Episode 4: The Jealousy Demon

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Eda looked exhausted. She was cradling Luz close, head titled downwards towards the infant in her arms.

King sighed. Luz was in his spot. Again. Not only had she taken over his time, his best friend, and his home, but also the spot in Eda's arms that he would always sleep in.

King saw his opportunity. Scurrying in and carefully taking Luz from Eda's arms. Eda flinched, and for a split second, King was sure Eda would awake. But, instead, Eda plopped her head to the side, snoring.

King hopped from the nest and worked his way to the spare room across the hall. Lucky for him, Luz was small. Small, and light.

When King was in the clear, he laid Luz on the ground, making her open her eyes.

"Human baby, I must admit. I liked you at first, but ever since you came her, you caused only trouble! So, unlucky for you, but lucky for me, you will be the main cour- I mean, guest, to my feast!"

King's eyes twinkled. "Now, wait here. I must find my royal bib. I mean, not like you can go anywhere anyway. You're just a baby."

Luz coughed slightly, reaching for King. King scurried to downstairs, banging through things to find his bib.






Eda jolted awake upon hearing the ruckus. Eda's heart was racing as she looked around the nest for Luz.

"Luz? Luz?" Eda's voice cracked as she stood up, checking the room top to bottom. She grabbed her head, trying to calm herself. This couldn't happen. Not now. She couldn't endanger Luz.

Eda slowly opened her bedroom door, walking down the corridor. Eda passed 3 doors before she heard King inside a room.

"King?" Eda whispered to herself.

Eda stood outside of the room, listening in, trying to hear the muffled whispers of King.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, kid. I'm sorry, but... my mind says you're bad news, and my stomach says I'm hungry! Hope you taste good." Luz cooed softly, reaching for King's face. "I just..." King's confident demeanor suddenly changed as he clenched his fists. "You only take things! What in the Titan are you doing for the Owl House? You take away the place I sleep, my qualitEda time, my best friend, and even my home!"

Tears appeared in King's eyes. Eda only caught a few words. You. Owl House. Home.

"I just... I wish... I wish you were never born!" King shouted this, alerting Eda. Right as Eda barged in the room, she saw King with a bib on, standing over Luz.

"Eda!" King's tail flared out in surprise. "I was just... going! Yep. Good night!" King attempted to walk past Eda, but his tail was stepped on, keeping him in place. "Ow! Hey!"

Eda leaned down and picked King up by the collar. "You was planning on eating Luz, wasn't you?"

"I am not entitled to talk! I have freedom of speech!" Eda growled at King, making him yelp. "Okay! I was!" Guilt filled King's gut.

"Why, King?!"

"I... I..." King stammered for words, trying to say something. Anything.

But words weren't his expertise. Not now, at least.

King held his head low. Eda noticed a small black orb floating around King's shoulder. "Oh, King..."

Eda used her free hand to quickly capture the orb. Opening her hand, careful not to set it free, she showed it to King. "This little guy is a jealousy demon. They follow vulnerable souls around and make people make really rash decisions. Apparently, one of these found it's way to you."

King couldn't speak. What would he even say?

"I'm sorry, Eda... I didn't want to hurt her, but... but... ever since Luz came here, all your attention has been on her! It's just not fair..."

Eda sighed, looking from King, then to Luz, who was laying quietly in the same spot. "Watch this, King."

Eda sat King next to Luz, instantly making the baby light up. King fiddled with his paws, staring at the baby in confusion. Luz reached, grabbing one of his paws and pulling it towards her, a slight giggle in her voice.

King felt bad after this. He looked up to Eda with pleading eyes.

"See that? She trusts you. I don't know a lot about kids, but that's a look of trust. She loves you, King. It's clear. The kid, she doesn't mean any harm. She's a baby. Just like you used to be. You have to be a good role model."

King teared up again.

"It's just... I felt... you know..."

"Left out?"

"Yeah... Luz gets all the attention now! It just feels like... like I'm being replaced."

"King... It's time for you to trust me now.  Luz is a baby. She needs the attention. If not, she'll grow up to be a not very happy kid. She'll think the worlds against her, and who knows what rash things that could make her do? And, King, you definitely aren't being replaced. There's enough love to go around for the both of you. I promise. King, you can't just go around saying things like that to Luz. You know, growing up hearing things like wishing she wasn't born, and whatever else, could permanently scar her."

King sniffled, looking over to Luz, who was sucking on her thumb. King looked back at Eda, and jumped into Eda's arms.

"I know that now! Eda, I promise to never do anything like that again! I'm sorry! I do love Luz, but, but-"

"I get it, buddy. Just promise to never try that again, okay?"

"Oh, I promise! I feel so bad, surprisingly! Eda, you got my word! You got a king's word!"

"Then we're good," Eda smiled, standing up and picking Luz up, yawning. "Oh, jeez. It's early. Back to bed for you." Eda rubbed her eyes. "Or else it'll show tomorrow." Eda murmured.

Eda slowly walked to the door, stepping on something with a crunch. Eda looked down, and picked the object up. Un-crumbling the paper.

On it was of herself, King, and Luz. Eda was holding both King and Luz, and King had a small crown on his head. The caption read "Our Small Family", and King had his name signed at the bottom.

Eda smiled, turning to look at King, who was staring at his bib in his hands.

"Well? What are you waiting for? You comin' or what?" King gasped, dropping his bib and scurrying after Eda.






"Sorry I made ya feel left out, buddy." Eda ruffled King's fur as King got comfy in the next, curling up. Eda leaned back, laying a sleeping Luz between the two. King shrugged.

"It's okay, witchy. We're... still friends... right?" King looked up at Eda with worry in his eyes. Eda looked away, clearing her throat.

"You know, before you and Luz, I was alone. Sure, I had Lily and my parents, but... I was always alone, really. Especially after I was... uh, kicked out? Yeah. But, ever since I met the two of you... I feel complete. Loved. Happy. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. I think I finally found a place where I belong. Here, in this makeshift home, with my small, makeshift family of weird, discarded beings. And..." Eda sighed, holding King's drawing in front of her face, staring at it for a few seconds. "That's just enough for me."

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