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Dream finally got home a little over eight PM. He stretched out his arms and legs, he unbuttoned his blue uniform shirt, leaving just the white tank top on beneath it. He tossed it into the washing machine, as well as his work trousers leaving him in just black boxers and the white vest, he walked to his shower, completely unchanging and getting in it. He let out a heavy sigh as he turned the temperature up, hot water trickling down his skin wiping away the hardships of the day.

He washed his hair through with shampoo and conditioner, and eventually switched the shower off, he got out wrapping a towel around his waist as he took the other bits of dirty clothing, adding it to the wash and putting it on.

After doing so, he reached under his bed taking out a tatty blue notepad, the colour was fading and some of the pages stuck out and were damaged, he flicked through the dozens of used pages until he stumbled across a semi blank one, he drew a line and beneath it wrote.

October 10th 2021

and he left it at that, shutting the note pad, shoving it back beneath his bed in its rightful place.

In honesty he was bored, somewhat regretting going home on time. Usually he would've continued his shift for another three or more hours, but like he said he loved his job.

But seeing someone he knew on the brink of death affected him, as much as he tried to play it off and tell himself that he didn't know George that well. It was a lie, a blatant, cold lie.
Oh, he knew George well.

The issue was, George didn't know him in the ways Dream wanted him too, the day George joined his school was supposed to be a day like any other, Dream had skipped his first few lessons and was messing about on the field with some of the boys, tackling each other and just yelling amongst themselves as teenagers did, yet for some reason he decided to go to his final lesson. It wasn't like he was that bothered about going, he was failing every class anyway and had just been kicked off of the football team for his inconsistency in grades.

He walked into the mathematics class, his eyes stopping on the usually vacant seat that was now taken by a short brunette boy. He was pretty, there was definitely no denying it. Soft brown eyes that kept gazed on his desk, not daring to look up, yet he glanced up and to Dreams surprise caught Dreams gaze, offering a warm half arsed smile. Dream this time was the one putting his head down and going to the back of the class, a bubbly feeling sizzling in his stomach.

That interaction blossomed a few, George tutored Dream once or twice and that was about it, it never really lead to the things that Dream wanted. He knew how he was viewed back then, the fuck up who threw away his life. But he didn't, he picked himself back up and put himself on the right path, landing his dream job.

He'd spoke to George on multiple occasions in high school, the only issue being that they were in completely different social groups, so it never could escalate outside of giggles exchanged in the one or two lessons they had together or the two singular tutoring sessions that Dream only agreed to do so he could just get more time with George, possibly a chance to know him better, yet it never worked, so the final months of high school he gave up, literally and dropped out.

He sat up, running a hand through his hair that had since dried, his eyes glancing to the time, 9:49PM. Had he really just sat there for that long? Time slipped away too quickly for his liking, the thought of time always gave him an uneasy feeling inside of him. His phone went off and he rushed to grab it, answering quickly.

"Hello, Dream?"

"Yeah, speaking" He let the phone sit between his ear and shoulder as he made himself a bowl
of cereal.

"It's Nurse Bailey from Orlando Regional, i'm calling regarding the patient you brought in earlier."

Dreams stomach dropped a little, "Yeah, thank you for calling, did his surgery go well?"

"It did, he's in recovery now. He still hasn't woken, i was wondering if you knew much about him- like did he say anything to you at all? his files have no emergency contacts and his medical records are honestly pretty-" she paused, typing could be heard in between breaths, "bland i suppose"

"I mean, i went to high school with him, he's originally from London. His family used to live here with him, but the last i'd heard they all, including himself, went back to London because he wanted to study at UCL. His family might've stayed back in the Uk" He explained, subconsciously biting on his lower lip trying to remember things from over five years ago.

"Right okay, i'll just wait until he wakes up, thank you Dream. I'll see you tomorrow"


The phone hung up, Dream discarded it onto his bed letting out a sigh of relief, at least he was okay.

Dream ate his cereal, scrolling through Tiktok aimlessly as he did so, noticing a message from Sapnap, he tapped it letting his eyes gaze over the words.

[Sap: You okay? Bad told me you went home on time, i've known you for three years and i've never known you to do that]

He placed the empty bowl of cereal down, typing a reply.

[Me: Yeah, i knew the guy we pulled out of that black sedan, i think it got to me a little. He slipped during transport and i had to perform CPR. Thought i'd just go home, i knew it'd be playing on my mind for the rest of the shift otherwise]

[Sap: Mk, as long as you're alright. Always here if you need a chat. stay safe, and try go to bed early for once.]

[Me: will do, see you when i see ya]

[Sap: GN dre]

Dream sighed, he took his bowl to the sink, putting it inside before grabbing his now clean laundry out of the washing machine, hanging it out to dry. Maybe Sapnap was right, having an early night wouldn't hurt. He set his alarm, putting on a pair of sweats and a plain black shirt, getting into bed feeling his muscles relax and his body detense, he fell asleep quickly that night, exhaustion got the better of him.

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