Strike 2:A King's Reveal

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Fairy:Um I don't think you understand I'm a Breezie very important beings for this World's Flowers and Plant life so what the shit?

Y/N:See, I understand that much, however Author's orders. Basically I do this or this Universe gets burned hotter than the sun.

Fairy:The fuck. Who's the Author?. Do they know how important we are?!

Y/N:Yeah, I don't really get it either. Nothing personal, I just you know enjoy life sooo-said before erasing her physical body and sending her soul inside Rhongomyniad.

??? 1:GET HIM ZAPP!-said before a lightning rainbow bolt crashed on the Sacred Spear and was deflected a few meters back.

Y/N:You know it kind of defeats the purpose of a surprise attack if you yell it out preemptively so I can hear you.

??? 2:*Is very happy with ??? 1*

Y/N:Anyways since you so rudely tried to pull of a surprise attack and apparently we're doing this now. I'll introduce myself I am the Lion King, the Lord of the Farthest Ends. What might your name be?.

??? 1:Well I'm glad you ask..

Y/N:Not you Lightning Girl,her Country Girl-said pointing at the other anthro  Pony in the room.

??? 2:Well I'm Mistress Marevelous.

Y/N:Hang on you call yourself Mistress Marevelous that name sounds like some name that a heroine that's a bit stuck up,and arrogant, and OBSESSED with fashion would have,not a Country Girl that uses I mean if I had to guess you would have picked a name more Country Like you don't seem somebody who really cares about fashion.-said to which Zapp was having a hard time trying not to laugh.

Mistress Marevelous:Zapp don't laugh about this?!

Zapp:But you gotta admit he has a point-said while laughing.

Y/N:See your friend over there gets it.

Mistress Marevelous:I know but just what are you doing here?.

Y/N:See that's one thing that I'd like to keep between us since I pretty much forced the Camera to shut off at right about the moment you entered so video footage of me aside from you know my Curb-Stomp Battle against Miss Mane-iac and quite possibly crippled her permanently and is quite possibly debating between life and death now.

Mistress Marevelous:That's not what a hero does?!

Y/N:Yes but I just so happen to have 2 major problems about that, see what if that villain wants lets say the destruction/slavement of the world and there was no way of redeeming or getting rid of them other than killing them, and there's the other fact which is do you think Villains give the same mercy treatment you give them every time you don't man up and take that final step necessary to get rid of one of the World's greatest evil, to their victims or the people they have kidnapped.

Y/N:I mean just think about famous Superheroes like Superman or Batman or whatever the hell you name them, one of them suffered the near extinction of his race with barely a hand full of them alive almost all of them being villains,the other suffered the death of his parents with him having a front seat.

Zapp:So what we'll just stop them we always do.

Y/N:That's were your arrogance comes to play your foolish thinking that you will always stop them what if they strike the moment your at your weakest such as when you're sick, or after giving birth. You think that pleading will stop them from killing you sure you may be the good guys but your no Immortal nor Invincible warrior that somehow manages to win against everything without major injuries.

Y/N:What if somebody like me but crazy comes and starts a killing spree costing the lives of let's say 50% of the World do you think that the dead people's family will stand idly by while you just imprison them hoping that locking them up will magically reform them. Well news flash it won't they will break out you give them the chance.-said while looking at them while tilting his head.

Mistress Marevelous:So we just gotta let you murder criminals left and right?.

Y/N:As if you may be able to defeat supervillains and normal criminals but what will happen when a Displaced appears they may not be skilled or strong at first without being the correct self, but unlike you they get immensely stronger should you allow them I will eliminate them from the face of this planet should I deem it necessary-said before golden light appeared around him and he vanished.

In a mysterious place.

Y/N:Huh so this is the Reverse Side of The World neat

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Y/N:Huh so this is the Reverse Side of The World neat. From here I should be able to do whatever I want without anybody interrupting me and you-said looking at his spear. I think it's time you started speaking-said shaking the spear making the soul contained in it wake up.

Fairy:Where am I?.

Y/N:Welcome fairy to the Reverse Side of The World-said admiring it.

Fairy:But that place was supposed to be a legend, a story that the elders tell to their children and grand children that that's where we go to when we die. I can't believe it's real.

Y/N:The Reverse Side of The World is essentially the place where mythological beings such as Sphinxes,Demons,Gods and a long list of etc, came to after the Age of the Gods ended. It's essentially just a layer that divides the Present World from the Planet's Core, several of my weapons were made here.

Fairy:But how did we get here?.

Y/N:You don't just gain access to this Place to even come close to this place they would have to drill through the Planet itself just to get through the "Present World" layer the possibilities of somebody ever gaining access to this place unless they've become Inponies,Ingriffons,Indragons,Inminotaurs etc etc are zero and even IF they were the possibilities remain incredibly close to zero and even then there are many things to consider.

Fairy:What things?.

Y/N:The mana density in this place one breath from it and your body would burst from the inside out unless you were special let's say with Powers

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