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Your P.O.V

Mondo and I headed towards the dormitories. We already searched through the other rooms in the first floor but no one was there. After that, we checked the dormitories. I headed towards the door with the sign where Sayaka's name stood on and Mondo headed towards Makoto's room. For some weird reasons, Sayaka's room was already open. I gulped as I went in. On the floor laid a kind of sword while scratch marks were all over the floor and the walls. What the heck happened here?! "Hey Mondo I think I have found something", I called over to the room next to Sayaka's. I heard some steps towards this room as Mondo entered it too. "Yo what the-", he let out. The scratch marks guided towards the bathroom. The bathroom door was cracked open, the doorknob almost falling off. I pushed the door open a little bit more as we stepped inside. On the floor laid Makoto. He had fainted for some reason. Next, my eyes wandered upon the shower. On the floor laid Sayaka's corpse. A knife was rammed into her stomach. Did Makoto do this? No- I can't imagine him doing anything like that. He was way too nice for something like that- Right? "Oh my-", I let out in shock. I bent down and checked Sayaka's wrist. She didn't have a pulse. Without doubt, she was dead. After that, I went up to Makoto and checked his wrists. Luckily, he still had a pulse. I let out a sigh of relief. "Makoto's luckily still alive", I let out as I stood up again. "Let's get the others", Mondo let out. I nodded as the two of us headed to the dining hall again. "And have you found them?", Hina asked us. "Well we found them but- Sayaka is dead and Makoto fainted", I replied. I never thought I would have to say something like that one day. Everyone followed us into her room again but for some reason Toko stayed outside. "Hey toko, why are you staying outside?", I asked her. "Because I can't see blood without fainting", she mumbled out while looking away. "Alright I guess- ", I let out as I went towards the others again. 

We looked at the corpses and Makoto. Soon, the screen in the room turned on. "A body has been discovered. Please go to the gym for more information", Monokuma on the screen let out. I gulped as the others left. Mondo and I carried Makoto. Mondo wrapped one of Makoto's arms around his neck and so did I. I wrapped my arm around Makoto's waist and so did Mondo while we carried Makoto's passed out body towards the gym with us. Makoto actually was pretty heavy, even if he didn't look like he was heavy. Though, for Mondo, he probably was probably not really heavy since Mondo was pretty strong and trained. We laid him down on the ground of the gym hall. We waited for Makoto to wake up and after 10 minutes, he eventually did. "Ugh what happened? Why am I in the gym?", Makoto let out. "You fainted. Y/N and Mondo had to carry you here", Byakuya let out as response. "Where is Sayaka?", Makoto asked us. "Well- she is dead", I answered him. "Wh- What- I gotta check that", Makoto let out as he stood up. "Where do you think you're going?", Mondo let out. "You can check as often as you want, she is still dead", Byakuya added. "We're not going to let you destroy some evidence", Mondo let out. 

We soon explained to Makoto why we were even in the gym and waited for Monokuma. Speaking of the devil, Monokuma eventually soon arrived. "A dead body has finally been discovered. Now I want you to explain what you'll have to do next. The next thing will be the class trial, so the exciting part", Monokuma let out with an evil grin. "Class trial?", I muttered out to myself. "If you take a look at the rules, you will read that you will graduate if you kill someone. But you will have to get away with it too. That's where the class trial begins. You will have some time to investigate before the trial starts. After a certain amount of time, the trial will begin. With the evidence you will have to find out the murderer. If you vote for the wrong one, everyone but the blackened will get punished and the murderer will graduate. But if you vote for the real killer, You will survive but the killer will get punished", Monokuma explained to us. What the fuck did he mean with Punish? Having to clean the kitchen for a week or? "What do you mean with punish?", Kyoko asked. "Execution", Monokuma replied simply. Everyone's expression turned into a serious and scared one. Suddenly, we heard Junko raising her voice. she stormed towards Monokuma and laid her foot on top of his head and pushed him to the ground. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!", she let out furiously. "Violence against the headmaster is strictly prohibited", Monokuma let out with a devilish grin. I believe I've already heard that sentence. Right, it was when Mondo just got off the hook when we all first were in the gym. Monokuma insulted his hair which made him angry but he got off the hook. Soon, Junko recieved her punishment. Lots of spears made out of metal got shot through her body, blood slowly dripping from her body to the floor and even down her chin. My jaw dropped to the floor in confusion as Monokuma disappeared again, announcing the investigation, leaving every surviving of us shocked in the gym. I headed towards Junko's dead body and bent down to her wrists. I checked her pulse and of course, she was dead. I was shocked and put off my jacket and laid it on top of Junko's body that we didn't have to see her body anymore and that Toko didn't faint like she told she would if she saw blood. 

Soon enough, all of us headed out of the gym, starting the investigation. Honestly, I was scared. I wasn't the most clever one and I was afraid we wouldn't find the real killer. Not only the asshole who did this to Sayaka would graduate from here and get out of here, no, all of us will be taken their lives. I mean I never liked Sayaka. But I'm sorry for her. I mean, she was the ultimate pop star after all. But still, I didn't like her at all. I silently sighed for myself and headed out of the gym, leaving my thin jacket over Junko's corpse. 

1129 words 

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