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George had finally moved in with Dream and settled, currently he was doing some household chores whilst Dream slept, it was still incredibly early in the morning, it must've been around six, but George didn't mind. He always quite enjoyed cleaning and things like that, his parents often told him when he was younger that he had OCD, which he didn't, they were just uneducated and dramatic because he liked being clean.

He finished up the dishes that he and Dream had left out of tire the previous night and made his way over to check his work rota, thankfully he didn't have work until later in the day. His hours were a lot shorter than Dreams, usually Dream would start at about 8am and would finish at five, sometimes later depending how he felt whereas George worked from twelve until five so they often made it home at the same time.

They were a cuddly couple, there was no denying that Dream was clingy, any opportunity that he had he was wrapping his arms around George's middle or planting soft domestic kisses on his head, bringing him coffees in the morning that George decided to sleep in. Despite Dream hating coffee, he didn't mind making them for George.

Dream absolutely loved taking George out, they'd been together for almost two months but anyone that didn't know them would assume it was much longer, George even introduced Dream to some of his friends and as did Dream to George. It turned out, George was good friends with a police officer that commonly worked alongside Dream called Quackity. So whenever the couple went out to bars for drinks, they'd always invite their friends for the extra company, after all they were social people.

George walked over to the bedroom, pushing the bedroom door open. Dream was laying, sprawled beneath blinding white sheets, his hair a mess, ruffled. His stubble had grown out a lot and was getting closer to a beard than George liked, he constantly pestered him to trim it but now George was sure that Dream was letting it grow to annoy him.

For a moment, he stood there beneath the frame of the door simply admiring his partner. How comfortable he looked, relaxed in a sea of white, the bedroom window being cracked open ever so slightly letting a soft breeze fill the room every so often, the sheet mostly covered his lower half, his chest covered with (as per usual) a white tank top, George was certain that tank tops took up about 80% of Dreams closet. But he liked them, it really captured his body well, right against his skin showing the faint shadow of muscles and his toned stomach. George was never one for muscular type men, after all Dream was basically a stick back in high school, no bigger than himself, but clearly Dream was dedicated to the gym and work, yet now that George come to think of it, he'd never actually seen Dream at a gym.

He stepped over, his bare feet against the carpet, sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes glanced to the alarm clock, 07:11, he let his hand rest on Dreams exposed forearm, shaking gently.


Dream hummed in acknowledgment.

"You've got work in less than an hour."

"Mhm, i know." He groaned pulling himself up and wiping the sleep from his eyes, he froze for a second catching George's eyes, George having that perfect dopey smile that Dream admired so much.

"Why do you always look so pretty in the morning" Dream smiled to himself brushing George's hair back, it had gotten a lot longer in the past month or so, curling at the ends and wrapping around his ear. It looked good on him though.

"Oh, i'm always pretty Dream." George smirked, cocky as per usual.

"I'm well aware of that." Dream let his arms slide around George's waist pulling him close, littering his neck and face with soft kisses, earning giggles and playful 'stops' to escape George, Dream knew that he didn't want him to stop though, he was indulging in it, the bliss feeling of love.

However their momentary attachment to each other was stopped by the sound of Dreams phone vibrating and alerting him of someone calling, he groaned as George pulled away from him sitting beside him and letting his head rest on Dreams shoulder.

Dream grabbed the phone looking at the contact, "whys bad calling this early? he never calls before work" He huffed, George shrugged and he just picked it up.

Before he could speak, he was stopped by a broken sob.

"Uncle Dream!" Lucy yelled over the phone, it wasn't laced with joy and excitement, by the tone of her voice she sounded completely and utterly terrified, sobs filling the pause after she spoke.

"Lucy," Dream sat up, gently pushing George away, "What's the matter? You okay?" His voice was full of urgency, desperate to know what was the matter.

"Daddy won't wake up"

His heart dropped, "Lucy, what do you mean?"

"I woke up late for school- i thought dad was letting me have a day off as a surprise- but - but" she began to splutter and was hyper ventilating, "i went to his room because he wasn't up yet and he won't get up dream." She continued to sob.

The sound of movement on her end of the line was present, she was whispering. "he's all cold Dream- dad" it sounded like she was shaking him, "please wake up it isn't funny." she sobbed, Dreams face dropped, feeling his heart sink, full of dread wondering what had happened, assuming the worst.

"Lucy- go to the front room, i'll be there as soon as possible okay?" Dream stood featuring for George to follow, he was already dressed and had his shoes on so they began leaving, lucy continued to wail and cry, He muted himself, "George, can you call 911 please."

"Uh- sure- what's going on."

"I don't know, just tell them we need an ambulance at 44 Lake crescent, okay? Tell them Dream asked, lights on."

"Right-" He pulled his phone out and got into the car beside Dream.

"Lucy, i'm here it's okay" He hushed as he unmuted

He began driving, reassuring and hushing Lucy on the phone as much as he could, thankfully Bass house wasn't too far from his own, so before long he was pulling into the driveway.

"Lucy, i'm outside, open the door."

He and George got out the car, George glanced to Dream with a questionable look.

"Just keep Lucy with you until the ambulance arrives, okay? Don't let her back in unless i say so."

George nodded and waited on the porch as Dream as asked in, "Go wait outside with George okay? He needs your help to spot the ambulance because he can't see color very well" He lied, it was bittersweet but it was the only way he could think to distract the distraught child in the moment, she nodded wiping at her eyes and nose, sitting on the front porch step as George took a seat beside her, trying to distract her by talking about her week at school or her favourite animals.

The ambulance pulled up and George stood, "Dream they're here." He called into the house, Dream stepped out, his eyes red and puffy, shaking his head. Wiping at his eyes, George felt his own face become warm, ready to fill with tears.

Dream pulled a paramedic aside, whispering to them, careful to make sure that Lucy didn't hear. The paramedic nodded, it was clearly someone Dream was familiar with, a colleague.

"Bad? Fuck- you're sure?" The paramedic whispered, Dream gave a stern look looking down to Lucy, the paramedic put his hand up, mouthing a sorry. Before stepping inside to assess the situation as the paramedic on sight.

"Lucy, i think you might be staying with us for a little while."

"Dream, is daddy okay?"

"We'll talk about it when we're home okay?" Dream was holding back tears once again, letting his hand rest on lucy's shoulder, hesitantly she nodded, out of fear grabbing George's hand, she looked back to the house once before George escorted her to the car, Dream went back inside, presumably to talk to the paramedics whilst George hushed Lucy as she curled up beside him crying, despite her young age, she was clearly aware of what happened. Letting out small whispers asking for daddy to come home

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