Captain America: The First Avenger pt.3

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Steve and I had been trying our best to take out all of the HYDRA camps that Steve saw on the board. We had been doing pretty good for the most part. There were around seven to eight of us in total. Currently, we were standing on a mountain in the snowy terrain. I was standing looking off the edge. Two men were trying to get the radio to work as Steve was talking to Bucky. There was a zip line leading down to a train track. " You only got about a ten-second window miss that window... Were bugs on a windshield." Steve said as he got the zipline ready. Everyone gathered around waiting their turn. Of course, I was second. " Doesn't sound so bad" I said to Steve. He smiled at me. The sound of the train was getting louder. " Now" A guy yelled. Steve went. I put my hanger-on and went too. I was sliding down when Steve landed. I dropped about three seconds after he did. I heard the others drop behind me. There were four of us in total on the top of the train. We all made our way toward the entry of the door. Steve and Bucky went in first. " Stay here. We've got enough power in here. Might need someone who can see ten times better out here" Steve said as I tried to enter the train. " Fine. I'm not talking to him though" I said shaking my head. Steve chuckled and nodded his head. I went back up the ladder and sat next to the guy that had his gun out. I hadn't bothered to learn the guy's names. After about a minute gunshots went off. I dropped down the ladder and tried to open the door. The door was locked. I hit it and walked back up the ladder. " What's going on?" The guy beside me asked. I turned to him. " I don't know the doors locked. They'll be fine" I said. I deadpanned as I got up onto the roof once again. The gunshots continued and then a hole was blown into the wall of the train. I jumped down and entered through it. There was a guy with huge guns on his sides. He was glowing blue. Steve and Bucky were ducking behind for cover. I ran at the guy and slid on the floor. I stabbed my spear through one of his guns. A couple of sparks happened then he shot me with the other one. It sent me flying back into Steve. " Are you okay?" he asked looking at me. " I'm fine. Just needed something to wake me up" I said as I hopped up. I ducked behind one of the shelves. Bucky picked up Steves shield and shot at the guy. The guy shot Bucky with his blasters. Bucky went flying out of the train. " Bucky!" Steve shouted. He got up and grabbed his shield. He threw it at the guy. The guy went flying back. Steve ran outside of the train. I looked and saw that Bucky was hanging onto the pice of the train that was obliterated. Steve went to help him. I looked back and saw that the guy was gone. I heard a scream and turned around. Bucky was gone and Steve was still there. " Oh no," I said. I looked around and picked up Steves shield. He came back into the train. He took his shield from me. " You did everything you could. His sacrifice was noble." I said. I put my hand on his shoulder. " He shouldn't have had to be a sacrifice at all," He said as he shrugged off my hand. 

I was sitting at a table with multiple other warfighters. Or captains I don't really know. I was just paying attention to the mission. " Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capability. He gets across the Atlantic. He will wipe out the entire eastern seaboard in an hour" Howard said as he sat down next to me. " How much time we got?" A guy said. I recognized him from our last mission. He was the one that was on the roof with me. " According to my new best friend under twenty-four hours," My uncle said as he looked through the papers. " Where is he now?" Another guy asked. " Hydras last base is here," My uncle said as he lifted up a picture. " In the alps. 500 feet below the surface." He said as he threw the picture onto the table. " So what are we supposed to do now?" Another random said. They weren't really random. To me, they were but not to Steve. I wouldn't call them that to their face. "It's not like we can exactly knock on the front door," I said raising my eyebrows. " Why not?" Steve asked. Everyone looked at him. " That's exactly what we're going to do," Steve said looking at everyone. I just sighed knowing what was coming. 

Steve and I were on motorcycles. The plan is to draw the Hydra soldiers out. Steve's bike had been modified mine hadn't. A group of Soldiers on bikes came out behind us just like the plan. They started shooting at us. Steve pressed a button and Two lines shot out from the back of his bike. Two of the soldiers got knocked off their bikes. Steve then pressed another button. Flames shot out from the back. One of them caught on fire and drove off to the side. The other hit the guy on the side. Two other bikes were on our left. They got ahead of us. Steve and I sped up. Steve did something to their bikes and they blew up. We looked at each other and smiled. Ahead of us was a wall slanted with a car in the middle. Steve got out his shield and put it in front of him. I slowed and got behind him for cover. The car shot at us and missed at first. Steve pressed a button then the car blew up. He drove on the left and I drove on the right. We went up onto the slanted walls and landed next to each other. Soldiers came out and started shooting at us. I dodged one of them got hit in the hand. I lifted up my hand shook it. The rest of them just shot each other. I stood up and jumped off my bike. Steve did the same. I got out my spear and ran at a group of soldiers. " Once you get an open shot..." He said looking at me. I turned to him. " Stick em'" He said.

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