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- Three weeks later -

Dream got out of bed, glancing at himself in the mirror briefly before stretching his arms each way. It was 05:30, he sighed brushing his hand over his sleepy eyes. He did the morning basics such as showering, brushing his teeth and washing his face. Dream grabbed a white tank top from his closet, pulling it over himself before grabbing his now dried uniform, he pulled the dark blue work trousers on then began buttoning up his work shirt of the same colour. He left the top two buttons undone for the time being, revealing the top of his chest and the tank top slightly.

Before leaving, his eyes glanced to the medication on the counter. He reached to grab it, yet hesitated pulling his hand away, he shook his head and left it. He left his house, locking the door and making his way to work.

It was a hot day, so he decided to walk, the sun was beating against his skin. The hospital wasn't too far from his house, no more than a fifteen minute walk if he was slow, walking faster would get him there in around ten minutes.

He liked Orlando, he was someone that always enjoyed the heat- indulged in it. It was comforting to him, the warmth of the sun, it always managed to make him smile, after some time walking he finally stepped into the hospital, the cold AC hitting him causing his body to shiver as a reaction.

He made his way to the staff room, it was barely six am, nice and early how he liked it. To his surprise, bad was already there with Lucy.

"Uncle Dream!" She beamed, running up to him and pulling him into a hug, he knelt down with a chuckle and smiled.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?"

"Yeah, the sitter cancelled so daddy said he'd take me to school in the ambulance-" she paused, glancing to Bad for reassurance who smiled with a nod, "if you said it was okay-"

"Why not, as long as there's no calls of course" Dream chuckled, standing as Lucy went back to the table where she was drawing with some crayons.

Dream sat opposite Bad, letting his elbows rest on the table.

"You okay?" He asked, Bad looked tired, stressed even.

"Yeah, of course!" He smiled, "The sitter cancelled last minute and Lucy's other sitter is away for the week in Dakota for family stuff, it's just inconvenient, i hope it's okay- taking her to school-" Bad sighed, pushing his glasses up.

"It's not a problem Bad, i'm her godfather after all, besides as long as there's no calls we should be fine, what time is she due in?"

"In about half an hour, her schools about ten minutes from here."

"Let's get going then." Dream smiled, standing, his chair scraping against the floor producing a cringe inducing sound.

"Lucyloo, come on!" Bad smiled, letting his hand rest on his daughters shoulder.

"Don't call me that!" She pouted, "i'm a big girl now."

Bad chuckled rolling his eyes, "alright alright," he raised his hands in faux defeat, "let's get you to school yeah?"

"M'kay" She folded her drawing handing it to her dad, who tucked it away in his pocket before rushing over to Dream and tugging on his shirt sleeve, "come on uncle dream, you're so slow!" Dream shook his head with a laugh, turning to Bad and shrugging as Lucy pulled him away.

Lucy was a sweet girl, long dirty blonde hair and glasses, big blue eyes and she always has the biggest smile.

Bad and his previous long term partner Liam had adopted lucy when she was barely two years old, they were very open about her being adopted and she had always been okay with that, unfortunately Liam passed away when she was around five.

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