Chapter 11

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"W-Wait, What do you mean to get a wooden spoon?!" Alberto asks worriedly as he looks at Massimo with terrified eyes. He then looks at Luca and Luca looks at him.

"Got it!" Giulia runs back into the room and shoves the spoon in Alberto's mouth, forcing him to bite down on it.

"HEY! MUGH-" He grunts and glares at Giulia.

"Good," Massimo nods his head. "Now Luca, Giulia, hold down his arms. I need to snap his knee in place." He looks at Alberto with sorrowful eyes like he was regretting doing this. "I'm sorry, but bear with me...this'll hurt for about a second."

"Mgh!!" Alberto tries to shake off Giulia and Luca as they both pinned his hands on both sides of his head. Alberto struggles in their grips as he glares at Giulia, then frowns at Luca.

"I'm sorry!" Luca says with a pained expression.

"Yeah, this will be over soon, Alberto!" Giulia says. "Just...stay still!"

"MGGH!" Alberto grunts more as Massimo says a quick prayer in Italian and softly grips Alberto's dislocated knee. "On a count of three, I'll snap your knee"

Alberto struggles more as the slight touch of his dislocated knee had stung badly. He could feel tears run down his face as he looks at Luca to make him stop. He shakes his head repeatedly as Luca kept on repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Over and over again. Giulia was also being loud as she told Alberto to calm down and shout in Italian to tell him to man up and take it.

Yeah...the house was loud.


"MGMH!" Alberto screams as he was still biting into the wooden spoon with all of his jaw force. He struggles as Massimo was trying to quiet Luca and Giulia down as he gripped Alberto's knee with a bit of force. But at the last second, Alberto drops the wooden spoon out of his mouth and looks at Luca with tears in his eyes.




Massimo snaps Alberto's knee back in pain and a loud pop was heard.

Giulia gags at the sound as she immediately releases Alberto's arm and shakes her head to try and get rid of the awful popping sound that replayed in her head. "Santa..." Her sorrowful eyes landed at Alberto as he looked at his knee for a good amount of time, not making a single noise. His green eyes were wide and then, a scream came from his mouth.

Luca immediately hugged Alberto as he tries to calm down the screaming boy. Alberto grips on him for dear life as the pain was astronomical. His body shook as Massimo was congratulating him while wrapping the bandages around his knee.

"AGGHH!" Alberto continues to scream.


It was night when Alberto got to fully introduce himself along with Luca. He learned that Luca was the first to wake up early that morning when Giulia and Massimo brought them to their home. Mossimo had put eye drops in Luca's eyes and a warm towel over them for a couple of hours. He would switch up the towel every fifteen minutes or so and switch out his bandages.

This happened for three days and Luca warmed up to the humans. He took a liking to Giulia and told her what he remembered what happened. He didn't tell her exactly what happened but told her that he and Alberto had washed up on shore after swimming in a storm and got knocked out. It wasn't a complete lie, and Giulia seemed to believe every word of it. And Luca was grateful she didn't ask about his parents or how he had gotten temporarily blindness. was hard sleeping at night. How could he? It was dark and the city lights didn't help. Not one bit...Alberto was still unconscious and he didn't want to hurt his friend while his body was resting and healing.

(Complete✔) With a side of anxiety (Luca x Alberto)Where stories live. Discover now