Chapter 6

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Alberto's head was dizzy as he races to get to the surface. His heart was racing in fear and shock as he was carrying his unconscious friend on his back. His head was dizzy from the gash that he had from the creature, yet, he felt like he was on cloud nine.

Luca was alive! His friend was alive! He couldn't have been happier that Luca was alive! But...

His condition. Luca looked horrible. His skin wasn't the green hue colors mixed with blue. He was dark green. His scales were sharp and rough. Some of them were sticking up and even some were missing. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was skinnier than average and Alberto can almost see his ribcage from his chest.

But that's not even the worse part.

Luca had scratches and bruises from the fight he had with that creature. Some of them were bad, while some of them were minor. He also had two knots on the side of his head which angered Alberto. It looked like someone had taken a rock and smashed it against his head at full force. And then, there was the big gash Alberto couldn't stand to look at. He could feel the warm blood hitting against his back as he swam up to properly wrap up Luca's wounds. He wasn't an expert, nor did he have the experience of such things, but Alberto knows some things about wounds. He vaguely remembers his father wrapping up his wounds with bandages and some semi-wet seaweed.

But enough about his dumb father. Alberto needs to hurry and save Luca.

Alberto nearly makes it to the surface as the storm was still droning on. The waves were much harsher than earlier and Alberto became a bit worried that he wouldn't make it to the tower in the middle of the storm. Not at least getting hit by a few waves. He pokes his head out of the water to see what was going on and gasps at how dark the clouds were. Never have Alberto seen such dark clouds before in his entire years of existing. Lightning struck and thunderclaps as Alberto's hearing were slowly coming back. His ears had popped again while he was traveling to the suffer and it hurt like hell.

"Oh, mio Dio..." Alberto says in Italian as his gut was telling him to leave immediately. And this time, stupid Bruno is right. He needs to swim away from the upcoming storm. But, as he was to do so, Alberto suddenly felt a tug on his tail, making him hiss in pain. Then, his body was forced underwater as he came face to face with Luca's parents. His frown immediately turned into a scowl as he backed away from them, his arms holding onto Luca's legs gripped hard.

"Oh my god, Luca!" His mother shouts as she tries swimming towards Alberto.

"No!" Alberto shouts, backing away even more. "Don't you dare act as you care for him now!" He shouts at them as thunderstruck more. "You sent him to the bottom of the ocean to 'cure him'!"

"T-That's not true!" Luca's mother says, defending her actions. "I only sent him there as punishment! Luca knows not to go to the surface!" She tries reaching for Luca again, but Alberto backs away from them, nearly hissing.

"Why does...our son look different?" Luca's father asks. "He looks..." His eyes showed guilt as his hands clasped together. "Oh god..." He mumbles. "What have we done?" He looks at his wife and points at Luca. "W-We...We destroyed our son..."

Luca's mom looked at Luca with frowning eyes and Alberto can see regret in her eyes. But the regret was quickly replaced with pride. No. She didn't want to believe that she destroyed her son. She was right. She was always right about her family. She'll never be wrong. Under no circumstances.

"N-No we didn't." She says. "Nobody destroyed him! This is his punishment for going to the surface with you." She points a finger at Alberto, who growls at her.

"Me? What did I do? I only taught Luca to not be afraid to go after his dreams! I did a better job at raising Luca in a couple of weeks than you did for over a decade! And I actually...want to take care of Luca...he's special to me..." His lips turned into a mushy smile as his grip on Luca had tightened even more.

"And I'll be crazy to let you ever see Luca're a bad parent. Luca is coming with me for a while."

"W-What?!" Luca's mother screamed in rage as she swipes at Alberto. "No! He's mine son and I want him back immediately!"

"You're going have to catch me you hag!" Alberto backs away even more from Luca's mother. He's going to have to go now before the storm gets even worse.

"GIVE ME BACK MY SON!" She screeches and tries to attack him. Alberto's face was nearly inches from her claws as Luca's father had quickly tugged her back with his brute strength. He then locks his arms around her waist as she was screaming and thrashing around to get out of his grip. "NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GET MY SON!" Her eyes were wide with insanity and Alberto was almost afraid of her.

"GO!" Luca's father shouts. "Just go, Alberto! I'll handle her!"


"Just go! Get away from here! Go somewhere and keep Luca safe...I...I failed him as a father and I can't take back all the times I ignored my little boy...tell Luca...when he wakes up that...I'm sorry..." His face was filled with more guilt, but there was also hope. He hopes Alberto can save Luca before it's too late. "But...his Uncle Ugo...he died...that's why Luca was alone for some time now...I tried getting to him multiple times but the pressure of the deep sea was too much for me..." Luca's father admits this and Alberto felt a bit bad for him.

"GIVE HIM TO ME!" Luca's mother cut Alberto from his trance as he nods his head at Luca's father, securing his promise. He promises to take care of Luca. No matter how hard it is.

But wait...

How does Luca's father know his name?

He was sure Luca hadn't told his parents his name, but he wasn't too sure about that theory.

"H-How do you know my name?" Alberto asks Luca's father. "I never told you and I'm sure Luca hasn't told you guys either..."


"Hey, how do you know my name, huh?"


Luca's mother laughs suddenly made Alberto's head turn towards her with questioning eyes. Her laugh was creepy and deep. She threw her head back as she looks at Alberto with wide eyes, her smile making her face creepy.

"Oh've been on the surface for so long, you don't know this rumor about your father!"

Wait what? What was she saying?

"What?" Alberto's eyes looked at hers, and she smiled even more. "What do you know about my father?"

"Everything!" Luca's mother shouts. "Everyone knows the tale about him! He had an affair with another woman behind his wife's back and had you! His wife found out about your birth and tried to kill you! But of course, your father being 'the hero' had killed her in front of everyone. Long story short, you were just a mistake your father had and decided to abandon you to be completely 'human'. Basically, he went to the surface and live among the humans, pretending to be one of them and probably fucking other women! Who knows, even men as well! That fucking whore!" She laughs out loud as Alberto can feel tears forming in his eyes as his chest had started to hurt. No...that can't be true-

"JUST GO!" Luca's father shouts as his wife had somehow gotten out of his grip. "GO ALBERTO!"

And with that, Alberto was out of there, his chest hurting.


(Complete✔) With a side of anxiety (Luca x Alberto)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant