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SCREAM ripped through my throat as I woke up, my body was shaking from another nightmare

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SCREAM ripped through my throat as I woke up, my body was shaking from another nightmare. I tugged on my hair while looking around, noticing the mess I've made during my sleep.

"Fuck..." I sighed and closed my eyes, stretching out my hands.

Things around me started levitating and getting back to their place, sweat was gathering near my temple but still I continued on cleaning with my mind. I opened my eyes to see the glowing veins covering my arms, before focusing on the still levitating things that were lazily traveling through the air.

That's when the door to my room burst open, which made me jump and make one of the levitating books fly at the intruder's face.

"OW! Easy there chica!"

I let out a sigh of relief and slowly finished organising the flying things, as the intruder walked inside my room as if it were his own.

"You know saying sorry, wouldn't kill you" he said while sitting down on my bed.

"And knocking wouldn't kill you, as the next time it will be something far sharper flying at your face" I said calmly, while getting out of my bed and walking out on the balcony.

Carlos laughed and followed me, while wrapping a blanket over my bare shoulders as we stood on the freezing balcony.

"You know, sometimes I think that you might not like me" he said, while taking out his cigarettes.

I took one of them and used my purple fire to light it, as I answered with a snort "You're quite perceptive, my friend. Be careful with the thinking, you might hurt yourself"

He laughed and lit his own cigarette "I'll think about it" then he let out a hiss of pain and grabbed his head "Oh damn... you were right! My brain is dying!"

With a snort I said "Your brain is dying because of the gallons of alcohol you put inside yourself" 

Carlos chuckled "If that was the case, then I would be dead back in the twenties"

"Never say, never. Maybe the time will come for your ass" I said while lazily pulling on my cigarette, my eyes looking at the snow covered area.

"Nah, I plan on living and drinking until humans destroy this planet" he answered with a smirk.

I shook my head at him as I finished my cigarette and patted his shoulder, saying "You and me, pal. You and me both"

Walking inside my room, I started choosing some clothes before heading to the bathroom while yelling "Close the balcony when you're done!"

"Yes, mi princessa!"

I shook my head and locked the bathroom door, took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. My seidr influenced magenta hair was reaching my shoulder blades, my eyes remained brown as I wasn't using my abilities. My skin got as light as the snow outside, from the little sunlight Norway got in the winter. It made me look a bit sick, as the dark circles under my eyes stood out just like the freckles covering my body.

LONELINESS | Jasper Hale [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora