking over to the incubator. She looked normal. I looked back at Chasity. She was looking at the computer. " What is it?" I asked. She stopped clicking. " I'm not positive but... Her vitals are showing signs of..." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " Signs of what?" I asked. She looked at the baby. " It's just a guess. It's not even... accurate." She said. I sighed. " What's wrong with my baby?" I asked walking toward Chasity. She backed up into her desk. " nothing is wrong with the baby physically" She said. I narrowed my eyes. " Then what's wrong with her mind?" I asked. She looked up at me cautiously. " She's showing signs of severe anxiety," She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " She's a baby. She isn't even out of the incubator yet how the hell do you know about that!" I shouted at her. " Alright, Axel. You're scaring the doctor" Tony said grabbing my arm. I sighed. " Give me an answer then I'll leave," I said not budging. Chasity hesitated. " The baby... I can see what's going on in her head because she's alive Axel. She hasn't been born yet but she is alive." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked. " I can track her brain activity. She has developed to the point where the brain waves are readable" She said. I stared at her for a bit longer. " Let me know if anything changes," I said backing up. " I will," Chasity said with a sigh. I turned and walked out of the door.

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