(chapter 4) be careful what you wish for

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Waking up the next morning Maddie yawns her bottom was still sore but she dealt with it, slowly she inches to the edge of the bed and she lowered herself to the ground her feet hitting the cold floor.

{im hungry. i wonder if anyone is in the kitchen......i kinda hope not i want to get my own breakfast}

Maddie walks slowly to the door and reached up grasping the knob in her hand before turning it letting the door swing open a soft "click" sound ringing out as said door opened. She walks out of the room, looking down the hall for any sign of the brothers and seeing that they weren't around she made her way down the hall which seemed to be a lot bigger and longer then it was before the four monsters arrived.

upon reaching the stairs she grabs ahold of the railing and walks down them turning down a hall at the bottom until she reached the kitchen. to her delight there was nobody in the kitchen yet.

pulling out a chair she carefully moves it so it was underneath the counter, reaching up she grabs ahold of the chair and pulls herself up on it and then carefully she pulls herself up onto the counter opening up the cupboard, she didnt get to grab the item she got on the counter to get however as she heard a set of footsteps and a voice suddenly yell something she didnt hear the loud noise startled her and she lost balance falling off the counter.

maddie then found herself being grabbed out of the air before she could hit the ground "lyn what were you thinking!! you could have broken your neck!! and then what would we have done?! our precious little sister dead from a broken neck because she was to impatient to wake one of us up" whimpering slightly maddie looks to her savior and the one who was scolding her to see offender looking down at her, a.....feeling...of worry surrounding him.

she was actually scared she didnt trust him much and she struggles to be put down, "stop struggling your going to make me drop you!!" another set of footsteps could be heard approaching and then another voice rang out "offender, why are you holding lyn like that?" maddie reconized the voice instantly as trender and she cries out for him.

trender walks over and pulls maddie from offenders grip "lyn decided to climb on the counter to get to the cups, plates and bowls instead of waking one of us up to cook for her, when i came down and asked her what she was doing she fell off the counter shes lucky i caught her" trender looked down at maddie worry could be felt coming from him "what were you thinking lyn you could have cracked your head open!!" trender sounded horrified as he said this.

maddie whimpers slightly in fear, she wasnt sure what they would do to her. "i-i j-just wanted s-some breakfast" she stutters as she spoke from the amount of fear she felt. "and you decided to try and make it yourself instead of waking one of us up!?" trender looks at her sternly and then sets her down in the corner "you will stand here until i say you can come out" {What!! im not a child! how dare you!} she glares at him and was about to talk back but she froze when she felt a glare aimed at her promising a spanking if she didnt listen and she immediately turned back to the corner.

"we need to childproof this house its obvious she will get into trouble as proven by this" trenders voice wavered slightly and she could feel a bunch of different emotions coming from him, worry, sadness, fear, relief and anger. "its not just up to us though we have to get splendor and slenders permission though but after we tell them what happened here i doubt they will disagree in childproofing this place" maddy was angry, this is HER house not theres they cant just do whatever they want to it.

"perhaps we could put a few baby gates up do you think that would stop her?" trender seemed almost hopeful "nah shes a rather adventurous kid i doubt it will hold her back for long" maddie looked over her shoulder at them only to yelp when her butt was smacked "turn back around lyn we didnt said you could come out of the corner yet" she growls faintly and glares at the corner.

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