Avengers pt.4

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I had stabbed my spear through the head of a Chitarie that was on top of Natasha. I helped her up. I saw something to my left. I raised my fist to punch it in the jaw. It was Steve. " Steve," I said dropping my hand. " Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal," Natasha said. " I agree," I said. " our biggest guns couldn't touch it," Steve said. "Well, maybe it's nota bout guns," Natasha said. " If you want to get up there, you're going to need a ride," Steve said. I looked at her. " I got a ride. I could use a boost through" Natasha said to me. I nodded. I got out my shield and got in the same stance I did with Steve. Steve stepped back. There were Chutarie enemy ships above. " you sure about this?" I asked her. " yeah. It's gonna be fun." She said. I smiled. She ran at me. I boosted her up. She caught onto one of the pods and kicked the Chutarie off. " Looks like it's us again," I said looking at Steve. He smiled. " just like old times," He said. " yeah, old, old, times," I said. The Chitarie started shooting at us. " let's go." Steve said smiling. I nodded.

Steve was going to help some civilians. I was idling rounds to check on everyone. " Clint you okay, up there buddy?" I said into Comms as I ran past the building he was on. " I'm good on my end." He said. " Tony. What about you?" I asked. " Well, I'm inside of alien," He said. " I-I'm just gonna take that as you're okay," I said. " you still offering some assistance?" I heard Clint say. I stopped running. " Where you at?" I asked. 

" Here," I said handing Clint my spear. " This is yours," he said. "you're out of arrows," I said. He furrowed his eyebrows. " I prefer close combat anyways," I said pulling out my knives. He still looked cautious. " You have great aim, Clint. I trust you won't lose it." I said patting his shoulder. He nodded. I smiled and spun around. Clint and I were back to back. A Chitarie came from my right. " mine" I said and ran at it. I jumped up and landed on its shoulders. I stabbed it in the neck than in the eyes. I dragged my knife around to blind it. It fell and I stuck the landing. Clint looked at me. " You really are good at close combat huh," He said. I smirked. " I can close the portal," Natasha said. " Do it now" Steve said. " Wait. I have a missile coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute" Tony said. " Are you crazy that's a one-way trip" I said. " It's worth a shot," He said. I sighed. Tony entered the portal. Not long after the Chitarie fell. " Close it," Steve said. The hole shrunk itself. Tony was falling. "He's not slowing," I said to Clint. " Give me that," I said grabbing my spear. I aimed it. I was about to throw it when Hulk grabbed him. I sighed and dropped my arm. " how is he?" I asked Steve over comms. " He's alive" Steve reassured. I smiled. 

We were in the Stark tower standing over Loki. He woke up and looked at us. Clint took out his last arrow and aimed it right at Loki's head. Natasha had Loki's sphere. I was standing behind Clint next to Steve and Thor. " If it's all the same to you. I'll have that drink now." Loki said. Hulk let out a growl.

We were saying goodbye to Thor, and Loki. As well as the Tesseract. Thor took the Tesseract with him. They turned a switch and teleported away. I stuck out my hand. Steve handed me ten bucks. I smiled. " told you," I said. " Sorry I didn't think I was going to live to see teleportation," He said. I smirked to myself and put the ten bucks in my pocket. " Hey! Wolfie. Stop by sometime. I have some things I think you would like." Tony shouted at me. I nodded. " don't try and crush them," Natasha said. I scoffed. Tony and Bruce left with each other. Clint and Natasha left with each other leaving Steve and I. Steve had a motorcycle. I looked over at it. " Guess this is goodbye. For now" I said, " need a ride?" Steve asked noticing my lack of a vehicle. " no thanks" I said shaking his hand. He smiled. " See you later Night-Wolf," Steve said saluting. " See you later Cap," I said saluting. We waved each other off. 

A couple of weeks later

I was running through the streets of new york when I got a call. I answered it. " Hello?" I said into the tiny rectangular device. " Hey there Wolfie. I heard you got a phone and thought well. She hasn't stopped by yet. Maybe she would like to stop by?" Tony Stark said on the other line. I scoffed. I stopped running. " how did you get my number, Tony?" I asked. " Oh come on. I'm Tony Stark. So you gonna stop by or not?" He asked. I sighed. " I guess," I said kicking a rock near me. " good. Just hop in that beautiful baby right next to you" He said. " Wh-" I said turning to my left. There was a car next to me. " really?" I said looking at the car. " Just do it, Wolfie," He said then hung up. I scoffed. I looked at the driver. " Hello, Pepper," I said getting into the car. " Hello, Axel," She said. " I thought you upgraded," I said looking at her. She smiled. " So did I," She said.

It didn't take long for us to get to Tony's place. They were renovating so there were tarps on some of the doors.  " Hello madam Schnieder. Mr. Stark would like you to meet him in the garage." The British voice said. I looked at Pepper. " His name is Jarvis," she said. I nodded. I was getting pretty familiar with the technology. " Where is the garage?" I asked Pepper. She smiled and pointed down a hall. I nodded and headed that way. " Tony," I said walking into a large room. There were cars. Lots of them. " Over here" I heard him say. I walked toward his voice. He was under a car. I could only see his bottom half. I pulled the trolly he was on out from under the car. " I don't wanna stare at your bottom half," I said looking at him. " Oh come on. Of course, you do" he said sitting up. I rolled my eyes. " Why did you bring me here Tony?" I asked leaning against a table. He pointed at me. " I noticed you don't have a car." He said. I groaned. " Why do people keep mentioning this," I said sitting up. " Don't interrupt me," he said walking to the table I was at. I sighed. " As I was saying. You don't have a car, and went to a school willingly and fixed some buses. Which means you like cars, but don't have enough money to buy one." He said grabbing some papers. "  I have money to buy a car I just... don't like any of them and I do like cars but it's not a career I was made to pursue," I said shaking my head. He handed me papers and put a screwdriver in his mouth. He grabbed a pencil and wrote on another piece of paper. " Tell me what you think of that?" he said staring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the papers. I flipped through them. I looked up at Stark. I cleared my throat. " It's a..." I said. " Really Wolfie? And I thought you were getting with the times" he said with a sigh. " no it's just... what is it?" I asked. " It's for you. It's the layout of a car. I want you to make it. Here." he said pointing at his garage. I chuckled. " you hold too high of expectations for me Stark," I said examining the blueprints once again. " I'm testing you, Schnider. Get used to it" He said tapping the papers. I sighed. " I don't like to be bothered while working and I'm sure you don't either so you have your own space," He said pointing across from the room. There was a semi-clean part of the room with scraps. There was a table that had a note on it. I walked over to it. " To Wolfie. Please don't break anything with your big wolf jaw. :) Wh- What even is this" I asked as I read the note aloud. " I swear. I didn't write that. It must have been Pepper. Or Jarvis" Tony said. I sighed. " Well. This will keep me busy I guess." I said wiping dust off of the table. 

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