"Well, how could I not be? I woke up to all my favorite things. And now I have food too." I say happily. He glances at the empty glass of water and the thermos that is still on my lap.

"Are you not cold? Or did I get the wrong clothes?" He says, I hear the nerves rise in his tone. Alfred silently hands him a bowl of soup, which he takes.

"Oh, I only woke up a little bit ago. I haven't had time to get dressed, or the ability for that matter." I say casually. I would much prefer to wear those PJ's. This hospital gown makes me feel very exposed.

"I'll have to replace your bandages first." Alfred pipes up. I peek curiously through the neck hole at my bandages. They wrap around my chest but that's the only other thing covering me. I feel embarrassment flood through me.

"Can we not?" I ask uselessly. Alfred shakes his head and I have to resign myself to it.

"I take it you're feeling physically better as well then," Damian observes.

"Yeah, I have a bit more energy and my head isn't as fuzzy. My back is still sore though." I report. I finish the last of my soup easily.

"Do you need anything?" He asks. I take a mental check of my body and my needs. I drank water, ate, had a very long rest, I could really just use some company and maybe a little affection. I pat the spot next to me.

"Come sit," I demand gently. He hesitates, but he eventually sets his bowl of soup down and sits next to me on my cot. He's careful of the wires and the IV that are attached to me.

"Beloved, are you okay?" He asks. I feel okay. Hold on, I feel okay? I was just kidnapped and tortured! Maybe there is something wrong.

"Uhm, I'm gonna say no because my actual answer is yes," I explain oddly. He raises a brow at me.

"So, you're not okay, because you feel okay? Why is feeling okay a bad thing?" He asks, obviously confused.

"Well, what person would be okay after that? I mean I don't feel jumpy or scared or sad. I feel fine." I say, beginning to get worried for myself.

"I see your point. Let's think this through a little, okay? Just breathe with me." He says and starts a new type of breathing technique. I follow his pattern and feel myself calm down.

"Dami, Joker is crazy. What if he made me crazy?" I say. My eyes start to water. He places his hand on the side of my face. His hand is nice and warm.

"You are not crazy, Cora. Perhaps this is simply your way of dealing with it." He muses firmly. We always say that I calm him down, but he does the same to me. I take a breath and nod slowly.

"Now I really need a psychologist," I say with a small laugh. He frowns.

"I still don't like the idea of you seeing that harlot. She's as crazy as her ex." He says with a huff. I place my hand on his.

"I want to talk to someone, Dami. Harley obviously knows what she's doing and she won't freak out if I tell her I know a few vigilantes." I reason. He sighs this time.

"I know. She did use to be a very esteemed psychiatrist before she lost her marbles. But, you'll still talk to me about the things that are bothering you, right?" He asks softly. I smile at him happily.

"Of course! I will tell you anything and everything you want to know." I promise. He seems to get an idea, judging from the spark in his eyes.

"So, you'll tell me how you feel about me?" He asks hesitantly. I quirk my brow.

"Yes, I will. Why? Is there something on your mind?" I ask. He hesitates again but I'll let him tell me when he's ready.

"It's just, I know you said you don't blame me, but how can you not? I shouldn't have gotten so distracted by the art supplies." He says bitterly. I pull his hand into both of mine. Reaching up to play with his hair wouldn't feel the best right now.

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