The second Motive Part 2

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Mondos P.O.V

There we stood. In the fucking gym. I knew it would be something like this- I knew we would get another motive which would motivate one of us to kill. I took a deep breath. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to look at the motive- But at the other side, it's going to get exposed anyways. 

And so I turned around the card I got from Monokuma with a deep breath. 

Mondo Owada killed his own brother 

no... THIS HAD TO BE A SICK JOKE- NONONONONONONO- Nobody should know about this, I kept this a secret my whole life- There was no way anyone besides me could know about this- this wasn't possible- SO HOW DID THIS FUCKER GET BEHIND THE SECRET, HOW COULD HE KNOW ABOUT IT?! This was not good- like- at all- If the rest of them knew about the murder, they would all keep me for a monster- everyone, even Y/N. Y/N trusted me and I didn't want that trust to waste just because of a stupid mistake I didn't have the balls to admit in the past. If I explained it to them, would they still want to be friends with me? would they still be so close to me and trust me that much that they continued to stay in my room over night? I hoped so. I just needed to explain it to them, to all of them, hopefully they wouldn't keep me for a murderer or a monster- I took a deep breath 


He just couldn't mean that- No. this had to be impossible! How could they know how my home looked like and how could they know about my mistake in the past!!? This motherfucker- I went out of the gym, along with the others and next to my friend Y/N. The atmosphere was tensed as fuck. I mean, how couldn't it? I can't imagine that it was comfortable for them to see their darkest secrets only they knew about on such a stupid card written from a fucker who forces us to kill. There was so much more time to waste, so much more time until our secrets are gonna get exposed and so many more chances for another killing to happen. It was pure torture. I just had to get out with Y/N, with Taka and Chihiro. I promised them all I would protect them and get out of here with the 3 of them. I still wasn't able to keep some promises in the past, I still needed to keep- Especially, I promised Y/N to get over their dead brother Leon. This whole situation was just way too overwhelming. 

While we walked out togethter, I felt Y/n grabbing my hand. I looked down to them, my heart speeding up while I got even more stressed than I already was. I felt them entwining their fingers with mine while the two of us continued walking together. I looked ahead of me while we left the gym. god damn their hand was way too comfortable to hold, I enjoyed it probably more than I should, WAY more than I should. 

As soon as we left the gym, the others following us, Y/N dragged me into the music room. It was probably the only way they could calm down a little bit. I eventually followed them into the music room while the others walked their path. We closed the doors behind us and sat down in a random corner. Y/N grabbed one of the E-guitars from the room. This was not only a way they could calm down but also how I could calm down as well. I always loved when they did that to me. How they were so passionate about playing guitar, how they sang, their voice made my heart beat quicker than it should. It always made me forget my worries for at least a short moment either, especially when they played to the ends of the earth from Natewantstobattle. They often played it and it was my favorite song from all the songs they already played, even though I never knew the original. 
and as if they could read my thoughts, they started to play to the ends of the earth from Natewantstobattle and sang along to the song. I didn't know why but it felt like I couldn't hear enough of their voice. It was so pretty, I loved listening to it so god damn much. I leaned against the wall and rested the back of my head on my hands while I slid further down the wall, making it more and more comfortable. 

As soon as the song came to an end, they stopped singing and playing of course. "I'm sorry that I play this song so often but it's definetly one of my favorites and give me so god damn good vibes for once", they let out. "It's fine, I like it too", I replied to them. "Oh alright then", they replied to me with a smile. I loved it when they smiled at me like that, it was so sweet and made me go flustered. They soon continued to play all I see from natewantstobattle. It seemed like they liked Natewantstobattle very much. After we get out of here, I will maybe start to listen to him either, since Y/N likes him so much. "And all I see is you next to me whie the ghost of yours is robbing my sheets", they sang. This song was also so nice. This whole situation was somehow relaxing and got me off thoughts at least a little bit. Though I still wondered how this asshole got behind my secret- 

They soon got interrupted, by the door flying open. Y/N immediately stopped singing and playing and looked towards the door. We saw Kiyotaka and Chihiro standing in front of the room. "Oh here you are, we were wondering to spend some time with you two, to you know- get a little off thoughts from the motive we just got", Taka let out. "Yeah sure", Y/n replied while Taka and Chihiro sat down across of us. I slightly scooted closer to Y/N without them noticing for my luck. We soon started some conversation to somehow forget the thing with the secrets as good as we could. This whole thing just couldn't end up good. either another one is murdered or they all would know my darkest secret and keep me for a monster. But right now wasn't the time to think about that. I really needed to calm down or else this whole thing would end up even worse. 

1115 words 

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