Chapter 8

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With a sudden jolt, Alberto opened his tired eyes slowly. His sore body made him wince at the slightest movements. But he forces himself to sit up, his back aching from sleeping up and his neck cramping as he moves to turn it towards Luca.

He was still unconscious but he looked a little bit better. His skin wasn't as pale as it was yesterday, but he still looked back. His eyes traveled down to Luca's stomach to see blood trying to escape the tightly-wrapped seaweed he put over the gash. Great...he needed to get more seaweed too. Alberto sighs softly as he crawls slowly out of the cave, avoiding hurting his knee even further and standing up, limping towards the ocean. The sand was still damp from last night's storm, but there seemed to be no more dark clouds that were present in the early morning.

The sun was just beginning to rise as the cool breeze made Alberto shiver a bit. Still, he enjoyed the breeze and sat down, laying his legs down for the water to run over it. He watches as his feet turned into blue scales as the water moved up and down in a calming manner. It was enjoyable to say at least. But now that everything was a bit calm for Alberto, he began to think about what had Luca's mother said to him. Was it true? Was his father really living with the humans? Did he completely forget about him? Did he really have an affair with his wife?

Was...Alberto a mistake? Was he made on accident and his father didn't want him? The negative thoughts tried to cloud Alberto's mind, but he shook them off. Damn it, he wasn't going to let Stupid Bruno hurt him. Not this time. He won't let Bruno win this time. Because Bruno is stupid.

Alberto stood and limp towards the water with a sigh and began to swim to get more seaweed.


*Day three*

Luca still hasn't woke up. It's been nearly four days since he fought against the creature and Alberto was a bit worried. He was still alive, yes, but he wasn't waking up. The only time Luca made noise was when Alberto goes to change his seaweed bandages. He would groan or whimper in pain, but other than that, nothing. But Alberto was patient. He knew how tired Luca's body was from fighting that monster and he only guessed that he didn't sleep a wink. Also, the two-knot-sized bump he has on his head was swelling down a bit. It was still noticeable, but it was going down little by little as the days progressed.

Also, eating wasn't a problem for Alberto. He normally doesn't eat fish since he really doesn't like its taste, but he didn't want to eat dry kelp and seaweed anymore. The taste was almost permanent to Alberto's mouth and he couldn't stand it. So, he ate raw fish, not having the materials to make a fire. It had rained once more and everything was damp.


*Day four*

Alberto clutched his stomach as he threw up the contents of the raw fish he ate the other day. Who knew that eating too fast would make him throw up? And the fish wasn't cleaned thoroughly, so of course, his body rejected the food. The boy coughed and sputtered as he laid on the ground, his stomach in immense pain and weak. Lying on the ground felt more comfortable than sitting up. He was tired. He was cold. He was hungry...

He missed Luca...

A groan left his mouth as he suddenly begins to dry heave. He thought of all the blood that Luca lost the other day. He hated how warm the blood felt as it seeped onto his clothes and body. The stains on his shirt were proof that not all of it washed out. He remembers the smell of metal as he was patching up Luca. How red it was...and how cold Luca felt...He never wants to think of that again. He never wants to see Luca bleeding like that, or ever. The fear of blood developed in Alberto's mind as he shakes uncomfortably at his own thoughts. His heart raced at the thought of the red liquid. His mouth felt dry and the weakness he already embellished too was getting even weaker. Was that even possible? Get weaker when you're already weak?

Alberto was getting dizzy as he tried moving but he couldn't. He kept on thinking of Luca's blood. How could he not? Luca was dying because of the amount of blood he lost. A minute more, and Luca would've been...

Alberto suddenly faints, his eyes shutting and body flopping on the ground, too terrified.

So...he has a fear of blood.


*Day five*

Alberto was replacing his seaweed bandages inside of the cave when he saw something move in the corner of his eye. He stops at what he was doing and turns his head towards Luca. Did...Did he just move?

His question was quickly answered as Luca moved again, this time, a low whimper coming from his throat.

Alberto's heart leaped in joy as he stopped at what he was doing and begins to lightly pat Luca's face, his body nearly shaking in anticipation. His eyes were wide and his arms begin to shake.

"L-Luca?" His voice cracks from him not talking for the past few days. He clears his throat. "Luca...wake up, buddy..." His hope for Luca had finally come true when Luca had slowly opened his dark eyes. He still had dark bags under his eyes, but it wasn't as bad. But...something about Luca's eyes caught Alberto off guard. His smile had shortened a bit as he suddenly felt cold. The aura Luca was presenting wasn't at all like he uses to have. His aura use to be warm and fuzzy, but now, it was cold and distant. His eyes were dull and not the warm chocolate color they use to be. A tired and pained-filled expression almost immediately appeared on his face as he slowly turns his head to look at Alberto.

"L-Luca?" Alberto whispers. "Hey...Luca?"


"Please...Y-You're okay...I-I missed you, Luca."


"Hey? Luca?" He shakes the boy's shoulders a bit, his smile disappearing slowly. He opened his mouth to say Luca's name again but stopped when he sees Luca's mouth open slowly.

"A-Al..." His voice cracks from lack of water and was probably dehydrated.

"Yes, yes!" Alberto shouts happily. He hugs Luca tight and cries on his shoulder, careful not to hurt him as much. "O-Oh my god, you remember me! You remember-"

"A-Alberto..." Luca's hoarse voice whispers. "W-Where are you?"

(Complete✔) With a side of anxiety (Luca x Alberto)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat