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Your P.O.V

I spent some more time in my room, playing on one of the guitars in the music room in the second floor of the high school and soon, laid it away. I didn't quite know what to do and so I sat on my bed for a while and got a little lost in thoughts. I soon got out of these thoughts as I heard the doorbell of my room. I got up with a groan and heard the doorbell again. I raised my eyebrows and held my hand against my forehead of headache. I headed towards the door, unlocked it and opened it to see that no one was there. I raised my eyebrows once again and was confused. 

"This place slowly is driving me insane", I mumbled out to myself as I headed into the dining hall to get myself some water. I headed towards the kitchen I sat down on the table and drunk the water. Shortly before I headed towards the kitchen to put the glass back, I heard some weird steps heading in the dining hall. I was confused and headed back into the dining  hall to see if someone was there but there was not a single sign of another human being. I shrugged these thoughts off and decided to look around a little more. I noticed the way which usually was locked before with the sign that said: Sauna was unlocked and so I went in to look what was there. I stepped into a dressing room. I looked around the dressing room. There were some lockers at the side and some benches. I looked around the dressing room, the bath and the sauna but there was not really something worth to mention there. I was just leaving the bath as I headed towards the dressing room as the door to the dressing room opened and someone came in. This someone was no one other than Mondo. "Oh, hey Y/N", he let out. "Hey", I replied. "Were you just checking this place here out too?", I asked him. "Well I was about to", he replied. 

We sat down on a bench and started a conversation again. "Can I ask you something?", he asked me. "Of course", I answered him. "Are you rather a cat person or a dog person?", he asked me. "Why are you asking that all of a sudden?", I replied as question. "Stop fooling around and answer my question!! I totally am a dog person. I mean sure, cats are cute but dogs are better", he let out, slightly raising his voice at the first part of his sentence. "I'm more of a dog person either", I answered him. "You don't just say that because I said I am a dog person too, do you?", Mondo asked as reply. "No I really am a dog person. I really would have liked to have a dog but my parent's have an allergy against animal hair", I replied. "Oh alright then", Mondo answered with a slight smile. "I had a dog once whose name was Chuck but it died sadly", he added. "Oh I'm sorry for you", I let out. "It hurts to lose a dog you deeply care for and love", he let out while slightly raising his voice again. "I can imagine", I let out, not quite knowing what to say at that point. 

We continued our conversation as it soon was time to go into the dining hall again to tell each other what we have found out. We headed to the dining hall together and sat down on the table next to each other. After the dinner, we headed to our rooms again. 

That night, I tried to sleep for a long time but never succeeded. I quickly took a glimpse at my wristwatch and noticed it was around midnight. I let out a groan as my head ached badly. I threw my head onto my bed again and my pillow on top of my face while letting out another groan. But I soon heard some steps outside, AGAIN. Only that this time, it unfortunately weren't just the steps, no, I suddenly heard a rattling at my door, as if someone tried to get inside of my room. I panicked. My heart beat went faster as well as my breathing and I suddenly sat up, dropping my pillow to the ground as I sneaked towards the door in the dark. I unlocked it and opened it up to see what was outside but there was nothing but silence. I let out a groan and stepped inside of my room again, closing and locking my door, picking up my pillow and after another hour of not being able to sleep, I finally drifted off to sleep. 

The next days have passed like that and I couldn't concentrate that much anymore. It also was harder for me to fall asleep but this place was just driving me insane. Especially after Leon got executed. Which high school would bring their students to kill and execute them when they were found guilty? I stood up with bad headache again and then, I left my room and headed to the dining hall. 

The day was pretty chilled. Shortly after nighttime, I headed towards the dining hall for something to drink. I wanted to head back but noticed Mondo on my way. We soon sat in the main hall in front of the hallway towards the dorms or the dining hall, leaning against the wall and talking a bit. Though we promised not to go out in nighttime, we just were talking, so what was wrong with that? I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways and maybe some talks with Mondo made the whole thing with imagining to hear sounds or voices or anything like that better. But soon, we heard some real steps from the hallway and a door opening. Since we sat directly next to the entrance of the sauna, he pulled me into the dressing room that we weren't discovered. We continued our conversation there, since none of us wanted to go to our rooms yet. And in fact, I could need some company in last time. 

We somehow ended up in a kind of competition in the sauna. I was to embarrassed to put off my clothes and just sit there in towel in front of him so I kept them on and he did too. We kind of kept provoking each other, though it wasn't a fight. We just watched who could spend more time in the sauna. After a lot of time, I noticed that the sauna wasn't making my headache or the fact that I slowly was turning insane better. I was just looking at the wall in front of me as I heard the door rattling again. I instantly got slight panic and looked towards the door to see nothing was there and that I panicked without any reason again. "Yo is everything okay?", Mondo asked me. I leaned back against the bench we were sitting on. "Yeah it's just that I've been hearing stuff which obviously aren't there again", I answered. "Again? Damn how often do you have that?", he asked. "Ever since Leon's executions- around every 15 minutes", I replied honestly. "Shit I never knew it was that bad", he let out. "Well we're in a life or death situation we can't escape. I've seen multiple corpses up to now in the shortest amount of time and this video we got to watch- the execution- This place is driving me insane", I let out. "Ugh I feel this. I just finally want to get out of here again- It can't be that we have to stay there until we die, that just can't be it!!!", Mondo let out, raising his voice. "Same here. I just want to see my family again even though it will be hard to explain what happened to Leon..", I let out. He leaned back against the kind of bench too and looked at the wall. A minute has passed and slowly, I really couldn't take it anymore. "How about we get out, this whole heat isn't making my headache and the fact that I'm slowly getting insane better", I offered. "ugh you're probably right", Mondo let out as he stood up, reaching me his hand as help to get up. I took his hand as he pulled me up. While I stood in the sauna, I checked my wristwatch. "Damn it's late. Well I wouldn't have been fallen asleep up to now anyways", I let out. "Because of that thing with imagining sounds?", he asked. "Yep", I answered. "Because of that I always have large trouble to fall asleep", I added. "If you want you can stay over in my room for the next nights, maybe you'll sleep better", he let out, almost yelling. Did he really mean that? My face lit up slightly. "Sure, thank you", I replied while we headed out of the sauna, totally exhausted. 

1512 words 

A/N: so I thought it would be a cute idea to write that the reader is starting to get insane and Mondo helps a little. In fact, because of that large amount of stress right now, I start to hear those shitty things too and it's a real pain in the ass in fact. Everything what was about hearing voices in this chapter are true and happened to me and I hate it. I just hope it stops some day. However, it's late, I have to learn for my french delf test, even though it's 10 PM so I won't be uploading today again, sorry- 

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