He spotted a new face, and he quickly scanned it.

Kim Myung Jun, 27 years old - Alpha? Omega? Beta? Delta?

His systems whirred in confusion. He couldn't determine his rank.
He sniffed the air, and noticed there was a strong, musky, booze and cinnamon scent on him.

He seemed to be an Alpha.. but his systems couldn't pinpoint it exactly. He'd ask Jinwoo later.

Padding over to where Jinwoo was standing with the new man, he set down the cup and the two looked up.
"Here is your coffee, sir. Consisting of 2 shots of esp-"

"Ok, yes. I get it. Thank you" Jinwoo huffed, signaling for him to shut up.
Myung Jun recoiled when he saw Eunwoo, ears twitching a little.
"This is it..? What are you?" Myungjun mumbled, jumping when Eunwoo began speaking,

"I am Eunwoo. Model 967-610-2. Product of Electro.corp, and I work here as a senior assistant to the Lieutenant, Mr Park. It is nice to meet you, Mr Kim" Eunwoo spoke, holding out a hand for it to be, presumably, shaken.

"I'm not touching you, bitchass. You're telling me this is the machine I have to work with? He's just going to slow down my progress, for fucks sake!" Snarled Myungjun, annoyed.

"Mr Kim, I can assure you, he will not do such actions. Eunwoo is a detective model, a police model. He is flexible in many areas, and his creator deemed him as his most impressive creation. I am sure he'll be able to help you out in this investigation!" Jinwoo pressured, annoyance also crawling up his throat.

"Like shit I'll take this plastic fuck with me-"
"Myungjun, you've been assigned him as your partner, god damn it! Why is it so hard to get into your thick skull? You either take him with you or I will call my boss to force you to take him with you!"

Myungjun growled, making Jinwoo back up a little, but he returned to looking atleast somewhat confident.
"Who would've thought Betas got this reckless.." Myungjun hissed, which made Jinwoo cower a little.

The little light in Eunwoo flickered red, but he didn't say anything. He just observed the situation.

Myungjun finally turned back to him, looked him up and down, and scowled at the end.
"Come on, I don't need my boss fining me for my behaviour. You do as I say, and only as I say, understand?" The unknown ranked wolf warned.

"Understood, Mr.Kim" Eunwoo nodded, and Myungjun grimaced, heading out of the station.
The light flickered back to the faint white one he possessed, and followed the man.

He caught sight of a black vehicle with police lights on top of it.
He scanned the registration plate, and pushed it to the files in his memory to remember for later.

"Get in." Myungjun grumbled, unlocking his car and getting into the front seat.
Eunwoo blinked, before reaching to open the car door, pulling it open and getting it, before shutting it again.

They sat in silence for a while as Myungjun got the car ready, taking a long drag from his cigarette.
"... I am very happy to be working with you, Mr.Kim. I have seen your name mentioned several times in articles online, and you seem to know what you're doing" Eunwoo spoke, but he got no response.

The android observed the smoke floating up from the tip of the cigar.

"Sir, cigarette smoke contains 7,000 different chemicals, 70 of which cause cancer. Acetone, Acetic Acid, And Arsenic - which is used in rat poison- are some of the chemicals in there. You really shouldn't smoke that"

Myungjun drew the cigarette back, taking a look at the small stick like thing, before looking at Eunwoo.
He looked away and took another big drag, before throwing it out of the window, closing it.

Eunwoo felt the car stir into life, so he reached for the seat belt and buckled himself in.

The sudden question made Eunwoo stir around to face him again.
"I meant, are you an Alpha?" Myungjun mumbled, driving with one hand.

"Yes. Electro.corp deemed it as a necessary rank for me to handle, as I work in dangerous fields" Eunwoo explained, light flashing orange,
"What about you, Captain?"

"Alpha." He answered bluntly, making a turn.
".. Are you sure, Captain? You do not smell like an Alpha-"
"Are you robots always this nosy or is it just you?" Myungjun growled.

Eunwoo leaned back into his seat, looking out of the window beside him.
The world around him went past in blurs as the car sped through the streets.

"What are we investigating?" Eunwoo asked.
A minute and a half passed before he got an answer.

"Case AP679. Sex worker got assaulted, shit like that. Don't you have some sort of file in your ... brain that holds that sort of information?" Myungjun mumbled.

"I do. I can store up to a million files per second, I just wanted confirmation so I could look into the papers." Eunwoo answered, racking his memory for the case number.

"Million files per- fucking hell, what is technology coming to."

They drove for another 20 minutes, the clouds turning a dark, murky colour.
"If I asked you what the weather is like today, would you be able to tell me?" Myungjun joked, looking outside.

Eunwoo closed his eyes for a split second, before opening them back up and looking at him.
"19°C, there's a 80% chance of heavy rain this afternoon." Eunwoo said, light flashing orange before returning to white.

Myungjun stared at him, before he shook himself out of it and got out, grabbing his umbrella.
"Come on.."

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