Chapter 5

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He lost count of how many days he's been alone. His Uncle Ugo hasn't been seen since, and the days seem to mash together all in one. His body was hurting constantly and his eyes had somewhat adjusted to the dark. His hope of being saved completely vanished and he was experiencing mixed emotions. He felt shame, guilt, and anger, Why wouldn't he feel angry? His parents abandoned him. Uncle Ugo has abandoned him...and he was sad to say that Alberto had abandoned him as well. Sure, Luca couldn't tell how long it's been, but he knew it's been over two weeks...right? Or was it three?

Well, Luca doesn't need friends. He shouldn't have to go to the surface as his parents said. Maybe then, his life would've played out normally. He would grow up and maybe even have a partner. Luca doesn't care what partner he has. He doesn't care for gender, nor their facial structures. He only cares for their personality. But going back to his future, Luca would want a partner and have little sea guppies. He loves children as he finds them absolutely adorable. He'll go to work every day and come back to his family. They would laugh and play until bedtime.

It sounds like a nice life Luca has made up in his mind, but he knows, in reality, it wouldn't come true. Who would date him? He was the kid who disobeyed his parents and got punished for it. It was his fault. It was his fault to get into this could he be so selfish? His parents were right. He should've just say low and live out his life quietly. Don't take risks. And don't get curious too much or the humans will catch you.

Luca curled up into a ball as his stomach made a terrible aching sound. It growled like it was angry at Luca, and why wouldn't it? He hasn't eaten in weeks. His body was consuming his body fat to get him through the day and he wasn't sure how long he could take it. He was already dry heaving at the literal thought of any food and the whale carcasses his Uncle tried to force him to eat. It was absolutely disgusting and Luca would rather eat fish than to actually eat the whale's remains that were randomly floating all across the sea. His head was hurting as well. The splitting headache would get worse each hour of the day as the wounds on his head were left unattended and not disinfectant properly. Luca was also weak. He couldn't/wouldn't sleep and only manages to get five minutes of shut-eye before startling awake by the creepy noises of the deep sea. And during those small sessions of shut-eye, nightmares would occur to poor Luca. He would dream of Alberto leaving him and even attempting to kill him. The dark thoughts of his mind made Luca even scared than he was before. He forced himself not to speak as he heard the creepy noises. It was better than making any type of noise at all.

The mental thoughts of Luca's head came to a halt as he suddenly heard a scream of terror. The scream startled the 13-year-old boy as his wide eyes immediately looked from left to right for any danger. His eyes, finally adjust to the darkness, could see a figure flying across the small cave he was in. A scream erupted from the figure, which made Luca jump back in fear. That voice...

Could it be...Alberto's?

No. It couldn't be. It wasn't Alberto's voice. His mind was playing tricks again like it always did. The real Alberto wouldn't save him. He couldn't anyways. Not with all this pressure of the sea. Luca quickly abandons the thought of Alberto and begins to curl back up into a ball of the cave until he heard another scream of pain. It sounded more distant and his cries sounded a lot like Alberto.

"Luca?! Luca!"

"No!" Luca shouts, trying to cover his ears. That isn't Alberto! That isn't him at all! It was just his mind playing tricks on him again. That wasn't the real Alberto! That wasn't him!

"We'll travel the world together, Luca!"

"You'll always be my best friend!"

"We'll live together and use our Vespa to find the new things!"'

(Complete✔) With a side of anxiety (Luca x Alberto)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ