Strike 3:An Incident and Actually Satan

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The next morning.

Y/N:Wake the fuck up!-said to the fairy.

Fairy:W-What do you want?!.

Y/N:First of all can you sense other Fairies even those who might be united/marked to other fairies etc.

Fairy:You want to know if I can act as some sort of radar to find other fairies just so you can capture them?.

Y/N:No I just want you to act as a radar to find any Fairy Displaced people just so I may destroy them, just so nobody from this world may access those powers.


Y/N:Because no matter in what timeline,universe,dimension,parallel World,alternative reality etc etc, there's the corrupt assholes who just want all the power for themselves or just use other people as their pawns for their own goals and the villains.

Fairy:Oh you care about other people.

Y/N:What was that?-said while looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

Fairy:It's just that you look so uncaring for others that it seems almost insane to see you actually caring for others.

Y/N:I do care for others,just those that are my friends or allies but those that I don't know jack shit about they can go die in a hole and I wouldn't care,they could kill somebody and I wouldn't care,they would steal something and I wouldn't care. But touch my things then oh well I would certainly enact punishment.

Fairy:What sort of punishment?.

Y/N:Well let's just say that I would destroy them from the comfort of this other Plane of Existence.

Fairy:But how are you gonna do that?. This is pretty much another dimension nobody has the power to destroy a Universe from another Dimension.

Y/N:I teleported us here, don't tell me that I can't destroy the Planet from here.

Fairy:What are you even saying-said because she didn't understand.

Y/N:My power can reach into the distant future and affect it. And besides this isn't my original universe in this one I can use my full power without the restrictions imposed on me by quite literally the Planet,essentially if I so wanted I could pretty much destroy the planet with a snore.

Fairy:Are you really going to do it?.

Y/N:Oh no I wouldn't.

Fairy:That's nic....

Y/N:IF your pathetic little world doesn't piss me off beyond belief or use one of my friends or treasures for their own benefits.

Fairy:That seems fair enough.

Meanwhile in the "Present World"

Y/N:Great I'm back in this pony world what could possibly go wrong-said while at a giant sign in the building in front of him.

Suddenly some static started appearing on the sign to show some news.

News Pony:We have some breaking news about the surprising but terrifiying capture of one of the head villains of the Group known as the League of Villains known as Mane-iac.After recieving a distress call because something was going on at the old Maretropolis Power Plant, detectives of MPD's Power Division and the Power Ponies were surprised due to the conditions they found the villain. From what early analysis she seems to have third degree burns all over her chest and stomach,broken ribs,damaged organs,her hair burned some of it cut off and a little part of it appears to have been yanked off by an extreme force and damage to the spine leaving her quite possibly permanently crippled.

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