Captain America: The Winter soldier pt.2

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I was helping Natasha out of the van when she limped over on me. " It's okay. I've got you" I said holding her. We made out way into what looked like an abandoned building. " GSW she's lost a pint. " Agent Hill said. " Maybe two," I said looking at Natasha. " Let me take her" the man approaching said. " She'll want to see him first," Hill said. She brought us to a room. She opened up the curtains. It was Fury. He was laying in bed. He looked peaceful. " I thought...." I said looking at Fury. " he was dead" Hill said. Fury woke up and looked at us. " About damn time." He said. Fury and Natasha were talking as I was getting my arm checked on. Nat was getting her wound check out. " It's fine," I said to the doctor. They pulled on my arm. " Ow!" I yelled looking at them. They sighed. Steve, Sam, and Hill were standing around us. " What did you do your poor arm?" The doctor asked me. " She swung it in a full circle, AFTER hitting the bone back into place," Sam said. I looked at him. " tattle tale." I said. " you swung your arm in a full circle?" The doctor asked me. " I have high pain tolerance," I said shrugging with one shoulder.

" This man declined the noble peace prize. He said peace wasn't an accomplishment. See it's things like this that give me trust issues" Fury said. " We have to stop the launch," Natasha said. " I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore," Fury said. He opened a box. " What's that?" Sam and I asked at the same time. " Once the helicarriers reach 3,000 feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites, becoming fully weaponized," Hill said showing us a diagram. " We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own." Fury said. " One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work because if even one of those ships remains operational. A whole lot of people are gonna die." Hill said. I looked at Fury. " I can make a call. Get my arm back online" I said to Fury. Everyone stared at me. " What?" I asked. " Did you just use a 2000's reference?" Natasha asked. I sighed. " Yeah, yeah. Stark's rubbing off on me" I said. " Make sure to use a burner phone!" Fury shouted at me as I walked out of the bunker. Sam looked at me. " you ready to fly?" He asked. I looked him dead in the eyes. " The last time I flew... I was asleep for 70 years" I said deadpanning. " oh..." he said.

" Hey, I'm sort of busy right now," Tony said as he answered the phone. " Yeah, how do you think I feel. I broke my arm. Split bone in the middle of my forearm. Fractured Femur. And I broke my own rotate cuff" I said. Tony sighed. " When are you going to learn to clean up after yourself?" He asked. I could just tell he was making a clicking noise with his tongue. " Alright. I'm guessing you want this off the grid?" He said. I heard him grunt. " Yeah, are you... fighting right now?" I asked. " Yeah." He said. " Well just get me the box when you-" There was a drone behind me. " Hello!" Tony said. I sighed. " Thanks, Tony," I said then hung up. I reached to grab the box from the drone. The drone pulled upwards. " Give me them or I'll break it," I said. The drone lowered.

" What's that?" Natasha asked as I walked into the bunker. " my arm, for now." I said putting the box down on the table. " How are you going to..." She said drifting off of her sentence. I took off my jacket and opened the box. " Is that from Tony's suit?" She asked. " More or less. I got drunk one night. He tricked me into promising him that I would help him with the suit when he needed it. He felt bad for using my drunken state against me so he promised he would help me upgrade my suit too." I said picking up the hallow metal arm. " So this is a part of your suit?" She asked. " yes. But I didn't want any super fancy tech on my suit. It sort of destroys the whole... Night-Wolf thing. Wolves are elemental. I like to stay the same" I said as I took off my sling. " This will help support my bones. It's basically just going to be a movable cast." I said adjusting the metal clip. It made a satisfying click noise. I wiggle my fingers. I rotated the arm. I moved my elbow up and down. " Tony made me make it in case I broke anything while on a mission. Guess he was right." I said looking at the metal arm. Natasha scoffed. " What?" I asked turning around to look at her. " Nothing," She said while smiling. " You're going to be on ground level. We were planning you to stay but... Since you have fixed your problem. You can now be the problem" She said walking into the main room. I followed. " You're going to be a distraction. Only come out once they figure out we're there. The place is crawling with HYDRA." SHe stopped and turned around. " Be careful" She said looking up at me. I smiled. " Anything for you Ms. Romonaff," I said whilst smirking. She smiled back.

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