Chapter 4

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Luca opened his eyes to see Alberto staring at him with a smile. His smile was what made Luca smile back. He yawns and touches Alberto's cheek.

"Good morning..." He whispers, unable to contain his voice from cracking.

"Morning..." Alberto's voice was a bit deep from where it usually was and Luca couldn't help but blush at the hushed tone. The sun was barely rising and the air was still cool. In the background, the two boys were able to hear the ocean waves crashing against each other.

It was a calm morning...

"You sleep well, Luca?" Alberto whispers as he nuzzles his head against Luca's hand. His face was soft and Luca smiles.

"I did...what about you?"

Luca giggles and nods his head. "Yes, I did...I always sleep better when I'm with you..." Luca confesses this with a happy smile but frowns when Alberto had a shocked face all of a sudden.

"What? What's wrong Albe-"

"Get away from me!" He shoves Luca's hand away from his cheek and sat up quickly. His eyes were wide with fear and Luca knew why.

"W-Wait...Alberto! What-" He cut himself off as he realizes his hand. Wait...why was his hand a dark green color? His nails were sharp and long and his scales were picking off.

Luca was just as afraid as Alberto as his arm begins to shake uncontrollably. He was horrified. Scared. Of himself.


"STAY AWAY! YOU FREAK!" He quickly stands up, and Luca does the same. But, in the corner of his eyes, he spotted his reflection on an old mirror. He fully turns towards the mirror and felt like he was going to throw up. Was that him? Is that how he looks like?

Luca's skin was a dark green color. He didn't have his blue hues anymore or any type of mixed colors. His scales were rough and some were peeling off. Dried blood had hardened on his forehead from the concussions he received earlier in the week. Luca's eyes were also a dark yellow color with dark pupils. His eyes were no longer red, and he had dark bags under his eyes. His teeth were also sharp like his nails and his tail was longer than it usually was.

He looked...

"FREAK! STAY AWAY!" Alberto screams as he begins to throw stuff at Luca. "Stay away! GET BACK!"

"A-Alberto! I-It's me!" Luca cries as he tries to dodge the things Alberto was throwing at him.



A sob suddenly left Alberto's mouth as he shot up from the horrible nightmare. His heart was beating fast and tears were rolling down his face. What the? What the hell was that nightmare? Was that Luca? Why was he calling Luca a freak? And why did Luca look different? He looked more mature and...almost scary? B-But Alberto could never be scared of Luca.

A crack of thunder startled Alberto out of his thoughts as he wipes the remaining of his tears away. He sniffs and stood up with a determined glare. He was going to do it. He was going to save Luca. It's been far too long since he's seen his friend, and Alberto won't be standing here any longer. His determined glare softened a bit like the waves of the ocean were crashing wildly against each other. A storm was coming and Alberto can tell it was going to be a bad one. The teen hasn't swum in the ocean when a storm was occurring. He would let stupid Bruno get to him, but not this time. Stupid Bruno wasn't going to get in the way of saving Luca.

(Complete✔) With a side of anxiety (Luca x Alberto)Where stories live. Discover now