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I stared up at the ceiling of my room. Nothing was on my mind. 

I don't remember when I started looking up, I just know that it was dark when I started. Now the sun's rays are trying to creep through the window.

"Valerie! Valerie!"

Something in Amanda's voice awakened me from my stupor. I rolled over to meet her face only to realize she was tugging on my arm already. 

"Finally. You respond. I thought you had ---" she was breathing heavily, didn't dare continue her sentence.

"Anyway, you need to hurry so I can get you dressed. You're going to be late."

"Late?" My voice rasped. I almost choked from how dry my throat was.

"Yes. School starts at 8. I know you've been out of the loop for a week, but you have to get up now." She continued tugging on my arm. "Do you want my help getting dressed?"

"No. I don't need your help. Just leave me."

"Alright but you better get dressed. I know you're tired but getting up and at it might help you heal faster." She then looked at the bandaged arm she was tugging and immediately let go.

"I'm so sorry. I totally forgot! I didn't hurt it did I?"

She didn't. With all the medication I took paired with the coldness of the house, my arm was almost completely numb.

"No," I said in a low tone.

"Good...well, um, get up and call me if you do end up needing me. I'll be waiting for you in the car."

"Wait! You're driving me?" I said, scooting up on my bed.


"But won't you be late for class?" I inquired.

She stepped out of the door and whispered, "Not if you hurry up," and shut the door.

As much as I wanted to, I was too tired. Never in my life have I been so drained. All of the crying yesterday, the drugs I was on, the cold air outside, and not being able to sleep at all last night left me dead.

I fell backward onto my bed and almost immediately fell asleep again, that was until Guy came to lick my face. 

It was disgusting, but warm so I allowed it. When he sneezed on my face though, that was it. I laughed for the first time trying to get him to stop. I accidentally fell onto the floor in the process and he went right by my side, continuing to lick me.

I knocked the wind out of myself and was able to catch it back with much effort. Still tangled up in my blanket, I rolled over to my side and pet Guy. 

"Thank you for trying to make me feel better," I said to him.

Right then my stomach growled. I didn't get to finish my dinner after Mom and Amanda's fight last night, so I guess I was pretty hungry.

I continued to stroke Guy's fur as he sat in front of me. 

He was so warm.

I gripped some of the skin on his back and he howled a bit. He tried to get out of my grasp, but I held onto him and shushed him. 

I was grabbing so tight I could actually feel his pulse. It was fast at first but increasingly grew steady. I started counting the beats and it became so quiet in the room that I could actually hear his heart beating. 

I drew closer to hear it. My mouth watered slightly.

"Valerie!" Amanda yelled as she swung the door open. My grip loosened on Guy's fur and I looked to Amanda. She looked confused as to why I was on the ground.

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