chapter 3

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(picture made for the chapter by VioletAinsworth6)

The walk back to the "mansion" was a quiet one as nobody dared to talk. at this point maddie very much regretted her decision to run away, she wouldnt be in this mess if she hadn't run after all. She had just wanted to take control of her own life she wanted to keep her independence but that had proven to not be worth being hunted down by the brothers for.

Maddie sniffles softly and buries her head into splendor's suit, currently she is being carried by splendor in his arms, the gentle swaying caused by his walking relaxing the girl almost putting her to sleep. splendor then decided to break the silence by asking a question he had been wondering in his mind for a while.

"what had caused our little sister to run? we had only been caring for her how she should have been" splendorman did not understand. What would make lyn run like that...sure she seemed rather skittish and afraid but she had warmed up to him....hadnt she? 

slender put a hand to his chin "perhaps she ran because she did not know what proper care and love was considering the life style she seemed to live before now it wouldnt be to far fetched to assume she thought us treating her with the proper love and care she needs was abuse."

offender snorts "i wouldnt be surprised"

trender seemed annoyed "her wardrobe was horrendous as well, her entire wardrobe looked to be meant for an adult human! and the designs on them!" he shutters "what person would dress a five year old in a shirt that is referencing a sex joke!!

maddie blushed slightly at the mention of that shirt....she only owned it because of her only male friend david who thought she looked hot in it and ended up getting it for her birthday and It wouldnt be a lie if she said she was embarrassed by the fact that she owned it in the first place.

"please tell me your joking" slender didnt seem happy his "voice" portraying anger even if his body language didnt show it. trender remained silent letting slender know he indeed was NOT joking in the slightest "your not joking..........thats absolutely disgusting" splendor did not seem happy either however he was holding back on actually showing that anger because he was currently carrying the very "child" they are talking about and didn't wish to scare her.

slender cleared his throat and once again began to speak "i had also found that whoever had been "caring" for her had denied to get her any toys, books or any other entertainment devices there is also way to much junk food around the house and not enough healthy options" he paused for a moment before continuing "we also might need to go hunting at some point" 

the men look at slender confusion coming off of them "why's that?" offender being the one to ask this seemed the most confused though. "there was very very little in the ways of meat and none of it was human at her age its important to be fed a proper diet and she needs to have a healthy amount of meat in her diet to be healthy. splendor how much do you think she weighs" 

Said mentioned slender hummed "i would say about 25 pounds" maddie almost chokes on her saliva {i dont weigh that little!! i weigh at least 130 pounds!!} she was shocked at the amount they thought she weighed.

"that is very underweight she should be at least 35 to 40 pounds to be healthy" it was obvious that the brothers were not happy with how she was being taken care of. this sucked!, maddie was extremely annoyed and at this point she kinda wished that they saw what she actually looked like she didnt even care that they would probably kill her if they saw the real her anymore she just wanted to be treated like the adult she was.

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