part 3- preparations II

Start from the beginning

This was the only time of privacy he had. Usually, he would always be accompanied by one of the guardians while outside of nazarick, and accompanied by one of the maids when inside of nazarick.
All of the npcs at least believe that when he is in his room, that is when he is coming up with ingenious strategies and such, and thus chooses not to disturb his moments of wisdom.


Letting out a long sigh, ainz further presses his bony face into the pilow, almost as if he wanted his face to leave a permanent print on it.
Although he was physically fine and could go years without any sort of physical effect, thst sadly wasn't the case for mental fatigue.

Ainz rolled around on his bed a couple of times before coming to a stop.
Now laying face up on his bed, he stared at the ceiling of his large bed while immersed in in his thoughts.

" *sigh* I've really been slacking on practicing lately..."

"So much has been happening all at once that its almost hard to keep up. To think we are going into another war after just having concluded one..."

"But, this will be an even greater war than the one against Re-estize."
"Once we defeat that kingdom, we'll gain access to their resources, as well as claim the azerlisia mountains as our own, that aso includes the dwarve nation that inhabits those mountains."

"Adding on top of the fact that victory will ensure no one will foolishly pick a fight with us again, it will be of great benefit to the sorcer kingdom, rather than nazarick."

"But this is better, limiting the enemies of the sorcerer kingdom now would make it much easier to foresee our ultimate goal of world conquest."

"...and then...just maybe...I can see you guys again..." ainz quietly whispered.

A bitter and reminiscent smile crossed his face, although his face didn't actually change.

It was more of a feeling than an actual physical effect.

"Its been almost 2 years since I've been brought to this world, and I've yet to see any sign of them."
"Day after day, I can feel whatever humanity i have left slowly slip away from me more and more..."

Ainz extended his arm in front of him and stared at his bony hand.

"An undead, huh..."

"How weird, somehow...I can't even imagine that this hand used to be human flesh..."
"Its already to the point where the majority of humans are nothing more than walking EXP to me. All that matters is protecting nazarick, my home...our home."

Still keeping his hand in the air, the overlord clenched his bony hand into a fist.

"All else is unnecessary. Anyone who threatens this place, I'll have them pay with their lives."


A knock on the door snapped the sorcerer king out of his thoughts.

"Hm, you may enter."

Getting out of his bed and fixing himself nicely, aonz stood proudly kingly as he allowed the maid to enter his chamber.

The maid made his every need today, cixous, entered and deeply bowed down to her ruler before speaking.

"Pardon my intrusion, ainz-sama!" She says flustered.

"What is it?"

"Demiurge-sama wishes to speak with you regarding the war troops he has put together." She relayed to him the message.

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