
Well today was better, I thought he would ask me to come alone.. And got ready to go in my scooty, I was surprised when he sent the message for me to get ready by 11am.
I didn't think he would agree to come too.

We reached the house and Vikram parked the car..

Ajay welcomed us at the door..
"Welcome  , Mr and Mrs Vikram ", he said looking at me and him

" Long time bro", he said and hugged him..

Ajay didn't have his family in Bangalore, so it was just us..

His house was neat... I saw Akshara running over and she hugged me..

"Uh.. This is my girlfriend", Ajay announced to Vikram

" My best friend ", I said

" And my other best friend, where is she? ", I asked..

Raya came out then..

" Ya she, Raya and Akshara ", I said

They smiled awkwardly at him, not knowing what to say

Thankfully Vikram smiled at them.

" You made it Devi", it was Gautham..

I saw Vikram's face change, as soon as he saw him..

Gautham came and put his hand on my shoulder..
"On time Devs", he said

I rolled my eyes

" Stop calling me that, or I'll call you cow", I said

He chuckled...

Vikram didn't seem amused..

"You two... No one will believe Gautham was my friend once, won't they", he said bitterly..

Gautham looked up at him and moved to him..

" Vik... What man.. I'm always your best friend ", he said

Vikram didn't say anything..

"Hey guys, let's eat first", Ajay said

The food was great, and he made lots...
We smiled and laughed when eating..

Only Vikram seemed serious and awkward, of course he wasn't used to our banter.. These guys were my everything during my 3 years of pain..

He was silently eating food and I realized that I was talking to the others only..

" Hey , do you like the food? ', I asked him silently glancing at him, hoping to break the ice..

"Ya.. ", he said and continued eating..
We had our own things to talk about, and people were unsure on what to talk to Vikram, which topic would be ok for him..

" So.. How is your business going? " I asked

He looked up at me,. . Coldly,..

" It's manners to not speak while eating", he said

I glared at him, I was trying to make him comfortable and he was rude to me..

Why did I even try! After eating, I helped Ajay and Akshara with the dishes..


I was sitting on the couch with Gautham..
Raya was sitting on the side chair.

" So,.. Vik.. How are things going? ", Gautham asked

" Fine.. ", I said

" So.. I know, you may not like this, but I have to... Devi is a really good person, so I hope you take care of her well, in case you hurt her anyway, you have to face me ", he said

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