Civil war pt.2

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They had caught Sam, Steve, Bucky, and King T'challa. They had Bucky in a glass box with metal bindings. I was sitting in a room with Tony. Nat went to go talk to Steve. Tony was on the phone. I stood up as Steve, T'challa and Sam entered the room. " I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve asked. " no," I answered blandly. " Technically, it's the government's property," Nat said as we walked away. I sighed. " Wings, too," Nat said. " That's cold," Sam said. " Warmer than jail" Tony responded. I was watching as they hooked Bucky up to some wires. Steve was sitting in a glass room. Tony walked into the room. He was trying to get Steve to sign the accords. T'challa was sitting to my left. He was on his phone. I walked over to him. He looked up at me. I knelt down. " Black panther huh?" I said watching my surroundings. " What about it?" He asked. I looked over at him. I shook my head. " Cool name," I said shrugging my shoulders. He turned to me. " And you are the Night-Wolf" He said. " Correct," I said. " If you are going to try and convince me to not kill your friend. You are wasting your time." He said. I looked over at him. The power went out. Siren's started going off. " What was that?" He asked. I looked behind me. Steve and Sam ran out of the room. Nat came over to me. " What's going on?" I asked standing up. " I don't know." She said. " Where did they go?" I asked looking at the empty room. Nat looked over. " Barnes." She said. I nodded.

Bucky had escaped. Tony was approaching him with his iron man hand. Sharon and Nat were in position to try and knock him out. I was sitting at the top of the stairs. Bucky threw Tony across the room and into a table. Sharon ran at him. He flipped her over his shoulder. Nat jumped on his head and started hitting him. He slammed her down on a table and started choking her. I groaned and jumped down. Bucky stopped choking Nat and looked over at me. I cracked my Neck. A foot hit Bucky in the side from behind. It was King T'challa. Bucky turned around and started fighting him. I ran at Bucky. I jumped and elbowed him in the neck. Bucky swung his arm around and hit me in the head knocking me down. I groaned and got back up. I pulled off my bracelet. Bucky turned to me. T'challa was on the ground. I made eye contact with Bucky. " Don't make me do this" I said attaching the bracelet to my hand. It spread and supported my joints. He looked at my hand. I gulped. He walked toward me. " I'm sorry," I said as I ran at him. He sped up his pace and ran at me. He swung at me with his metal arm. I grabbed his hand. He pushed me back. " Tony! A little support!" I shouted. I used both hands and pushed back onto Bucky's arm. " Yep!" Tony groaned. My knees were starting to buckle. I flipped my body down to the left and swung my left leg up. Just as my foot was about to make contact with his face Tony's glove attached to my foot and boosted the kick. Bucky went flying across the room into the wall. I sighed. Bucky's eyes opened. " Shit," I said. I grabbed the support from my heel and put it on my other hand. Bucky started running at me. I spread my arms. As I was about to clap someone kicked me in the face. I flopped onto the ground. Everything went black.

" I suppose you don't know where they are," Ross said. "We will. GSG 9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying 24/7. They'll get a hit. We'll handle it." Tony said. " You don't get it, Stark. It's not yours to handle. It's clear you can't be objective. I'm putting Special Ops on this." Ross said. " They're dead," I said standing up. He looked over at me. " If you put the special ops on this... They'll kill Steve." I said. " Only if we're provoked. Barnes would've been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers. There are dead people who would be alive now. Feel free to check my math" He said aiming the last part at Tony. " All due respect, you're not gonna solve this with boys and bullets, Ross. You gotta let us bring them in." Tony said. " How would that end any differently than last time?" Ross asked. " Because this time, I won't be wearing loafers and a silk shirt. 72 hours, guaranteed." Tony said. " 36 hours" Ross countered. Tony was silent for a moment. He nodded. " Barnes. Rogers. Wilson." He said as he left. " Thank you, sir," Tony said before the door shut. He sighed. " My left arm is numb. Is that normal?" He asked. " You were slammed down onto a table. Of course, you're going to be numb." I said rubbing my hand. " you alright?" Nat asked. I looked down at my hand. There were red marks from where the pieces were attached. " Yeah," I said looking up at her. I smiled. " You alright?" I asked Tony. " Always." He said. He looked at my hands. " I told you. You should have tested them before putting them in action" He said. I glared at him. " didn't really get the time" I said. " We're seriously understaffed," Nat said. I sighed in agreement. " Be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?" Tony asked. Nat shook her head. " You really think he'd be on our side?" She asked. " I have an idea," Nat said. " Me, too. Where's yours?" Tony asked. " Downstairs. Where's yours?" Nat said. Tony smiled. He pointed at me. " Come on. We're going to queens" He said picking up his jacket. I groaned in annoyance. " Be safe" I said to Nat as I left the room. " You too!" She shouted.

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