Chapter 1

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It wasn't until Luca finally realized too late that his parents were actually serious.

They really wanted him to go. Going against his will. He didn't want to. He wanted to stay with Alberto, his only friend.

It was a dark evening that day when Luca was forced to go. He didn't even wish Alberto a final goodbye as his uncle literally dragged him down to the bottom of the ocean. He fought and screamed as the sunset rays of sunshine slowly disappeared. The levels of oxygen dropped in a severe lapse of time, Luca felt like he couldn't breathe.

"No! No! Please!" Luca cries as he fights against his uncle. He could barely see what and where he was swinging at. "I'll be good! I promise! I won't go to the surface! Uncle!"

"I'm sorry, Luca." His uncle Ugo pulled him down further into the deep part of the ocean. "I want to respect my brother's wishes! He's only doing this to protect you." His voice was full of sorrow and a bit of regret as he hears Luca's cries of attempting to escape. He hadn't bother turning on his esca, (the light on his head), knowing Luca would use that light source to help him escape. But with each passing second, there was nothing but darkness in Luca's eyes. He couldn't see anything. Everything was so dark. His eyes glowed a yellow color as he could now only see something floating towards him.

"Gah!" Luca dodges the object and shakes his head. He couldn't find his uncle anywhere. That was probably a bad sign. But he doesn't matter right now. Luca has to escape. He has to try! There's no way in hell is he going to let his parents send him to the bottom of the ocean. He has things he wants to do! He wants his freedom back! And he wants to see Alberto.

Luca takes a deep breath, nearly choking as there wasn't much oxygen. His body felt tight from the pressure. He can feel his airways getting crushed and if he went any deeper than he already was, he'll probably be suffocating at this point.

By propelling himself, Luca shot upwards, kicking his feet and swishing his tail as fast as he could. The cold water around him gradually turned warm and he could see peaks of the sunset rays hitting his face. Good, good. He's almost to the surface. Just a few more feet and he'll be able to go to the surface and join Alberto. He wouldn't be seeing his parents for a while as well He's too mad at them for forcing him to go down with his Uncle Ugo. How could they be so inconsiderate?

"Come on...Come on!" Luca was getting impatient as he was near to the surface. His heart was hammering against his chest. The pressure was gone and he could breathe normally again without having limited oxygen.

But, just as Luca was to the surface, he feels something grabbing onto his tail and swinging him around the water. It all happened so fast, Luca couldn't react. He felt pain in his tail and his body was flung in the water at a fast pace.

Then, everything went black for poor little Luca.


(Complete✔) With a side of anxiety (Luca x Alberto)Where stories live. Discover now